"You are the culprit of all this."

Listening to Ye Qianxing's gloomy words, Fen Yi's whole body trembled.

Especially when facing Ye Qianxing, his eyes suddenly filled with despair and fear.

Looking at Ye Qianxing, it was like looking at a demon.

"I am not, I am not, I am not...Ah!!!"

Fen Yi repeatedly shook his head and shouted.

He was actually frightened by Ye Qianxing and went crazy.

"No, you are, as long as you kill you, everything is over."

"Today, I am your sanctioner, and I am your retribution!"

After Ye Qianxing said this sentence coldly, he held the Thunder Fire double blade and quickly wiped Fen Yi's throat.

"I, no, I want to...gu lu gu lu..."

Fen Yi still wants to speak, but he can't say it anymore, his eyes are still full of despair and unwillingness .

He didn't want to die, but he couldn't escape.

"No, Yi'er!"

Fen Xing watched Fen Yi's throat cut, the worry and anger that had been hidden in his heart suddenly erupted, and his eyes became red.

Regardless of the overall situation, a turbulent flame erupted from his body, which turned into a flame and quickly moved towards Ye Qianxing and sprinted away.

"Good come!"

Ye Qianxing corner of the mouth raise, the reason why he killed Fen Yi in front of Fen Xing is indeed to vent his anger, and second , Just to anger Burning Star.

People can indeed stimulate their potential under extreme anger, but at the same time, they will forget everything and fight only by instinct.

In this way, his weak spot becomes more obvious.

As soon as Fen Xing rushed towards Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing moved, without dodge, and moved towards Fen Xing.

After merging with Xiaoyan, Ye Qianxing's cultivation base soared to the emperor level.

Coupled with a series of hole cards, even if it is facing the Emperor-level Sixth Stage Burning Star, it is not without the power of a battle.

Moreover, Ye Qianxing never considers himself alone.

He only needs to hold the Burning Star and wait until the Spirit Pets have solved the opponent, then he can come and help him.

When the time comes, under their work with a common purpose, even if it is an emperor grade six burning star, you can't kill it!

In the anger of Burning Star, he no longer kept his hands at all.

A demon soul condensed by a flame directly envelops it, and it is a demon soul in the shape of a pony.

It is Ancient Divine Beast, Chi Yanju!

To become an emperor-level Monster Soul Master, the monster souls you possess are extraordinary.

Not to mention that Burning Star is still a powerful Great Demon Soul Emperor of the sixth stage of the emperor level.

So his demon soul is the soul of Ancient Divine Beast, and it is understandable.

Both Burning Star and Ye Qianxing are Fire Element. At this time, the whole body is enveloped in flames, and under the rapid impact, it is as if two huge fireballs collide.


A huge explosion sounded, and the flames splashed everywhere.

The strong heat wave vented out and burned some of the Burning Heaven Sect dísciples that were relatively close to ashes.

deng deng deng!

Ye Qianxing was hit and retreated three steps, but the burning star was not repelled at all.

In the first round, the decision was made.

"You dare to kill my son, I want you to bury your son, ah!!!"

At this time, Burning Star is in a state of madness, his eyes are red, apparently already Occupied consciousness by anger.

As soon as he repelled Ye Qianxing, he rushed towards him again.

The Demon Soul of the Scarlet Flame Horse is covered on Burning Star, giving him extremely fast speed. Moving towards Ye Qianxing is a collision.

"reverse scale 3rd-layer, come on!"

Ye Qianxing retreated while activating reverse scale 3rd-layer.

Suddenly, a violent force surged and swept across the body.

Ye Qianxing has the urge to make a big drop.

"Thunder Fire double-edged, go!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, and threw the Thunder Fire double-edged out.


Thunder Fire double-edged smashing void, instantly came to the front of Burning Star, and cut at him from the left and right sides.

If it was the previous burning star, he would definitely avoid this move.

After all, the Thunder Fire double blade has reached the level of Divine Item, and even the emperor-level powerhouse will get injured if it is not careful.

But at this time, Burning Star has already been invaded into consciousness by anger.

I don't think of dodge at all, but just go hard.


Fenxing roared, and his fists had already turned into horseshoes.

moved towards Thunder Fire.


Under the huge power of the burning star, the Thunder Fire double-edged blades were shot directly out of the sky.

But the sharpness of the Thunder Fire double-edged blade also cut Burning Star's hands.

It's just that Burning Star doesn't feel any pain at all at this time.

Continue moving towards Ye Qianxing and dash away.

"Titan Fist!"


Ye Qianxing no longer avoids, but he inspired the reverse scale 3rd-layer, now the time It is everything to him.

Under the dual explosion of Titan fist and Cun Jin, the power of Ye Qianxing this fist absolutely surpasses the power of the overwhelming majority emperor level five or less.


Ye Qianxing strikes with a punch on the head of the horse demon soul transformed by the burning star, and only feels a huge force invading into the body.

Ye Qianxing was repelled a few steps again.

Of course, the burning of stars this time is not as easy as before.


The Demon Soul of the Chi Yanju that enveloped his body let out a mournful cry.

Obviously under Ye Qianxing this fist, it is not easy to feel.

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