"Dan Thunder Tribulation?"

The ghost car was somewhat dreaded looking at the thunderclouds condensing in the sky, although he didn't know how strong Dan Thunder Tribulation was induced by Immortal Pill. , But at this time the thundercloud in midair did give him a sense of danger.

The heavenly thunder had a certain restraint effect on his ominous beast of the demon system, so the ghost car did not move forward.

"You mean, Immortal Pill has taken shape, but you still need to survive the Thunder Tribulation?"

Ghost car solemnly asked, Ye Qianxing nodded.

"Then if Transcending Tribulation fails, will Immortal Pill be abolished?"

"Impossible failed."

Ye Qianxing looked confident, Nine Heavens Thundercloud called over.

With him, Thunder Tribulation and Ye Qianxing have never been afraid, and even wish that the stronger the Thunder Tribulation, the better.

This is a great tonic for Xiao Lei.

"Then I will believe you once."

The ghost car thought for a moment, then returned.

The Ghost Qi exuding in Shennong Cauldron is indeed real. Compared to a Nine Nether magic flower, it contains at least twice the energy, so this human being has not lied, he can indeed refine the nine Product Immortal Pill.

So he chose to continue to believe in Ye Qianxing.

Above Nine Heavens, the thunderclouds are completely condensed. In the thunderclouds, it is as if there is a Great Desolate beast roaring, and it is as if Heavenly God is furious.

Give the Monster Race below the feeling of the end of the world.

"What a big movement, it seems that this Dan Thunder Tribulation is at least seven or nine Thunder Tribulation or more."

Ye Qianxing also sighed for a while.

It is worthy of being the Immortal Pill of Ninth Grade, which caused Heavenly Dao's jealousy and made such a big noise.


Just as Ye Qianxing was sighing in his heart, an explosion sounded in his ears.

Amidst the thunderclouds, a thick thunder suddenly descended and moved towards Ye Qianxing.

"Foggrass, the first Dao Pill Lei is so strong?"

Ye Qianxing was also a little shocked, but he didn't need to do anything.

Xiao Lei flew over Ye Qianxing's head, and took all the Dan Lei that hit Ye Qianxing.

bang! bang! bang! bang......

Before even one breath, another eight lightning strikes came down.

All hits Xiao Lei's body, but it is like raindrops falling into the sea, leaving only a little ripple.

The first wave was easily accepted by Xiao Lei.

The second wave is coming soon!

bang! bang! bang!

bang! bang! bang!

bang! bang! bang!

The previous waves Dan Lei Ye Qianxing was not worried, and Xiao Lei had received everything without any pressure.

But as it gets more and more, the formidable power of each thunder is getting bigger and bigger.

at first is just ordinary thunder and lightning, and behind it is mine, heavenly thunder.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the Dan Thunder descended will be of Divine Lightning level.

By that time, Xiao Lei might not be able to bear it.

"You can actually swallow the heavenly thunder, even this king, facing this Prestige of Heavenly Thunder, I am afraid it will not feel good, what kind of existence is this?"

Peng King With the ability to look at Xiao Lei in surprise, it was the first time he saw Ye Qianxing Spirit Pet.

Not only Peng King, other Monster Races, and even the experienced and knowledgeable Ancient Ominous Beast, are all astonished.

Xiao Lei's ability shocked them.

Thunder Tribulation continued to drop, and soon reached the seventh wave, Xiao Lei finally began to feel the pressure.

In the seventh wave of Thunder Tribulation, each of the lowered thunders is of heavenly thunder level.

By the time of the ninth channel, I already have the formidable power of the half-step Divine Lightning.

"Xiao Lei, how about it, can you still hold it? If it doesn't work, just retreat, I can do it myself."

Ye Qianxing said.

Xiao Lei's level is still low, so even if he can master the Heavenly Lightning Power and endure so much Thunder Tribulation at once, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

"I can do it, boss, don't worry."

Xiao Lei's tone is very firm.

His predecessor is ah, the Ancient Divine Beast who mastered Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

If you can't bear even a few Thunder Tribulation, wouldn't it be too embarrassing.

This is a matter of dignity, and he will never admit it.

The seventh wave of thunderstorms ended, but the thunderclouds in the sky mountain did not dissipate at all, and even the thunder inside was even more violent.

"Is the Eighth Wave coming? Could it be possible this time to attract the Eighty-Nine Thunder Tribulation?"

Ye Qianxing can't help but feel a little nervous at this time.


Eighth Wave, when the first Thunder Tribulation is lowered, it is directly a high level heavenly thunder!

Strikes on Xiao Lei, like a big rock falling into the water, smashing a big wave.

second, still high level heavenly thunder.

third, high level heavenly thunder.


The fifth, half-step Divine Lightning.

Six Paths, a half-step Divine Lightning.


The eighth way, primary level Divine Lightning!


A Divine Lightning that is not thicker than the previous thunder, but is more solid, descends.

Although it is only the primary level Divine Lightning, it is already very strong.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder mastered by Xiao Lei is no more than the intermediate Divine Lightning.

If it is only the primary level Divine Lightning, Ye Qianxing is not too worried, but Xiao Lei has just swallowed so many heavenly thunders, and he has not had time to refining it.

It's like a person who has a huge appetite, but has eaten so much food before digesting it, and the capacity in his stomach is not enough.

Moreover, this is only the eighth way, and it is already the primary level Divine Lightning.

What about the ninth way?

Isn’t it an intermediate Divine Lightning? This has reached the limit that Xiao Lei can bear.


Finally, Divine Lightning was lowered and hit Xiao Lei's body. Ye Qianxing could clearly feel Xiao Lei's pain.

It's just that he held back it and didn't show it.

Divine Lightning is raging in Xiao Lei's body. Although Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is suppressing it, it is not as simple as suppressing heavenly thunder and mine.

But under the hard work of Xiao Lei, that Divine Lightning still fell into the wrong.

Ye Qianxing believes that as long as Xiao Lei is given some time, it is only a matter of time before the refining Divine Lightning is suppressed.

But unfortunately, the thundercloud in the sky is unwilling to give him time.

The last thunder of Eighth Wave, soon fell too......

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