
This place also has a VIP system.

Ye Qianxing asked: "Then how can I become a member?"

"Very simple sir, you only need to spend 100 million copper coins in Xingyu Chamber of Commerce. You can formally apply to become a member."

The shopping guide little elder sister said hurriedly.

If she can make customers become members, she can also get a lot of commission rewards.

"One hundred million?"

Ye Qianxing almost screamed when he heard the number said by the little elder sister of the shopping guide.

The threshold of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce is also high enough.

One hundred million copper spirit coins Ye Qianxing is not unavailable. When he was in Jizhou city last time, he pitted five hundred million from the people of the Xiting Academy.

But even if the money is not his hard-earned money, it is impossible to waste it.

It is so extravagant to exchange one billion for one member.

Seeing the expression of Ye Qianxing, the shopping guide little elder sister also guessed that this customer should not be someone with background, and sighed disappointedly.

But he said softly with professionalism.

"Sir, in fact, besides becoming a member, there is another way. Tomorrow night Xingyu Chamber of Commerce will hold an auction. There will be many good things, including Heaven Grade Arcane. Fire, you can wait until tomorrow to buy."


Ye Qianxing became a little interested when he heard the little elder sister of the shopping guide.

The Flame Emperor told him about the order of events of the Wanchao Shenghui, first with pill fighting, then with the younger generation. The latter will have to be two days later, so Ye Qianxing can participate in the auction tomorrow night. .

"Okay, come back tomorrow night."

Ye Qianxing nodded, if you can’t find something that suits you at auction tomorrow night, then consider whether to spend 100 million to get a member. .

After leaving Xingyu Chamber of Commerce, Ye Qianxing took Xue Yi to stroll around Yaocheng this day for a while, and then returned to the residence after feeling boring.

I slept beautifully, and the second day went to the Imperial Palace under the leadership of Flame Emperor.

The Ten Thousand Pilgrimage will naturally be held in the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace of Emperor Tianyao is like a small independent city, with a city gate, even a moat, and soldiers guarding it.

Normally, the Imperial Palace does not allow outsiders to enter, and even outsiders are not allowed to stop and watch. This is to ensure the majesty of the Imperial Family.

But today, the door of the Imperial Palace is open, and the army surrounds the Imperial Palace, isolating the people who want to observe.

Only those dynasties, dynasties and Sect forces who have been invited are eligible to enter.

Ye Qianxing and Flame Emperor entire group also followed the crowd into the Imperial Palace and came to a large square.

"Flame Emperor Your Majesty, the area where the big Yan Emperor is headed is over there, please follow me."

A staff member led Flame Emperor and Ye Qianxing and the others moved Walk towards one direction, and finally come to a circled area.

The area is not big, it just fits them, and it's a bit crowded.

Ye Qianxing looked around, browsing slightly wrinkle.

Because the areas next to them are obviously much larger than theirs.

"We Dayan still holds the title of dynasty after all, so we are in some dynasties on the continent, but Dayan is at the bottom of the imperial court, so we get this treatment. It's normal too."

The Flame Emperor explained that he was really thinking about it.

But outsiders don’t know how he feels in his heart. After all, he is the most embarrassed person.

"Yo, Brother Flame Emperor, oh no, it should be Brother Yan Emperor. It's really long time no see."

Suddenly, someone opened the mouth and in the area next to you. said.

Is a fair-skinned blond middle-aged man.

The emperor of the dynasty is called emperor, and the emperor of the dynasty is called emperor. The Great Yan Emperor was once an emperor, so it was called Flame Emperor.

But now it has fallen to the dynasty. Although it is still called Flame Emperor inside, it can only be called Yan Emperor outside.

The blond and blue-eyed middle-aged first called him Flame Emperor, and then changed his name to Yan Emperor.

The provocation is very obvious.

The Flame Emperor didn't get angry at all, and said hello.

"The style of the Imperial Brother in the West is still the same."

"Hahaha, Brother Yan Emperor is still so serious. By the way, I heard that the chief Immortal Medicine of your country a few days ago, Shi Shan Mingjing He was assassinated, I don’t know what’s going on? Shan Lao, but Brother Yan, you worked hard to find it for this ten thousand pilgrimage meeting. If something goes wrong with him, Da Yan will really have to fall to the dynasty this time. Are you in a position?"

The Western Emperor continued to say with a smile.

Hearing the assassination of Lao Shan came out of the opponent's mouth, Flame Emperor's face changed obviously.

He looked at the Western Emperor coldly, said solemnly.

"It won’t take the Imperial Brother’s troubles. Old Shan is no longer a serious problem, but I have always had a grudge against Dayan. I dare to attack my chief Immortal Medicine teacher. Let me find the person behind the scenes, I will definitely not be merciless!"

Flame Emperor angrily said, meaning something.

But the Emperor Naxi seems to be incomprehensible, repeatedly nodded.

"Well, it should be strictly investigated. After all, it was a direct assassination in the Imperial Palace, and it was successful. If this kind of news spreads, Da Yan's face will be hard to survive."

The Western Emperor said with a smile, have hidden meaning, seemingly caring, but actually mocking.

Everyone with a bright eye can see it.

"Which dynasty is this person? Why does it seem to be very uncomfortable with Your Majesty."

Ye Qianxing asked softly moving towards the guard leader Xue Yi beside him.

"hmph, that man is the emperor of the Xiting Dynasty, the Western Emperor, the whole person is mystifying, which makes people annoying."

Xue Yi said coldly snorted, and he was obviously right about that. The Western Emperor was very upset.

"West Court Dynasty?"

Ye Qianxing was relieved when he heard this name.

No wonder that guy always frigid irony and scorching satire on the Flame Emperor. It turned out to be a feud.

The Xiting Dynasty and the Great Yan Emperor belonged to neighboring countries, and there were even territories still connected together, which led to constant disputes between the two countries and extremely poor relations.

Thousands of years ago, when Dayan was an imperial dynasty, Xiting was just a Subsidiary Country of Dayan, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes at all.

But with the fall of the Great Flame, many neighboring countries took advantage of this opportunity to rise up, and Xiting is one of the representatives.

Adhering to the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill your life, he vigorously took advantage of the great inflammation, and rose rapidly. In just a few decades, he was promoted from the country to the dynasty.

And its economic level is also at the top of the dynasty, and the wealth of its citizens is even comparable to that of the Tianyao dynasty.

These were all snatched from the original Flame Emperor.

After the inflammation eased, I was also very upset with Xi Ting's previous behavior.

Coupled with disputes over interests such as territory and land, conflicts occur from time to time.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship between these two dynasties is a feud.

While speaking, people from all dynasties, dynasties and sect forces are here.

The Ten Thousand Pilgrimages are about to begin.

As the host of the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Holy Meeting, the host of the Tianyao Emperor Dynasty sent a host of official polite remarks first.

After talking for a few hours, I finally slowly entered the topic.

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