
Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes.

Playing hard, will he persuade you?

Seeing the golden lion king slap it with a palm, Ye Qianxing did not retreat but moved forward, stepping forward with one foot, making a lunge.

"Titan fist!"


The double power burst out, Ye Qianxing punched moved towards the giant palm shot by the golden lion king Boom away.


When the fists collided, a strong wave of air swept away, and even the surrounding space was shaken by the wave of energy.

Ye Qianxing deng deng deng stepped back a few steps, the Golden Retriever Lion King was also unhappy, and flew back a few meters away.

"Really strong power!"

The golden lion king stared at the big copper bell eyes. Close combat has always been his advantage, but he didn't expect it. This extremely thin human being has such a terrifying power!

"Hahaha, come again!"

Ye Qianxing screamed, he hadn't enjoyed the pleasure of close combat for a long time.

Seeing that the Golden Retriever Lion King was still in shock, Ye Qianxing took the initiative to attack.

A space shuttle appeared in front of the Golden Retriever Lion King instantly, blasted a punch, and hit the Golden Retriever Lion King in a burst of air.

The Golden Retriever Lion King did not expect Ye Qianxing to appear in front of him so suddenly, but he still reacted quickly and did not respond to it, but stretched out a sharp sharp claw, moved towards Ye Qianxing. Grab it.

He intends to use the method of relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. As long as Ye Qianxing does not want to get hurt, he will definitely stop.

If you don't stop, it doesn't matter.

It's not a loss to get the other's torn skin and gaping flesh with that punch!

Although the Golden Retriever Lion King was shocked by Ye Qianxing's power, he did not feel that Ye Qianxing could compare to him in terms of fleshy body strength.

He can resist Ye Qianxing's punch, but he is confident that Ye Qianxing can't stand his claw.

His sharp claw is so sharp, as long as it hits that human body, it will be directly torn into fleshy foam!

Ye Qianxing also found the Golden Retriever Lion King’s cautious thinking, but he didn’t know the general situation, and the offensive was not reduced, so he continued to move towards the Golden Retriever Lion King and smashed his head.

"hmph, since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you."

Seeing that Ye Qianxing did not intend to give in, the golden lion sneered repeatedly in his heart.

Ye Qianxing has repeatedly bad his good deeds, and he has already had a killing intent about it.

It's just that Ye Qianxing is protected by the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan and those Ancient Ominous Beasts, he can't move his hands at all.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally not give up.

However, the moment the Golden Retriever Lion King’s paw touched Ye Qianxing’s body, the hideous smile on his face instantly froze.

So hard!

This is the first feeling of the Golden Retriever Lion King.

He felt that his paw was on a piece of millennium iron essence, no, even if it was millennium iron essence, he was sure to tear it into pieces.

But when his sharp claw was drawn on Ye Qianxing’s chest, it couldn’t be inserted at all. The feeling was like drawing a pencil on a rock, it couldn’t be done at all. The slightest damage.


As soon as the Golden Retriever King thought of this, he felt a pain in his head, and he was immediately dazed, and his brain seemed to be short-circuited.

The body flew out uncontrollably, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

"Big... The king was blown away by a punch!"

"My God, is this human being so powerful?"

"Terror It's so terrifying!"

The golden lion races around saw that the patriarch was hit and flew out by a human being named Ye Qianxing, and they suddenly screamed in shock.

Ye Qianxing stood still, breathing heavily.

At this time, the clothes on his chest were torn, revealing a chest full of muscles and skin on it that seemed to be gilded.

The claws of the Golden Retriever Lion King left a deep claw mark on Ye Qianxing's chest.

But in an instant, it healed at a speed visible to naked eye.

The Golden Retriever Lion King received a punch from Ye Qianxing. Although it was uncomfortable, it was never fatal. It was not even a serious injury, but it would be very embarrassing.

He quickly woke up, and when he recalled that he was thrown into the air by a human, the Golden Retriever Lion King was immediately embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Human, you really irritate me!"

The golden lion king angry roar, his body suddenly enlarged suddenly.

The golden curls all over his body began to stand up, like sharp golden thorns.

His eyes are red, and his minions are several times larger than before.

He hasn’t used all his strength just now, because in his opinion, facing a little human, There is no need to turn on the real body at all.

But at this time, he was really angry!

The imposing manner of the golden lion king who appeared in his real body rose sharply, and there was a faint sign of a breakthrough to the sixth stage of the emperor level.

Sure enough, the Golden Retriever Lion King who owns the Ancient Ominous Beast Golden Retriever bloodline is impossible.

At this time, the Golden Retriever Lion King who has exploded with all his strength is the True King of the Golden Retriever Lion Race.

"It's really strong, but do you know what my biggest trump card is?"

Ye Qianxing looked at the imposing manner of the golden lion king, but there was nothing on his face. The frightened and nervous look turned into a smirk.

The Golden Retriever Lion King was stunned by Ye Qianxing's sudden sentence, and asked subconsciously.

"What is it?"

Ye Qianxing corner of the mouth raise, showing a smile that he thinks is cool.

Then put on an extremely coquettish posture, stretched out the right hand, and pointed sideways at the golden lion king, loudly roared.

"Of course... gang fight!"

"Give me all!"

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