"In that time-honored battle, some Monster Races were forced into the forbidden area. Among them, a race named Nine Headed Snake discovered us, and they played against Mistress and Young Master’s Dragon Clan Bloodline. With the covetous heart, he shot at us..."

At this point, the prisoner's eyes instantly filled with red.

The temperament that was originally like a gentleman instantly became violent.

"At that time, Mistress had just finished giving birth, and my body was very weak, and I put all my strength on suppressing Qiongqi, and I couldn’t free my hands for a while. Finally, Mistress was not hatched to protect The Young Master of Nine Headed Snake resolutely fought against the Nine Headed Snake clan."

"At that time, there were many strong people in the Nine Headed Snake clan, and Mistress was too weak, and could not even exert 10% of the strength. Out, lost to those bastards, I watched Mistress being killed by them, but couldn’t save her at all."

"At the last moment, Mistress set a seal at the cost of sacrificing himself to protect Young The Master protected it. I was also angry at the time, thinking that at all costs, I would kill them all and avenge Mistress. Although I killed most of the clansman of the Nine Headed Snake clan in the end, they still escaped and are fleeing. Before, one of the Nine Headed Snake swallowed Young Master in his belly."

"I want to chase after it, but Qungqi who was suppressed under the altar knows my intentions, and it hates me for suppressing it. It has been so long that it has used all its strength to trap me here. I can only watch them leave."

"My pity, more than three hundred years have passed, Young Master, you are back alive," As soon as you stepped into the forbidden ground, I felt your breath. Although it is very different from the previous breath, I can still be sure that you are Young Master."

The last sentence , Prisoner Niu said to Xiao Taixu.

The breath is very different, that's for sure, after all, Xiao Tai Xu was injected with many different powers by Ye Qianxing.

The Time Law of the worn pocket watch and the killing aura of the white tiger bone claws. In other words, Xiao Taixu is no longer an ordinary Torch Dragon.

Ye Qianxing really did not expect that Xiao Taixu still has such an unknown life experience.

He was supposed to be a descendant of the noble Torch Dragon, but because of bloodline's prejudice, he was forced to leave his hometown and come here.

It was even swallowed by Nine Headed Snake.

If Ye Qianxing guessed right, the Nine Headed Snake that swallowed Xiao Taixu is the eight-headed snake in the Sea Territory near the Kingdom of the Sun.

It should have been injured in that unprecedented battle. It was cut off with a head, fell into the space tunnel, and then appeared on the earth star.

Later, I met him again, and then I had the rest.

"Young Master, for more than three hundred years, I have been living in guilt. I am ashamed of Mistress, ashamed of the lord, and the lord trusts me, so I will give me the task of protecting Mistress and you. But he failed his trust."

"If Mistress hadn’t told me to let Qiongqi be born, I would have accompanied her. But you’re back now, and I’m back. I have the motivation to live."

As he said, Prisoner Niu actually knelt down to Xiao Taixu.

"Although I have no impression of the previous events, if it is true as you said, then you are not to blame for this incident, you have done your duty, the fault is the Nine Headed Snake family, and the Torch The leader of Dragon lineage, and my cowardly and cowardly father!"

Xiao Taixu lifted up a dragon claw, patted the shoulder of the prisoner cow, comforted.

At the same time, hatred flashed in his eyes.

Like Ye Qianxing, Xiao Taixu has always cared about his own life experience. Upon learning of his mother's experience, Xiao Taixu's heart also filled with anger.

He hates, hates the greed of the Nine Headed Snake clan, hates the pedantic of the leader of Torch Dragon lineage, and hates the cowardice of his father who has never been seen before.

If his father was a little harder at the time and insisted on protecting their mother and child, would these things happen?

"Young Master, I know you have hatred in your heart, but I still have to say that you should return to Longdao, recognize ancestors and return to the fold."

The prisoner sighed and said.

Xiao Taixu glared with both eyes immediately.

"recognize ancestors and return to the fold? Hehe, they don't allow me to exist, so why should I go back to find them? I'm too small, and there is always only one relative, that is my boss , Ye Qianxing."

"What Dragon Island, what Torch Dragon lineage, it has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Taixu is coldly snorted, obviously, he is against Dragon Island and his family The hatred is very deep.

But Ye Qianxing is connected with his soul, and he can still feel it. In fact, Xiaotai still cares deep in his heart.

"Young Master, no matter how you hate it, the same bloodline flows in your body, which cannot be separated, and the lord still cares about you very much. He is only forced by the general situation."


The prisoner Niu persuaded.

"If he cares about us, how could he just watch us being driven away, don't say anything about the general situation, if he really cares, he will keep us at all costs."

"Like my boss, I heard that I was in danger, even if I knew it was a forbidden place, I still came in dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety. This is what I really care about."

Xiao Taixu said.

Hearing Xiao Taixu talk about his boss several times, Prison Niu couldn't help but shift his gaze to Ye Qianxing.

He seemed to underestimate Ye Qianxing's status in Xiaotai's humility before.

It seems... this human being is very important to Young Master.

"You help me persuade Young Master."

The prisoner cow looked at Ye Qianxing and did not speak, but his voice came directly into Ye Qianxing's mind.

Seeing the pleading eyes of the prisoner cow, Ye Qianxing also saw that he was sincere to Xiao Taixu.

Moreover, Ye Qianxing actually hopes that Xiao Taixu can recognize ancestors and return to the fold.

He and Xiao Taixu are of the same kind. They didn't know their life experience since they were born, so he understands better that Xiao Taixu still wants to go back because of resentment. Contradictory, very tangled.

"Little Taixu, I think you really should go back to Longdao."

Ye Qianxing said.

"Boss, why are you..."

"Listen to me, not to mention your father. I believe that your mother definitely hopes that you can return to Dragon Clan. "

Ye Qianxing said.

Of course, he is not as stupid as Prison Niu. He always uses his father as an example. Everyone knows that Xiao Taixu hates his father most.

Use his father to persuade him, this is simply indescribable.

It should be his mother.

Sure enough, Xiao Taixu didn't directly refute hearing this, but hesitated and hesitated.

Seeing this, the prisoner cow hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot.

"Yes, Young Master. In fact, Mistress has always dreamed that you can return to Dragon Clan, recognize ancestors and return to the fold, and get their approval."

That sentence was okay, the latter sentence was recognized by them, and it stimulated Xiao Taixu again.

"hmph, why do I need their approval?"

Ye Qianxing gave the prisoner a blank look. This guy has lived for so long, so he doesn't have a good brain.

Always irritated to Xiaotaixu.

"Yeah, why do you need to get their approval, but you still have to go back, but not to get their approval, but to slap them in the face. They looked down on your mother and child and made your mother suffer Humiliation, you should let them see, now you are better than they thought!"

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