"Old night, what's the matter?"

The silly eagle was also confused. Every Monster Race selected by the Monster Emperor demon soul directly exploded. blood mist.

Even he couldn't help being a little bit startled.

Although the gluttonous demon soul is still a little far away from here, it will come sooner or later.

The silly eagle doesn't want to see his own clan burst into blood mist.

Ye Qianxing also browses slightly wrinkle, opened the system eye to check, and the reason was instantly understood.

"As one of the four evil spirits in the ancient times, the fiendish qi in a suit is extremely tyrannical. These Monster Races that are possessed by it can't bear it at all, so they were blown up."

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

This is indeed a trouble. Even a few Monster Races of Sovereign level Peak couldn't bear it and burst into blood mist.

It can be seen how terrifying this demon soul is.

I am afraid that no one can bear it.

"Then what should we do, let this 梼杌 harm us? It is estimated that it will come to us soon."

The silly eagle stared at the 梼杌's demon soul vigilantly. .

Ye Qianxing did not speak, because he currently has no choice.

If anyone in the room can withstand the demon soul, Ye Qianxing is probably the only one.

But he is also not sure.

Even if his Life Source is sufficient, if it bursts into blood mist, it won't be able to recover.


At this moment, the demon soul seemed to not want to harm the Monster Race there anymore, and moved towards Ye Qianxing and the silly eagle rushed.

"Fogweed! My crow's mouth!"

Upon seeing this, the silly eagle slapped himself heavily, and hurriedly issued instructions to let the comrades behind him scatter and escape.

This will minimize casualties.

The silly eagle also hurriedly followed Ye Qianxing to hide in one direction.

"Sister Huang!"

Just a few steps away, Ye Qianxing found that Sister Huang was still standing still motionless.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

Ye Qianxing just wanted to tell her to avoid.

At this moment, the demon soul moved towards Huang Sister and rushed over.

"Not good."

Ye Qianxing secretly said a bad sound.

Although Sister Huang is a Monster Emperor, she may not be able to bear it.

After all, Ying Xiao was infinitely close to the terrifying existence of Divine Grade before he was alive. The baleful aura on his body is probably at least five tiers or more of the imperial grade to be able to bear it.

Ye Qianxing didn't have time to think about it at this time, he moved towards Sister Huang subconsciously and ran over, blocking her in front.

"Old night, you are crazy!"

The fool creded out in surprise, but it was too late to catch Ye Qianxing.

Seeing that the demon soul of Ying Luo was about to pour into Ye Qianxing's body, a black shadow rushed forward and swallowed the monster soul of Ying Luo in midair with one bite.

No one wanted to get this scene, even Ye Qianxing was confused.

But then he saw clearly what this dark shadow was.

A big dog with nine heads!

"Erbaiwu, you are crazy, spit it out!"

Ye Qianxing's face changed in an instant.

Erbaiwu, this stupid dog, really can do anything.

He is only a trifling Sovereign level five, how could he be able to withstand the fiendish qi on the body!

Ye Qianxing shouted, but Erbaiwu winked at him innocently.

"Boss, don't worry, am I okay, don't you worry, my Devouring Power can swallow everything, just trifling a baleful aura on a demon soul, I still..."

Before Erbaiwu finished speaking, he stopped suddenly.

one after another fiendish qi spilled out of his body, and Erbaiwu's body began to swell.

"ao wu! ao wu..."

Erbaiwu screamed in pain.

A mouth is just a few mouthfuls of black blood spurting out.


Ye Qianxing cried out in surprise, at this time he was really anxious.

He is connected to Erbaiwu's soul, and he can clearly feel Erbaiwu's situation at this time. He is really dangerous.

Erbaiwu's body is getting more and more swollen, and the situation is similar to that of the previous Lion Shao, and it is estimated that it will explode if it gets past more.

Ye Qianxing looked anxious, but didn't know what to do.

"Erbaiwu, you must have nothing to do, Erbaiwu, I order you not to die!"

Ye Qianxing shouted.

At this time, Lin Ruoxi stepped forward, dancing with her magic wand, releasing Life Power and injecting it into Erbaiwu's body.

Eliminate the fiendish qi in Erbaiwu's body for him.

But after all, Lin Ruoxi's cultivation base is too low. For the fiendish qi of Erbaiwu, it is completely an utterly inadequate measure.

"I'll come."

At this moment, Sister Huang also stood up behind her.

She stretched out her hand to Erbaiwu, her five fingers danced, and the energy of one after another yellow gushed out and injected into Erbaiwu's body.

This is also a kind of life energy.

With the support of Sister Huang, Erbaiwu's situation has really improved a lot.

The body does not continue to swell, but it is not developing in a good direction.

If this continues, as long as the energy of Huang Jie and Lin Ruoxi runs out, Erbaiwu will still be unable to escape.

Unless he can refining the demon soul within this period of time.


It didn't take long for Lin Ruoxi's breath to begin to wilt.

Her cultivation base is not high, and it will not last long.

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and hurriedly took out the Immortal Pills for recovery from the portable space and gave them to Lin Ruoxi.

The restoration Immortal Pill he saved was not much, and it soon bottomed out.

So Ye Qianxing hurriedly took out Shennong Cauldron, ready to pill concocting on the spot.

As soon as Shennong Cauldron appeared, Sister Huang, who was trying to help Erbaiwu defend against fiendish aura, let out a cry, staring at Shennong Cauldron.

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