Ye Qianxing reminded him, in fact, to force Fenkong to dodge.

He didn't want Zhou Lang to be injured. For him, a hundred Fen Kong's life was not as good as Zhou Lang's fingernail.

"It's you!"

Fen Kong also saw Ye Qianxing, frowning suddenly.

He has a deeper impression of Ye Qianxing than Zhou Lang. After all, this guy is the younger generation Number One Person who won the Grand Competition for Newcomers in the Wanchao Shenghui Grand Competition. His innate talent is even better than Zhou Lang. Stronger!

Moreover, Ye Qianxing seriously injured his nephew.

It is precisely because of this that Burning Heaven Sect and Ye Qianxing have a contradiction.

"It's me, are you disappointed to see me alive?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards Fen Kong, with a strong hatred flashing in his eyes.

At the beginning, because of him, I almost died. If it weren't for him, I didn't need to hide in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

"No, I'm not disappointed, because I have to take you back to Burning Heaven Sect and leave it to Yier for disposal."

"You can talk about you, you could hide Get up and live, why bother to come and die by yourself, there's a road to Heaven yet you don't walk it, there's nowhere to go to hell!" Fen Kong sneered, but didn't take Ye Qianxing Keep it in the eye.

He almost killed him back then, but this time, it still works.

"Times change, you are the one who went to hell this time."

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted and stopped chatting with him.

Holding the Thunder Sword, his body turned into an afterimage, and quickly moved towards Fen Kong and rushed over.

"What a fast speed."

Fen Kong was slightly startled, but still reacted instantly.

I moved towards Ye Qianxing with the Divine flame gun in hand, and poke Ye Qianxing several holes, but it didn't get bloody.


Fen Kong's eyes widened, and he reacted instantly, turned around quickly, and at the same time pierced the Divine flame gun in a reverse direction.


There was a crisp, metal crashing sound.

The Leiqijian and Divine flame guns collided with each other. Both of them were Immortal Artifacts of Ninth Grade. Under the impact, neither of them ruptured.

Samadhi True Fire erupted from the Divine flame gun, and Nine Heavens Divine Thunder erupted from the Leiqie sword. The contest between Divine Lightning and Shenhuo broke out, and the two finally exited together.

"Damn it, this kid has improved too quickly, and the weapon in his hand is definitely of the Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifact level!"

Fen Kong browses frowned.

In this collision, he didn't even have the slightest upper hand.

"Come again!"

Instead, it was Ye Qianxing. This battle aroused his fighting intent, loudly shouted, and his fighting intent skyrocketed, aggressive.

It is one of Xiaoyan's skills, fighting intent!

Under the blessing of fighting intent, Ye Qianxing mobilized his battle strength to the top.

"reverse scale 3rd-layer, come on!"

In addition to the 30-fold increase in battle strength brought by reverse scale 3rd-layer, Ye Qianxing’s battle strength is now Soared directly to the third stage of the emperor level.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he moved towards that Fenkong rushed past.

"Unlimited connections under the moon!"

Ye Qianxing increased his speed to the top and displayed his sword skills.

Unlimited connections under the month.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……!


At first, Fen Kong didn't feel much, but after Ye Qianxing slashed a hundred times, he suddenly felt pressure.

Ye Qianxing's attack power is getting stronger and stronger.

The formidable power of one blow has faintly surpassed the fourth stage of the imperial level.

"Damn it, how many cards does this guy have!"

Fen Kong's expression finally changed.

His impression of Ye Qianxing is still a few months ago. Even though Ye Qianxing had a lot of cards, he was only a trifling of a Sovereign level ant in his eyes.

But this time is different, Ye Qianxing's strength has been equal to him, even faintly surpassed.

"Break for me!"

Fen Kong loudly shouted and stab moved towards Ye Qianxing.

However, Ye Qianxing's predictive skills had predicted it in advance, and a flash escaped.

Fen Kong didn't expect Ye Qianxing to escape. One mistake, Ye Qianxing slashed his arm with a sword, and suddenly tore a hole.

The blood is flowing.

"Damn it!"

Fen Kong's eyes became red as though he was stimulated by blood.

Since the breakthrough to the Emperor level, he has forgotten how many years he has not been injured. He didn't expect that he was injured today by a little boy who was almost killed by himself before.

Fen Kong felt ashamed and angry.

"Samadhi True Fire, burn it to me!"

Fenkong slammed the Divine flame gun on the ground a little bit, and suddenly, Samadhi True Fire burst out from it, moved towards all burn around.

"hmph, I can always drive you back now."

Fen Kong coldly smiled, but unexpectedly another splitting the air sound hit.

He had no time to escape, so he could only hold back with his arms.

With a sound of pu chi, Fen Kong only felt a sharp pain. This time, his entire arm was directly disconnected.

"How is it possible, how is it possible! Why are you not affected by Samadhi True Fire!"

Fenkong angrily roared, the Samadhi True Fire in the Divine flame gun is a high level fire what.

Why can Ye Qianxing resist and attack him?

But soon he saw that in the vast fire sea he created, a silhouette covered in flames appeared.

Look at its outline and the Leiqi sword in his hand. This person is Ye Qianxing.

It is Xiao Yan's other skill, Yan Soul Body!

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