"Dad, Mom, they all said that you are also from this world, when will I find you?"

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

He hasn't forgotten the reason why he made up his mind to come to Spirit World in the first place. It was to find his parents who had never met before, but helped him several times inadvertently.

An accident happened midway, causing Xia Xiaoyu, Zhou Lang and Xiao Kun to disappear.

So his purpose now is a few more, that is, to find them together.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, you must be cheating!"

A scream broke Ye Qianxing's longing, and at the same time broke the silence on the court.

Everyone's eyes moved towards, looking in the direction from which the sound came, and found that it was the Western Emperor of the Xiting Dynasty who was speaking.

At this time, he looked savage, obviously he could not accept reality.

This time there is no need for Ye Qianxing to speak, and Flame Emperor is snered.

"Xihuang, you can't slander it casually, Dan Dou is very fair, and there are so many of us watching, how did Ye Qianxing cheat?"

"You So, does it mean that all of us here are blind, or do you think the Tianyao Emperor's supervision of the examination room is not strict?"

As soon as the Flame Emperor said this, he directly released the Western Emperor. On the cusp of the storm.

In fact, the Western Emperor was mainly too shocked, too unbelievable, that's why he subconsciously said that.

Now came back to his senses, and I also know how stupid I was just now.

"Whether I cheated, everyone in the audience knows it, Your Majesty, as the presiding judge, do you think I cheated?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards the master The emperor Yaodi, even if he was facing the Heavenly Jade continent only one emperor of the dynasty, Ye Qianxing did not have the slightest wave of waves in his eyes.

"Your refining process is obvious to everyone. Naturally, there is no doubt that this pill battle is over. I announce that the representative of the Medicine Refining Master of the Yan Emperor Dynasty won the first place."

Yaodi looked at Ye Qianxing, his eyes also flashed with appreciation.

As soon as he said this, fierce applause suddenly sounded off the court.

Even the Medicine Refining Masters sent by various countries are willing to applaud Ye Qianxing.

Such a young man has a higher level of refining medicine than them, which deserves their respect.

"This great Yan Emperor has been silent for so many years. Didn't expect to rise up all at once. There was an alchemy evildoer, such a young Grade 8 Immortal Medicine division, Heavenly Jade continent for nearly a hundred years. Haven’t appeared before, right?"

"More than a hundred years, looking at Heavenly Jade continent's millions of years of history, the old man has never heard of such a genius of alchemy, this child is definitely Heaven's Chosen Son , The future is limitless."


Many people are discussing spiritedly, the Flame Emperor's ears are extraordinary, listening to the admiration of those people's faces can not help but show joy .

A powerful Medicine Refining Master is indeed an extremely important factor for a dynasty. It is no exaggeration to say that it can help a declining dynasty to rise again.

Not to mention that Ye Qianxing is still such a young Grade 8 Immortal Medicine teacher, there is still room for improvement in the future.

"cough cough, this Immortal Medicine teacher from Dayan, can you tell me your name."

At this moment, Yaodi suddenly asked Ye Qianxing .

There was another uproar off the court, and the dignified Yaodi took the initiative to ask someone's name.

This shows that Yao Di absolutely appreciates and attaches great importance to this person.

But yes, a young Grade 8 Immortal Medicine teacher is indeed worthy of Yao Di's appreciation.

The Flame Emperor's expression was stagnant, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Your Majesty, the foreign minister is Ye Qianxing."

Ye Qianxing did not hide it, but said his name.

"Well, Ye Qianxing, not bad, good name."

After hearing Ye Qianxing's name, Yaodi continued to say nodded.

"Thousand stars, you are so young, and you have a super high alchemy level. I admire you very much. How can Jin Lin be a thing in the pool? Whenever you encounter wind and cloud, you will be Dragon Transformation. I think you are A young dragon that can soar and take off while waiting to grow up, if it gives you an excellent environment, it will definitely be able to bring it up a level on the way."

"I don't want to see a Heaven's Chosen sink , So if you have any needs, you can ask me at will, I am definitely helping."

Listening to Yao Di’s words of praise to Ye Qianxing, how can the people who are here not understand Yao? The meaning in the words of the emperor.

This is just drawing in.

The unspoken implication of Yaodi’s words is that the Yan Emperor Dynasty has no ability and no resources to train you, so in order to bring it up a level, come to our Tianyao Emperor Dynasty. Well, as long as you come, I will definitely try my best to train you.

Flame Emperor, as the Monarch of the entire Country, is good at power, how can it not be understood.

His face changed obviously, and he drew him into Heaven's Chosen from the Great Yan Emperor in front of him. This is when pa pa pa slapped him in the face.

But he couldn't say anything, after all, Emperor Yao didn't say it clearly.

At this time, if Flame Emperor dared to stand up, it would be against Yao Emperor, with Da Yan's current strength by no means an opponent of Tian Yao Emperor.

Over the years, the Tianyao Emperor has actually been secretly suppressing the Yan Emperor.

After all, the Yan Emperor dynasty used to be a generation of dynasties, and the background is still there. Whenever there is a chance, it is possible to make a comeback. A continent can only have one dynasty.

When Da Yan rises, then his Tianyao is in danger.

Yaodi is absolutely impossible Seeing the rise of Great Yan, he will do everything possible to suppress it. Due to the international face problem, impossible is clearly suppressing.

But at this time, if Flame Emperor dares to confront Yaodi, it is to give him a chance to deal with Da Yan.

"Haha, Yan Emperor brother, it seems that Emperor Yao is very optimistic about that kid, and even throws out an olive branch. Can you bear it?"

Seeing the stitches, Xi Huang began to mock again, and tried to fan the flames.

But the Flame Emperor is not shallow, how can he express his anger casually.

He faintly smiled and said.

"Isn’t it normal for Emperor Yao to appreciate Ye Qianxing? This can further explain that Ye Qianxing is an innate talent person."

"Then do you think that kid will I think it is possible to accept Emperor Yao’s wooing. After all, Emperor Yao’s dynasty is very attractive. The conditions given by Emperor Yao are so good. It’s hard for anyone to refuse. It’s just a pity that you Yan, so hard to cultivate, but to make wedding dresses for others."

The Western Emperor said with a smile taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

The Flame Emperor stopped talking, but he felt a little nervous in his heart.

He is also not sure whether Ye Qianxing will accept Yaodi's solicitation. After all, he has been in contact with Ye Qianxing for a long time, and he doesn't know Ye Qianxing well.

It’s just that he has paid a lot for Ye Qianxing, and even let him enter the Flame Emperor secret store. If Ye Qianxing really joins the Tianyao Emperor Dynasty, it is indeed a big deal for him. Great loss.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing, who has not left the arena, was also slightly smiled after hearing what Yaodi said to him.

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