"Oh, mantis trying to stop a chariot."

Yaodi disdainful smile, the offensive is unabated, dragon claw continues to pat the sword qi shield around his body.

Just listen to the explosion of peng sound.

The sword qi raging in front of Jianyi broke into pieces, and his whole body was shaken back several meters, shaking his body.

"Really strong, is this the true strength of the emperor realm?"

Jian looked at Yaodi vigilantly.

Although he has always said that he can contend with the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm, to be honest, this is the first time he has really fought against the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm.

didn't expect the other party was so strong.

"What are you still waiting for, catch those two murderers!"

Yaodi moved towards those Tianyaodi shouted to the soldiers.

This group of soldiers reacted immediately and rushed towards Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang.

"With me, no one can approach them!"

With a violent shout, the sword attacked the group of soldiers.

Yaodi sneaked.

"Take care of yourself first."


As soon as the voice fell, he moved towards Jian Yi again.

Jian was helpless, so he had to give up his support and fight Yaodi with all his strength.

Facing the strong in the emperor realm, he dare not look around.

Dozens of monsters Royal General Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang surrounded them, and launched an attack at the same time.

"Your Majesty, please protect Zhou Lang, I will solve these guys!"


The Flame Emperor knows the strength of Ye Qianxing, He didn't say anything, just guarding Zhou Lang wholeheartedly.

Ye Qianxing took the initiative to kill the soldiers of the Tianyao Emperor.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, burn it for me!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, igniting a raging blue flame all over his body, and quickly spread to all around, instantly turning the surroundings around Made a piece of fire sea.

All the Tianyao Emperor who approached him towards the Monster Soul Master were swallowed by the fire sea and issued a series of screams.

Ye Qianxing is frowned.

"This field released by Yaotian not only confines space, but also suppresses our strength. Otherwise, with this group of weak chickens, there is no chance of screaming, and they will be burned directly. to ashes."

But fortunately, the strength of the Monster Soul Masters of the Tianyao Emperor Dynasty is not strong, and there is not even a Demon Soul Emperor, so it is not difficult to deal with.

The trouble is how to break through the realm released by Yaodi. Swords and a pair of fights against Yaodi will definitely not last long. If they waste some time, it will be more dangerous.

Seeing that his teammates were burned to ashes, the surviving Tianyao Emperor did not dare to approach Ye Qianxing towards the Monster Soul Master.

Ye Qianxing is thinking about how to break Yaodi's realm.

At this moment, the Flame Emperor's exclamation sounded.

"Thousand stars, be careful!"

At the same time, Ye Qianxing's predictive skills were triggered actively.

A flame moved towards him.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly rolled and avoided, then moved towards the direction of the attack source, and saw a familiar silhouette.


It was not someone else who attacked him, it was the vulture of Burning Heaven Sect.

Ye Qianxing has been facing Emperor Yao, and even forgot this guy.

Ye Qianxing's grievance with Burning Heaven Sect is not small. Now that Emperor Yao is against him again, this guy will definitely not give up this good opportunity.

Sure enough, the condor quickly sneered.

"jié jié, boy, see which way you can survive today, insult me ​​several times, and hurt me Young Master, today is your death date!"

" You think you can kill me? You are not qualified."

Ye Qianxing stared at the bald eagle, although he was extremely afraid, but he was still awkward.

"I'm not qualified? Hehe, don't talk nonsense, see the real chapter under your hand, little bastard, take your life!"

The vulture gave a loud shout and jumped up. Pounce on Ye Qianxing like an eagle spreading its wings.

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to be careless. He didn't seem to put the bald eagle in his eyes, but in fact he didn't dare to underestimate it.

Anyway, this guy is also a seventh-rank demon soul emperor.

With his current strength, unless his cards are exhausted and the Spirit Pets are summoned to fight together, he will have a chance of winning, otherwise he will not be an opponent at all.

But when he was in the ruins of the Little Thunder Sound Temple, what the Left Soul Envoy said made him understand that he could impose Spirit Pet on the matter and must not be leaked casually.

The Holy Soul Palace seems to attach great importance to his identity.

Therefore, Ye Qianxing did not dare to expose it easily without being a last resort.

Although the condor has deflated Jianyi's hand several times, it does not mean that he is weak, at least judging by Ye Qianxing's current strength, he is definitely strong.

"Li! "

A harsh eagle chirp sounded, and the vulture was enveloped by a black hawk demon soul.

Moved towards Ye Qianxing, a pair of hands turned into eagle claws, exposing the sharp claw, moved towards Ye Qianxing and grabbed it.

Looking at the sharp cold light glowing from sharp claw, Ye Qianxing knew that if he was caught, he would probably have to get a piece of meat.

Space is confined and space teleportation skills cannot be used. Ye Qianxing's strength is greatly affected, and he can't escape at this time.

He didn't want to hide either, Ye Qianxing was very upset at this time.

Yaodi, you think you can kill me, the vultures have to join in the fun, then fight!

The Lei Qi sword in Ye Qianxing's hand changed rapidly.

In an instant, it turned into a giant cannon.

"Electromagnetic gun, give me a bang!"

[The author has something to say]

This stem is derived from the lines in the movie "The Founding of the Army", quite Burning, the author’s blood boiled over watching it, you can check it out if you haven’t seen it

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