Although Yaodi is also in the emperor realm, his resources are accumulated, and he is often busy with the official affairs of the emperor. The strength of Yaodi is not very strong in the emperor realm.

Although Zhou Lang just broke through to the emperor level, what he realized was the killing sword dao, and his combat power increased greatly. Not to mention the half-water demon soul emperor Yaodi, even if it is the third stage of the emperor level, he may not be able to. Beat Zhou Lang.

Within a few rounds, Yaodi was defeated steadily, and was almost killed by Zhou Lang several times.

But Zhou Lang didn't plan to kill him so easily, so every attack point was not the point, which would only make Yaodi more painful.

Just after Zhou Lang cut off Yaodi's arm, something happened suddenly.

Tianyao Old Ancestor, who had been in retreat for many years, was finally alarmed.

Tianyao Old Ancestor's retreat this time is for the breakthrough of the fifth stage of the imperial level, but unfortunately, it is one step short, there is still no breakthrough, and it is forced out of the barrier.

Zhou Lang and Tianyao Old Ancestor fought for hundreds of rounds, and finally lost.

So I chose to retreat.

After that, he came to Hundred Thousand Great Mountains to find Ye Qianxing.

"Didn't expect, so many things have happened to you in the past few months."

After listening to Zhou Lang's story, Ye Qianxing couldn't help sighing.

Although he has not had a good time this time, compared with Zhou Lang, it seems to be a lot better.

After all, Zhou Lang has been in guilt all the time.

"Zhou Lang, if it weren't for me, you and Jianyi Senior Brother would not be involved in those things, I'm sorry."

Ye Qianxing said apologetically.

"Brother Xing, what are you talking about, we are brother, I don't blame you, I only blame myself for being too weak, otherwise, with the strength of the Senior Brother, how could I break my arm."


Zhou Lang shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to help Jianyi Senior Brother repair his broken arm."

Ye Qianxing said firmly.

Rebirth from a severed limb, his Immortal Body can also do it, but it can't help others.

However, he believes that with the improvement of sister Ruoxi's cultivation base, it will definitely be possible.

"Well, Brother Xing, I believe in you."

Even if Zhou Lang has now reached the emperor realm, he comprehended the sword dao and became a demon of killing without blinking an eye. .

But in front of Ye Qianxing, he is still the little brother who trusts Ye Qianxing very much.

"Originally, I was thinking of going to Tianyao Emperor Chao for revenge first. Now that you have been there, let's go to the Yan Emperor first. I haven't seen the Flame Emperor for a long time. He should Worry about me?"

Ye Qianxing said.

Zhou Lang and Sha Diao naturally have no objection.

With the sand sculpture, it is naturally him as a means of transportation.

Although the sand sculptures have been protesting, unfortunately, the protest was invalid.

So, he had no choice but to act as this means of transportation reluctantly.

Ye Qianxing showed the way, the sand sculpture brought it up a level after obtaining the inheritance of Great Bright King Peacock.

Within a few hours, he entered the territory of the Great Yan Emperor.

Looking down, Ye Qianxing's face suddenly changed.

"Something's wrong."

Ye Qianxing suddenly said coldly.

"What's wrong?"

The Sand Sculpture was puzzled, and even Zhou Lang didn't understand what Ye Qianxing meant.

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

"Look at the clothes of the soldiers. I stayed in the Great Yan Emperor for a while. The armors of the soldiers of the Great Yan Emperor were all crimson's, and there was a huge word "flaming" written on the chest."

"But they are not like this."

Listening to what Ye Qianxing said, the sand sculptures finally discovered the strangeness.

The soldiers in the city below are all wearing silver armors, and the styles are also different from the armors of the soldiers of the Great Yan Emperor.

"Could it be your mistake, this is not actually the territory of the Great Yan Emperor?"

The sand sculpture is speculated.

Ye Qianxing shook his head and said decisively.

"I'm sure, this must be the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty."

Ye Qianxing is pretty sure, because the name of the city below is called Meteorite!

Meteorite Town!

It was the first town he came to when he first came to Spirit World.

The equivalent to his birth point.

"Go, go down."

Ye Qianxing said, the sand sculpture also felt that Ye Qianxing's mood was not right, so he leaned down and rushed down without asking much.

"What is that, ah, what a big monster beast!"

"Oh my God, run, run!"

"Hurry up and report Lord Mayor, Monster Race is coming."


The huge figure of the sand sculpture fell, and the soldiers below were immediately frightened and fled.

This monster beast is the first time they have seen each other.


When the sand sculpture landed in the city, the huge body just crushed the city wall, and some soldiers who had not had time to escape were directly crushed into meatloaf.

Looking at the soldiers who fled around, Ye Qianxing silhouette flashed, and instantly appeared beside a soldier, pinched his neck, and lifted it up.

"I ask, you answer, dare to say a nonsense, you know the consequences."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

The soldier hurriedly nodded again and again.

Facing Ye Qianxing, he did not raise even the slightest will to resist.

Seeing him nodded, Ye Qianxing released his hand and put it down.

Then asked directly.

"You are not soldiers from the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty. Say, which country are you soldiers?"

When the soldiers heard Ye Qianxing’s questioning, they were taken aback, not for a while. After reacting, there was no answer.

Ye Qianxing was not accustomed to him either, a flame was shot directly from his eyes, instantly burning it to ashes.

Then the silhouette flashed and appeared again next to another silver armor soldier who was eager to escape, so he repeated his skill and choked his neck.

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