"Alright, the old man has really itchy hands lately, so let me help you once."

I heard Alan say that he can take the assets of the Bai Family first, red robed old Man is obviously moved.

As the largest family in Meteorite Town, the Bai Family has its industries all over Meteorite Town and even Jizhou City. Naturally, there is nothing to say about its assets.

Although the big head is confiscated, even if he makes a small profit from it, it is not a small gain.

Of course, I think so, but he has to pretend to be expert not interested in mundane affairs.

Listening to these two people, they split the assets of Bai Family in front of them, Bai Tengfei's anger has been raised to the extreme.

But he was very afraid of the red robed old man.

He felt a great threat from that guy.

"Are you going to die by yourself, or let me do it yourself, you can leave the whole body if you die by yourself, if you let me come, maybe you will die."

The red robed old man glanced at Bai Tengfei, not taking him seriously.

"Let me commit suicide, are you too arrogant?"

Bai Tengfei is coldly snorted.

Although you are afraid of the opponent, the imposing manner must not be weak.

"It seems that you have chosen the latter. Alas, the old man hasn't tortured for a long time. I am afraid that the technique will be strange."

The red robed old man sighed. , But at the next moment, he shot suddenly.

The flames all over his body soared, a palm shot out, and a flame was moved towards Bai Tengfei by the giant palm.

"Really strong!"

Before the flame giant palm approached, Bai Tengfei felt the great threat contained therein and did not dare to underestimate it.

A large mouthful of black liquid was sprayed from the mouth of the Black Water Profound Snake demon soul and sprayed on the flame giant palm.

But the temperature of the flame is too high. The black liquid sprayed on it can only block the speed of its advancement, but it cannot offset it at all.

Bai Tengfei's face is getting worse and worse.

This skill consumes him enormously.

Under such a large amount of consumption, he couldn't hold it for long, but he couldn't even resist an ordinary attack from the opponent.

How can I fight this?


Bai Bailing looked at this scene with a look of worry on his face.

Bai Tengfei looked towards Bai Bailing, knowing that he couldn't stop it for long, so he moved towards Pan Zi.

"Take her away, leave Meteorite City, run as far as you can, fast!"

"Master, I..."

Pan Zi Unwilling to abandon Bai Tengfei, but the latter glared and roared angrily.

"Don't even listen to my orders, let's go!"

Pan Zi gritted his teeth, and finally he was nodded.

"Send the lady to a safe place, I will come back to look for you."

As he said, he would take Bai Bailing away.

Bai Bailing naturally struggled hard.

"I won't go, grandfather, I won't go!"

"Hurry up, Braun, you're still young, grandfather won't live long, it's worth it to save your life "

Bai Tengfei looked at Bai Bailing with love in his eyes.

"tsk tsk tsk, what a moving scene of life and death, but a pity, none of you want to leave."

red robed old man sneered, I saw him waving his sleeves, Suddenly a more turbulent flame swept out.

Instantly crushed the black liquid sprayed by the Black Water Profound Snake demon soul, and enveloped Bai Tengfei's whole person.


Bai Tengfei screamed. Under the burning of the flame, the Black Water Profound Snake demon soul on Bai Tengfei's body was dimmed.

Black Water Profound Snake is connected to the soul of Bai Tengfei, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Black Water Profound Snake was burned, Bai Tengfei also felt painful.

And once the Black Water Profound Snake demon soul is burned, the next one is Bai Teng's turn.


Seeing this, Bai Bailing finally couldn't help it, and forcibly broke free of Pan Zi's hand, moved towards Bai Tengfei and rushed forward.

But soon he was blocked by Pan Zi.

"Miss, don't go there, you will die too."

"But grandfather will die too, don't stop me, I can't let grandfather bear such pain alone "

Bai Bailing no longer looks like a weak little woman at this time, trying his best to get rid of Pan Zi, but it is still useless.

Seeing grandfather getting more and more painful, Baibai spiritual eyes burst into tears, and a touch of decisiveness flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly moved towards Ellen and said.

"You let me grandfather, I am willing to go with you."

Alan glanced at Bai Bailing, sneered.

"Why did you know that today? You have already missed an opportunity. Old Chen made a move. Even I can't stop it."

"even more how, as long as he Dead, you are also mine, it makes no difference."

Bai Ling was completely desperate when he heard Alan's words.

She started to regret her waywardness, which made grandfather suffer so much, and she ruined the Bai Family who was like the sun at high noon.

"You still have the strength to speak, it seems that the heat is not enough, so let's add some fire to you."

red robed old man sneered, with a wave, another Big fire waves moved towards Bai Tengfei swept away.

If this fire wave is added, Bai Tengfei will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Hehe, this is right. I have sweared a long time ago that I will give you back ten times a hundred times for what you did to my father and grandfather. It's just a pity that Ye Qianxing passed away..."

Bai Xianxin's face sank as soon as he thought of Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing caused his demon soul to be destroyed, and his cultivation base was scattered. He held a grudge against Ye Qianxing even deeper than Bai Tengfei.

Unfortunately, Ye Qianxing has nowhere to go.

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