
The situation in Monster Palace can only be described in the words tragic.

The demon master seemed to be really angry, so he didn't care about other things.

This big move is directly a large-scale indiscriminate attack. Except for Ye Qianxing who is hiding in the cave, they are not affected too much, everyone in the Monster Palace has been affected.

The crowd of Monster Emperor Remnant Souls that were originally bustling, almost immediately disappeared on 2/3/2022, and the remaining one third is also dimmed a lot, and it is estimated that it will not last long.

The worst is the Monster Race.

They originally planned to come over to gain inheritance, but the benefit was not much, but they kept their lives here.

How strong is the formidable power of the demon master's big move?

Although it is not directed at them, Yu Wei cannot be underestimated.

Can destroy most of the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul, those Monster Race merely a trifling Sovereign level, how can it be withstood.

A scorched black body of Monster Race lay on the ground. Some stronger Monster Race survived, but they were also dying.

If you don’t get treatment in time, I’m afraid it won’t last long.

"Where are the cousins?"

The silly eagle hurriedly looked around for a week.

But I did not see the corpse of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan.

"They may have left Monster Palace long ago to find support."

Ye Qianxing said.

The silly eagle is sighed in relief. There is no Golden Wings Great Peng eagle corpse, so they should have left long ago.

"They weren't dead."

Ye Qianxing turned his gaze to the two Black and White Fiends in the Holy Soul Palace and found that they were still alive.

It's just that the condition is not good, obviously he was seriously injured, all black clothed and white clothed became beggar costumes.

The breath has also obviously languished a lot.

Ye Qianxing looked towards Divine Soul again and found that although he looks much better than the Black and White Fiends of the Holy Soul Palace, Divine Soul is also obviously weaker.

It is estimated that his remaining big sun Jinyan is almost exhausted.

Although it did not meet Ye Qianxing's expectations, it was barely regarded as both sides suffer.

Ye Qianxing, their chances of escape are also greater.

"Get ready, when the demon lord solves the two guys in the Holy Soul Palace, we will take the opportunity to launch an attack, surprise and attack it!"

Ye Qianxing said softly, silly eagle , Xiaotaixu, etc. are nodded.

Attentive, the facts are ready to attack.

Ye Qianxing also raised his heart, ready to give orders at all times.

But in the Monster Palace, the demon master looked at the Black and White Fiends coldly.

"hmph, if you can survive this trick of mine, it will be hard for you to wait, but if I told you to stay, you won’t be able to leave."

After that, the demon master spit out a red gold flame.

Go straight to the Black and White Fiends.

But at this moment, another flame flew in from outside the Monster Palace gate and collided with the demon lord's big day golden flames.

Exploded in midair.

"Master Saintess took action!"

The black clothed middle-aged looked happy, and the white clothed middle-aged stood up together, moved towards the Monster Palace door and knelt down and said in unison.

"Welcome to Lord Saintess!"

Black and White Fiends tone barely fell, Ye Qianxing smelled a strange fragrance.

Smell the fragrance before seeing him?

Just by smelling this scent, Ye Qianxing can guess that the person honored by Black and White Fiends as Lord Saintess is definitely a woman who appears like a heavenly immortal.

Just as Ye Qianxing was thinking about it this way, a beautiful figure appeared at the gate of Monster Palace.

The peculiar fragrant smell is more intense.

This kind of strong fragrant scent does not make people feel greasy, but it smells in the nose, which makes people feel stable.

Ye Qianxing glanced over the woman's whole body, and when his eyes were on the woman's face, his heart was suddenly shocked.

The woman wore a veil on her face, which concealed her face, but it was difficult to conceal her noble temperament.

Although you can't see what a woman looks like, anyone who sees it will definitely have a common idea.

Her appearance is absolutely beautiful.

However, Ye Qianxing's heart was shocked not because of her appearance and temperament, but because he felt a sense of familiarity from this woman.

Especially when seeing a woman’s eyes, this sense of familiarity becomes clearer.

"Xiao Yu!"

Ye Qianxing subconsciously called out this name.

Yes, although the woman wears a veil, she cannot see her face clearly.

But Ye Qianxing recognized it at first sight, she was Xiao Yu.

Ye Qianxing knows how familiar with Xia Xiaoyu, he thinks about it every day, and he believes he will never admit his mistakes.

Ye Qianxing was subconsciously about to charge ahead and recognize Xia Xiaoyu, but the silly eagle hurriedly stopped him.

"Old night, you are crazy, now you go out to court death!"

"But, that is Xiaoyu!"

Ye Qianxing wants Struggling away, the idiot knew that he would definitely not be able to hold Ye Qianxing, but he couldn't let Ye Qianxing go out to die.

"Although I don’t know that Xiao Yu you said is who, but now you go out, you will definitely die. Don’t forget, whether it’s the demon lord or the people of the Holy Soul Palace, they all want It put you to death!"

The fool earnest and well-meant advised.

Ye Qianxing's action also stopped abruptly.

He suddenly found an important problem. Just now Black and White Fiends obviously called Xia Xiaoyu Saintess.

But how could Xia Xiaoyu become the Saintess of the Holy Soul Palace?

Just when Ye Qianxing began to wonder if he missed Xia Xiaoyu too much and had hallucinations, in the Monster Palace, Saintess came to the side of Black and White Fiends and said coldly.

"Flat yourself."

"Thank you Lord Saintess."

Black and White Fiends got up, and looked towards the demon master.

"Master Saintess, I am incompetent. I am not the opponent of the demon lord. I can only rely on you."

Saintess hearing this, there is no answer, but a few steps forward, Confronted with the demon master who was a little languid.

"If you go along, you will live, if you go against it, you will die!"

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