It’s been almost half a year since Ye Qianxing came to Spirit World, but he didn’t know much about Spirit World and he was limited to Heavenly Jade continent.

No, even Heavenly Jade continent doesn't know much about it.

So I plan to take this opportunity to find out.

"Spirit World? I don't want to talk too much, but I still understand some of the general situation. What are you referring to?"

Flame Emperor said.

Ye Qianxing sorted out his thoughts and asked questions from big to small first.

"I heard that Heavenly Jade continent is just a tip of the iceberg in the entire Spirit World, is this true?"

"It's a bit exaggerated, but it's not wrong, Spirit World It’s vast. I don’t know how big it is. I don’t think many people know. As far as I know, Spirit World has seven continents, named Heavenly Jade, Tianji, Tianshu, Tianquan, and Yuheng. Heavenly Jade continent, Heavenly Jade continent, is one of them, but these seven continents are far apart and isolated by the Spirit Sea, so few people know these."

Flame Emperor thought about it. Thought, explained.

Ye Qianxing could not help but think of Big Dipper when he heard the names of these seven continents.

The name of continent is actually based on Big Dipper, and I don't know if there is any special reason.

But Ye Qianxing is not thinking about this now.

Spirit World is so vast and vast, wouldn't it be more difficult for him to find Xiao Yu, Xiao Kun and Zhou Lang.

If they are not on Heavenly Jade Continent, then no matter how troublesome they are, they won't be able to reach them.

"No matter how difficult it is, I must find them. If they are not on Heavenly Jade continent, then I will go to another continent!"

Ye Qianxing in the heart swears.

Then he continued to ask.

"Then how do I get to the other six continents? Your Majesty, have you been to another continent?"

"I haven't been, but each continent is far apart, But it’s not that no one has visited, otherwise I’m also impossible to know about the other six continents. As long as I’m willing to pay, I should be able to get maps to other continents. However, Spirit Sea is extremely dangerous, and there may even be unknown horrors. Monster beast, even me, I dare not cross easily."

The Flame Emperor continued to explain, he heard the consciousness in Ye Qianxing's words, and persuaded.

"Ye Qianxing, I know that you must want to go to another continent when you ask this. I also know that I can't persuade you, and with your enchanting innate talent, you should not be constrained by a trifling Heavenly Jade continent. , But I still have to persuade you to do what you can. All you lack is time. When you become stronger, it is never too late to go."

"Your Majesty, I understand."

Ye Qianxing nodded said, he is also impossible to kill himself.

You must have enough strength to talk about it, otherwise you will die before he goes to find someone. Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Next, Ye Qianxing and Flame Emperor talked about Spirit World and various continents. Flame Emperor also made sense of it and directly said everything he knew.

It is a pity that he is just a Sovereign of a dynasty after all, and he has never gone out.

What I know is only heard from my ancestors, and the details are not clear at all.

So Ye Qianxing did not get any important news.

The Tianyao Emperor Dynasty is still a little far away from the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty. According to Flame Emperor's estimation, it should be at night.

As time goes by, the day passes quickly, the sun sets, and the night falls.

Ye Qianxing stood on the back of Hei Peng, overlooking the earth, and found that not far from the front was a brightly lit city, multi-colored, almost the same as those first-tier big cities when he was on Earth and Star.

This should be their destination, the Imperial Capital of Emperor Tianyao, Tianyao City.

It really deserves to be an emperor. This Imperial Capital is much stronger than the capital of the Great Yan Emperor. It can be seen that the economic strength of the Yaodi Dynasty is much stronger than that of the Great Yan Emperor.

"Yanjing back then was like this."

The Flame Emperor appeared beside Ye Qianxing for some time, in a melancholy tone.

Ye Qianxing is not good at answering, so he can only wait in silence.

The Flame Emperor didn't care at all, and continued.

"It will land in a while, remember, Emperor Tianyao is not as big as Yan, this is not our territory, and because of the Ten Thousand Pilgrimages, various forces will appear in Tianyao City recently. It’s a great character, so try to be low-key. If you really mess with a great character, it’s hard for me to keep you."

"Don’t worry, I’m not a person who likes to make trouble."

Ye Qianxing said with a smile.

Fortunately, the Flame Emperor didn't ask Yan Shenshen about Ye Qianxing's previous affairs before he came, otherwise he would definitely regret bringing Ye Qianxing over at this time.

And if Yan Shenshen was present at this time, he would definitely say indignantly.

"This guy is a special troublemaker. If he doesn't make trouble anymore, the sow will go up the tree."

While speaking, Hei Peng began to land.

Ye Qianxing felt even more deeply after seeing Yaocheng this day up close. The prosperity of Yaocheng this day was more than one grade higher than that of Yanjing.

Entering Tianyao City, relevant personnel from the Tianyao Emperor came to receive him.

Brought Ye Qianxing and Flame Emperor and the others to a mansion.

The mansion is not very big, only a few acres of land, and there are only more than 20 rooms.

"Honorable Flame Emperor, I am very sorry. There are so many VIPs who have come to participate in and observe the Ten Thousand Pilgrimages. The housing is a bit tight. I can only apologize for staying here for the time being. I hope to forgive me."

The staff smiled professionally, said a series of official polite remarks, and left.

Ye Qianxing looked at this mansion, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Even in Yanjing, this standard is just the residence of ordinary officials.

Flame Emperor dignified Monarch of the entire Country, but to live in such a place, it is also awkward.

"Normally, under the gradual conditions of the Great Yan Emperor, it is even possible that even the title of the dynasty cannot be kept, and naturally it will not get the attention of the Tianyao Emperor. Ye Qianxing, remember one sentence, you have to think To gain the respect of others, first of all you need to have enough capital to make people value it."

The Flame Emperor is imaginative, and of course he may have been used to it a long time ago. After all, he is not the first time he has participated in the Wanchao. .

"You have a room for every three to four people. Assign the rooms, and then clean up my room with Ye Qianxing."

The Flame Emperor commanded.

The seventy-two guards live in one room for every three or four people. As for him and Ye Qianxing live in a room separately.

The rooms are limited, so they can only be allocated like this.

The guards of the Flame Emperor have all gone to take care of the orders. On this day, the Yao Emperor really didn’t take the Yan Emperor seriously. It’s all about arranging this kind of mansion, not even the servants. arrange.

It is really a waste to let these powerful sixth rank Monster Soul Master do sanitation work.

While these Flame Emperor guards are cleaning, Ye Qianxing expressed his desire to go out and stroll around.

The Flame Emperor did not discourage him, after all, Ye Qianxing is no longer a child, and always impossible to restrict his freedom.

However, he still sent his guard leader to follow Ye Qianxing, on the one hand to protect Ye Qianxing, on the other hand to act as a tour guide.

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