"little bastard, you are courting death."

Left Elder said this sentence through gritted teeth.

He stretched out his hand and moved towards Xiao Kun with a heavy finger, and suddenly a thunder descended quickly, hitting Xiao Kun directly.

Although Xiao Kun has been promoted to the Monster Emperor, he still has nothing to fight back against the left Elder of Demi-God peak realm.

However, his Master is here.

Can it still be allowed to be bullied?

Sure enough, that thunder had just come down, and before it got close to Xiao Kun, it was swallowed by a black hole that appeared out of thin air.

"Junior, do you want to bullied the weak to bully the old man's dísciple? In that case, then the old man will let you try to be bullied the weak."

Bei Ming Kun's voice became gloomy.

When Xiao Kun was fighting Thunderbird just now, he didn't make a move, because he knew that although his dísciple had just entered the emperor level, it could definitely deal with an emperor level six-stage demon soul.

But left Elder, the powerhouse of Demi-God Realm, even dared to make a move. This is not something he can tolerate.

I didn’t see any movements of Beiming Kun, only a cold glow flashed in his eyes, and left Elder felt a cold back, covering the thunder all over his body, turning into a thunder. Ye Qianxing couldn’t see the path at all. , The left Elder appeared on the other side.

Such a speed, even compared to Ye Qianxing's space teleportation, is not much better.

As soon as the left Elder retreated, the space where he was originally was directly shattered and collapsed. Everyone can clearly see that there is one after another violent space vortex in the collapsed space.

If the left Elder did not escape and was involved in the space vortex, it might be instantly turned into a powder.

"Really strong."

Seeing this scene, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but criticize out in surprise.

On the side of Xiao Kun hearing this, a proud color flashed across his face.

"Of course, my Master is a real beast god. The trick just now was just casually issued by him."

"Beast god? Isn't it Monster God?" "

Ye Qianxing asked in confusion, Xiao Kun shook his head and explained.

"Monster God is actually called Ancient Era, but my Master exists in the ancient Great Desolate Era. At that time, there were no so-called monsters, so they all regarded themselves as beast gods, but they just called them not. It's just the same, in fact, the meaning is the same."

"Oh, that's it."

Ye Qianxing nodded, subconsciously opened the eyes of the system to view the information of the senior of Beiming Kun.

[Name]: Ancient Beiming Kun

[Race]: A clan of Kun

[Level]:? ? ?

[attribute]:? ? ?

[evaluation]:? ? ?

The result was beyond Ye Qianxing's expectation. The eye of system, which has always been omnipotent, failed this time!

Except for the name, all other information is vague.

This seems to be the first time this has happened.

He looked at the left Elder again with the eyes of system, clearly showing his true information.

[Name]: Zuo Huong

[Race]: Human Race

[Level]: Demi-God

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