I don’t know if it was a coincidence or Ye Qianxing deliberately did it. With the power that broke out in the black clothed middle age, Ye Qianxing just moved towards Monster Palace and flew away.

"Bye bye you."

Ye Qianxing said provocatively, turned over in midair and landed perfectly.

Then, without even thinking about it, he rushed down the ladder.

Xiao Taixu is still in Monster Palace, but the black clothed middle-aged is blocking the gate of Monster Palace, so Ye Qianxing can only use this method to lead the black clothed middle-aged away.

Sure enough, Ye Qianxing's provocation stimulated the black clothed middle-aged. In his anger, he didn't expect a little Taixu in the Monster Palace, and directly moved towards Ye Qianxing and chased it.

Ye Qianxing ran with all his strength while listening to the voice behind him.

When he heard the black clothed middle-aged chasing, he was finally sighed in relief.

After Monster Palace, there is no space limit.

But he didn't dare to travel through the space, fearing that the black clothed middle-aged man would return to deal with Xiao Taixu if he couldn't catch up with him.

So the speed can only be increased to the fastest.

Ye Qianxing has received the power of Xiao Lei. Xiao Lei's ability is not only to control Divine Lightning, but also the speed that somersault cloud gives him.

So, besides being extremely powerful, Ye Qianxing is also much faster than his peers.

For a while, the black clothed middle-aged person could not catch up.

Soon, they entered the area covered by the demon cloud.

The Monster Palace is still shrouded in the thick Monster Qi, Ye Qianxing and the black clothed middle-aged break into the monster cloud one after another.

That one after another Monster Qi instantly began to condense into substance, turning into a rare beast of baring fangs and brandishing claws, moved towards Ye Qianxing and black clothed middle-aged and threw it over.

Somewhat unexpectedly to Ye Qianxing is that most Monster Qi rare beasts are rushing towards the black clothed middle-aged people, and there are few against Ye Qianxing at all.

"Is it because I have the breath of Spirit Pets, so these Monster Qi subconsciously treat me as the same kind?"

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

When he and the silly eagle entered before, these rare beasts of Monster Qi were all aimed at Ye Qianxing.

Now the situation is just the opposite.

It should be that the Monster Qi on him is too small compared with the silly sculpture, but it is much more than the black clothed middle-aged man.

Comparison is not enough, but comparison is more than enough.

This situation can only be better for Ye Qianxing, his pressure can drop a lot.

But the black clothed middle-aged man is also the demon soul emperor of genuine after all.

Faced with the monster Qi rare beasts of baring fangs and brandishing claws, the black clothed middle-aged complexion did not change at all, and the black python ghost appeared again.

The huge tail slammed, and immediately dispelled all the Monster Qi rare beasts blocking the front.

Then the speed did not decrease, and continued moving towards Ye Qianxing, chasing the past.

Ye Qianxing turned his head and saw this scene, but it was sneaked.

The real difficulty of Yaoyun is not how powerful these Monster Qi rare beasts can be, but that they can't kill them at all.

After breaking up, they can regroup soon.

Sure enough, the Monster Qi around the black clothed middle-aged man suddenly gathered into rare beasts, and moved towards the black clothed middle-aged, and they rushed.


The black clothed middle-aged also showed a trace of impatience at this time, and he broke the Monster Qi rare beasts with a wave of his hand.

But after a while, Monster Qi gathered again.

The black clothed middle-aged man finally couldn't help it, because Ye Qianxing was already farther and farther away from him at this time.

"The true body of the demon soul!"


The black clothed middle-aged angry roar, the black python illusory shadow that shrouded him instantly became substantial Up.

The black clothed middle-aged man seems to have really become that black python.

Spit out the snake letter, a black mist that oozes all over her body.

Moved towards Ye Qianxing and swooped down.

This time, as soon as those Monster Qi condensed, they were turned into black clothed black pythons, and the middle-aged collided directly.

It can't even stop for a moment.

Even the black clothed middle-aged man who turned on the real body of the demon soul was more than twice as fast as before.

The gap with Ye Qianxing was eliminated in an instant, and he was about to catch up.


When it was less than 100 meters away from Ye Qianxing, black python suddenly sprayed a black mist and moved towards Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing was still running desperately, and his anticipation skills were suddenly triggered.

Before he could think too much, he directly urged Power of Space to dodge.

"Space shuttle? Interesting."

black clothed Before middle age, I personally experienced the time being stopped, and now I see Ye Qianxing can shuttle through space, I am even more surprised.

Space and time are the two highest abilities.

didn't expect appeared in front of him at the same time.

"I must catch him and bring it back to the Holy Soul Temple before handing it over to Zuo Elder. Maybe I can get some benefits from him."

The black clothed middle-aged heart began to plot. against got up.

If time or Power of Space can be obtained, his strength can definitely be greatly improved.

When the time comes, promotion to Elder is not impossible.

He has never thought about whether he can catch Ye Qianxing, because in his opinion, there is no doubt.

Even if Ye Qianxing can escape for a while, it will be difficult to escape his palm in the end.

It's just time.

"It's just that, you have to catch your life... It's a bit troublesome, that kid is as smooth as a loach."

The black clothed middle-aged murmured.

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