"hmph !"

Ghost Qi still pervades Ye Qianxing's body, even if Ye Qianxing has a ghostly Nether Flame body, he feels great pressure.

At this moment, Peng King is coldly snorted on the side.

Seeing his wings slammed, the hurricane whistled past, next moment, Ghost Qi was forcibly blown back.

The ghost car's eyes suddenly turned to Peng King.

"Dapeng, are you trying to intervene in the matter between us and this human?"

The ghost car sounded cold, but still took back the bursts of Ghost Qi.

Peng King said.

"Ghost car, you have lived for thousands of years anyway. You don't need to care about a human child. This also insults your identity, doesn't it?"

"And He is a distinguished guest of my Golden Wings Great Peng carving family. This king is impossible to sit and watch. So, I hope you can give this king a thin face, forget it."

"Forget it? Peng King , Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? This deity has lost a Nether demon flower! You should know very well that without this Nether demon flower, the deity will have to wait at least two thousand years for a breakthrough!"

said the ghost car with gnashing teeth.

"Or, do you plan to compensate the deity for this human being?"

Compensation for Ye Qianxing?

Peng King brows frowned.

It's not that he can't bear it, but the Nine Nether magic flower is really too difficult to find, too rare, and the entire Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, perhaps only the two cultivated by ghost cars.

He wants to help, but he can't help.

"Dapeng, since you can’t help him compensate for the loss of the deity, then don’t worry about it. Other Monster Races are afraid of you, but the deity is not afraid. The deity may not be your opponent, but yours My compatriots, I'm afraid I will suffer."

The sound of the ghost car is extremely cold, threatening Peng King directly.

In terms of strength, Peng King is indeed better than him, but he has an advantage, which is also a disadvantage of Peng King.

That is Peng King and the entire Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family need protection, and he is just alone.

To put it simply, those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

Peng King has no doubts about ghost cars. After all, what these ominous beasts like to do most is slaughter.

Peng King is strong, but not much better than ghost cars.

As long as the ghost car cannot be killed quickly, the other monster beasts of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan will have to suffer.

"Ghost car, you..."

Being threatened, Peng King's anger went up.

Just about to break out, Ye Qianxing stopped him again.

"Peng Senior Wang, let the younger generation handle it."

Peng King hearing this hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

He is really afraid of ghost cars. If Ye Qianxing and other methods can be solved peacefully, it is naturally the best.

Ye Qianxing looked towards the ghost car again.

"Actually, there is another way to solve the problem, the ghost car. After all, what you are distressed about is not a Nine Nether magic flower, but an opportunity for breakthrough, am I right?"


Ye Qianxing said suddenly.

The ghost car also looked at Ye Qianxing, a little curious, and wanted to see how he planned to solve it.

"Yes and how, do you have other methods that can help me breakthrough?"


Surprised the ghost car Yes, Ye Qianxing is actually nodded.

The ghost car looked at Ye Qianxing in surprise, and said in disbelief.

"Human kid, don't rant in front of the deity. If you want the deity to break through the bottleneck of the fifth stage of the emperor and promote it to the sixth stage of the emperor, you must have two or more Nine Nether cubes. But, even if you use other nine-grade Immortal Medicine instead, you are a trifling human child, what other methods can the deity break through?"

The ghost car looked at Ye Qianxing with disdain.

Ye Qianxing's face doesn't change.

"Indeed, if you want a breakthrough bottleneck, you have to absorb the Power of Netherworld contained in the two Nine Nether magic flowers, but that is because if you only swallow Immortal Medicine, you cannot absorb all of it. , It is bound to emit more than 50% of the energy."

"But what if it can be refining into a pill? That one plant is enough."

Ye Qianxing smiled confidently. .

Why is Medicine Refining Master so popular?

Because Medicine Refining Master can take out most of the medical power in spiritual medicine and save it, and condense it into medicine pill.

The more powerful Medicine Refining Master, the more medicinal power can be saved.

And if it only swallows spiritual medicine, let alone the medical power quality in it, it has many impurities, which can easily cause damage to the body, and at least half of the energy in it has to be wasted.

Therefore, medicine pill and spiritual medicine at the same level have a huge energy gap.

Ye Qianxing has just found out through the eyes of the system, and the ghost car wants to be promoted. It is enough to make a medicine pill with a Nine Nether magic flower and some ordinary demonic spiritual medicine.

"Refined into medicine pill?"

When the ghost car heard Ye Qianxing's words, his heart moved.

He has lived for so long, and he naturally understands the difference between medicine pill and Immortal Medicine.

It’s just that there is no Medicine Refining Master in Monster Race, so most Monster Races basically swallow spiritual medicine Immortal Medicine directly, and basically never take medicine pill.

Only a few Monster Races have snatched medicine pill from humans, and they are more aware of the benefits of medicine pill.

"Could it be that you are a Medicine Refining Master?"

The ghost car looked at Ye Qianxing's confident smile, eyes slightly narrowed, and took the initiative to reduce the pressure a lot, but still his tone was cold Asked indifferently.

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