The square-faced, serious expression and sharp eyes, give people a very majestic feeling, with the temperament of a superior person.

As for his cultivation base, it is also the strongest on the scene.

Already reached the sixth stage of the Emperor Level!

This is stronger than Ye Qianxing imagined. You must know that, as strong as the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan, the strongest Peng King is no more than the sixth stage of the emperor class.

The Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle family is the Imperial Family of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and the Peng King is the strongest among countless Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

He originally thought that Burning Heaven Sect should be no better than the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan, otherwise Fen Kong would not be so jealous when the silly eagle brought his second uncle to rescue him.

But now it seems that even if the overall strength of Burning Heaven Sect is not as good as the Golden Wings Great Peng, it is not much different.

The reason I am afraid is that the various forces in Human Race continue to dispute. Although the various races in Monster Race also have conflicts, they will still unite and cooperate when facing foreign enemies and work with a common purpose. .

Behind the Burning Heaven Sect, many forces can secretly stare at it.

Once there is a conflict with Monster Race, I'm afraid you will get enemies back and forth.

That's why Fen Kong is so jealous of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle.

After the short and fat middle-aged brought Ye Qianxing into the palace, he moved towards a position and Fen Yi stood behind the short and fat middle-aged.

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to stand casually. He observed the positions of these Burning Heaven Sect Elder, and quickly discovered a pattern.

The higher the cultivation base, the higher the standing.

After seeing the pattern, Ye Qianxing moved towards an emperor-level four Elder Duan and walked behind him. As for Burning Eagle, he must be standing at the back.

After standing in his position, Ye Qianxing glanced at the eyes of everyone present, and found no clues. It seemed that he had guessed right.

"Lao San, what happened to your trip."

At the C position, the Burning Heaven Sect sect master said, his voice was extremely loud.

"Sect master, things are going well. Now the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty has been occupied by the Xiting Dynasty and our dísciple. I also found a Secret Realm, which should be the treasure house of the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty. , But we can't force it in, we should need a special key."

Ye Qianxing said.

Sure enough, when I heard the word Secret Realm, Burning Heaven Sect sect master's eyes light up.

"You should be talking about the Flame Emperor secret storage. It is rumored that the Yan Emperor dynasty was once a generation of emperors. The Flame Emperor secret storage is their treasures for all generations. There are many treasures in the world. Arcane Fire is even better than our Burning Heaven Sect treasure trove. It is indeed a big treasure for us."

Burning Heaven Sect sect master seems to be against the big Yan The Emperor's Great Flame has been coveted for a long time, so that's why it is so clear.

However, the more he covets the Flame Emperor's secret possession, the better it will be for Ye Qianxing.

"Then I will find the Yan Emperor and ask him where the secret key is."

Ye Qianxing said.

Burning Heaven Sect sect master hesitated and said.

"I'll go personally for such an important matter, and you guys will follow me."

When I heard Burning Heaven Sect sect master said that I would go personally, Ye Qianxing felt like The ominous premonition has become more serious.

But he couldn't show it, let alone refuse.

Fortunately, he agreed to follow.

"By the way, the third child, where is the Divine flame gun?"

Burning Heaven Sect sect master suddenly asked.

Ye Qianxing's heart moved, but he still brought out the Thunder Fire double-edged summon.

Of course, it has been changed in advance to look like a Divine flame gun.

The Thunder Fire double-edged blade is originally the fusion of the Divine flame gun. The breath is exactly the same, and there is no need to cover it up.

"Well, take it."

Burning Heaven Sect sect master said.

It seems that this Divine flame gun should not be Fenkong, but it was lent to him by Burning Heaven Sect sect master.

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and directly handed the Thunder Fire double-edged into the Divine flame to the Burning Heaven Sect sect master, which was nodded.

"Let’s go, let’s go to the dungeon."

The Burning Heaven Sect sect master got up, took the Elders present and moved towards the dungeon, including Fen Yi and Fen eagle.

Soon, they came to the door of the dungeon.

"Sect master, Elder."

The dísciple of the dungeon gatekeeper respectfully said.

"Well, take us to the cell where Yan Zheng is held."


Led by dísciple, they entered the dungeon. Among.

Ye Qianxing frowned as soon as he entered the dungeon.

It was humid, but very stuffy, and there was an unpleasant smell, a mixed smell of musty and excrement.

After walking with the gatekeeper dísciple for a few minutes, deep into the dungeon, it finally stopped.

Stopped outside a cell.

Ye Qianxing looked towards In the cell, I almost couldn't help the anger in my heart, and almost broke out.

In that cell, I saw a pillar full of thorns.

One silhouette was tied to the pillar, his body was soaked with blood, and his breath was very weak.

Although the face is covered by long hair, Ye Qianxing can still see it.

This is the Flame Emperor.

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