"Silly Eagle, what is the origin of that Huang sister?"

Ye Qianxing is still very curious about that Huang sister.

The silly eagle groaned for a moment, slowly said.

"Speaking of which, Huang Jie's origin is very mysterious, even I don't know it, I guess even my Old Master won't know it all."

"I only I know that Sister Huang came to Hundred Thousand Great Mountains almost four hundred years ago. At that time, I was not born. At that time, Sister Huang hadn't transformed. She was accepted as an Adopted Daughter by my father, and she has stayed there ever since. The holy spring is here, by the way, at that time there was still an open space without holy spring."

"The holy spring was created by Sister Huang. It has become a treasure of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. You should I also know how sacred spring is against the sky. At first Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, there are many Monster Races coveting it and wanting to win it. However, Sister Huang’s cultivation talent is also extremely against the sky. In less than ten years, she was promoted to the emperor. Level, I beat all those intruders back."

"Later, my Old Master even came forward directly and announced that he had accepted Huang sister as an Adopted Daughter. Our Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family is in Hundred. Thousand Great Mountains has a transcendent status. All Monster Races of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains large and small have to give a bit of face."

"Finally, it was decided by negotiation that all Monster Races would not be allowed without permission. Intruded into an area ten kilometers around the holy spring, but if Sister Huang wants to stay in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, she also has to make a contribution. If there is a Monster Race that needs the help of holy spring, Sister Huang can't stand by."

"Speaking of which, the battle of which was more than three hundred years ago, thanks to the holy spring of Sister Huang, we Monster Race can regain our vitality..."

The small Thunder Sound Temple has been around for more than a hundred years. The silly eagle is really boring, and there are not many people who can chat.

Ye Qianxing can barely understand the general situation about Huang Sister.

In fact, the origin of the silly eagle about Sister Huang is basically not clear. The only valuable thing in these words is that the holy spring was created by Sister Huang.

I have personally experienced the efficacy of the Holy Spring Ye Qianxing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I can bring the dead back to life.

This Huang sister can create such a heaven-defying treasure, the origin is certainly not ordinary.

"By the way, silly eagle, you just said that Sister Huang is your father's Adopted Daughter, then you are her righteous brother? Then your relationship should be good, right?"

Ye Qianxing asked again suddenly.

The silly eagle gave a wry smile.

"It depends on how good you said it is. Compared to other Monster Races, my relationship with Sister Huang is indeed the best, but to be honest, my contact with Sister Huang has not Not much."

"She likes to be quiet, so she almost always stays at Shengquan. I came to play with her when I was young, but Sister Huang seems to have some problems with her personality. Tired, so I seldom look for her later. In name, Sister Huang belongs to our Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan, but it doesn’t really matter much."

The silly eagle explained.

Ye Qianxing has a deep understanding of what the idiot said.

How should I put it, he thinks that Sister Huang is not deeply involved in the world and not good at socializing, so that's why.

Next, Ye Qianxing talked about other things with Sha Diao.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

Standing on the back of the silly eagle, and feeling the gale blowing by, Ye Qianxing looked down towards the bottom.

An extremely huge and magnificent black great hall stands on the top of the mountain.

How big is the great hall? Let’s describe it this way. Even in terms of the size of the Golden Wings Great Peng sculpture, it can hold hundreds of them.

But Ye Qianxing can also accept it, after all, this is the palace of Monster Race.

Monster Race is generally very large, and their palace is naturally very large.

The fool took Ye Qianxing to the ground and descended to the door of the great hall.

I saw two huge monster beasts guarding both sides of the gate. Ye Qianxing couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air just by looking at it.

These two monster beasts are both of Sovereign level.

Using two beast kings to guard the gate, really proud!

"Young Master."

Seeing the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle descend, the two beast kings who guarded the gate shouted respectfully.

Golden Wings Great Peng carved nodded, and then asked.

"Old Master, are they all in there?"

"Yes, the Eagle King said that you can go in and look for him when you come."

One of them The gatekeeper beast king said.

"Okay, let's go."

After the silly eagle finished speaking, he walked into the great hall with Ye Qianxing.

Of course, when he came here, Ye Qianxing naturally stopped sitting on the silly eagle.

After all, the latter is the Young Master here. If he dared to ride on the Young Master, it might arouse public anger.

Entering the great hall, Ye Qianxing felt a solemn atmosphere.

From time to time, you can see monster beasts with terrifying aura standing aside, and there is a faint light flashing in the darkness, there should be a dark whistle.

There are both bright and dark whistles, and they are all powerful Great Demon beasts above Beast King Level.

It seems that this great hall should be very important to the Golden Wings Great Peng carving family.

"This is the ancestral hall, which enshrines the dead ancestors and heroic spirits of our Golden Wings Great Peng family. It is the most important place of our family. So far, only a foreigner like you has come in. It seems Old The Master really values ​​you."

The silly eagle gave Ye Qianxing a strange look and said.

"Take care of me?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, what is his own worthy of the attention of the Head of a Clan?

But Ye Qianxing didn't ask much, and kept silent, and followed the silly eagle to the depths of the great hall.

After a while, they came to a gate again.

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