The Burning Heaven Sect incident has ended, but Ye Qianxing still searched the island to make sure that there is really no treasure left, so he reluctantly led everyone away.

Riding on the dedicated "mount" of the silly eagle, the entire group did not spend much time returning to the imperial city of Dayan.

Flame Emperor Old Ancestor In the last few hours of their lives, they went to annihilate the remaining troops of the Xiting Dynasty and Burning Heaven Sect that invaded Dayan.

Although they were unable to liberate the country in just a few hours, several cities centered on imperial city have returned to Dayan's hands.

Next, the Flame Emperor returned and summoned the warriors of Great Flame.

With an order, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses will personally bring troops into battle with his leader to retake the inch of land that originally belonged to the Great Yan Emperor.

Although the Western Emperor was dead a long time ago, the Xi Ting Dynasty made a timely response and selected the new Emperor to continue its confrontation with the Great Yan Emperor.

It’s just that, without the support of Burning Heaven Sect, Xiting Dynasty is not an opponent of the Yan Emperor Dynasty at all.

Zhou Lang also took the time to go to the Sword Pavilion to negotiate alliance matters.

With the support of Sword Pavilion, the prestige of the Great Yan Emperor reached its peak in an instant.

Some surrounding dynasties and counties have chosen to take refuge, and the national power of the Great Yan Emperor dynasty is rising rapidly.

In the next few months, Ye Qianxing stayed in the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty.

On the one hand, the medicine pill was refined for the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty to enhance the strength of the Monster Soul Master of the Great Yan Emperor Dynasty. The name of Ye Qianxing has long been spread throughout the Heavenly Jade continent.

Almost everyone knows that Ye Qianxing is the continent’s strongest Immortal Medicine division and the final winner of the Battle of the Ten Thousand Pilgrimages of Geniuses.

There are two titles of the strongest Immortal Medicine teacher and the young generation's first Heaven's Chosen, and that is the biggest and best advertisement.

Owned Monster Soul Masters from all over the continent have defected to the Great Yan Emperor dynasty, just to get the guidance of Ye Qianxing and the support of medicine pill.

If the ordinary person is the foundation of a country’s military power, then Monster Soul Master is the mainstay of the country’s military power.

If a country can have a powerful Monster Soul Master Legion, it will be deeply jealous of other countries.

A powerful Monster Soul Master Legion is similar to the nuclear weapons of the Earth and Stars in the old era. It will not be easily deployed, but it can definitely arouse the attention and fear of other countries.

This is also why sect forces such as Sword Pavilion and Burning Heaven Sect are comparable to powerful countries like Emperor Tianyao.

The power of Monster Soul Master is far from being able to make up for by the number of ordinary persons.

A powerful Monster Soul Master Legion, even a powerful Monster Soul Master, is enough to determine the outcome of a war.

In just two months, the power of the Great Yan Emperor dynasty has far surpassed the average dynasty.

Flame Emperor Yan Zheng in a spurt of energy, actively dispatched troops to attack Xiting Dynasty.

This time, the Xiting Dynasty did not hold on for ten days and was attacked into the imperial city.

In desperation, the new Western Emperor had to sign a surrender agreement and became the Subsidiary Country of the Great Yan Emperor. Every year, he was able to make offerings by his ministers.

So far, with the Great Yan Emperor as the center, more than a dozen surrounding countries have become the Subsidiary Country of Great Yan, and donations are made every year.

Although the title of Great Yan is still the dynasty, its strength is no longer weaker than that of the Tianyao Emperor.

The entire Heavenly Jade continent still defaults to Great Yan as the second imperial dynasty of Heavenly Jade continent, and the situation of the entire continent shows a dual power.

The Emperor Tianyao naturally knew about the development of Great Yan.

But it cannot be stopped.

The Great Yan Emperor has the support of Ye Qianxing and Sword Pavilion, and it is an inevitable event that it will become the next emperor of Heavenly Jade continent.

Even if Emperor Tianyao wanted to stop it, he didn't have this strength.

even more how Before that, Emperor Tianyao experienced a catastrophe. Zhou Lang broke into the Imperial Palace slaughter all sides, and even more how Lian Yao Imperial Capital was cut off.

They are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they take care of others?

bang!! !

In the palace of the Great Yan Emperor, a powerful imposing manner suddenly erupted.

Shocked everyone in the entire Imperial Palace, but after a moment of astonishment, joy appeared on their faces.

They all know what this powerful imposing manner represents.

In the Golden Luang Temple, the Flame Emperor was sitting on a futon, and that powerful imposing manner was released from him.

During these two months of cultivation, he finally succeeded in breaking through to the emperor level.

Become a Flame Emperor not just in name only, but also in reality.

Ye Qianxing is on the sidelines, but there is no joy on his face.

Instead, shook the head.

"Flame Emperor, is it worth it? You have ruined all your future path of cultivation."

Ye Qianxing sighed, said.

The reason why Flame Emperor can be promoted to several levels in just two months, breakthrough to Emperor level, is naturally not because of how high his innate talent is.

But under the accumulation of medicine pill and secret technique.

With the aptitude of his demon soul, the upper limit of future cultivation can actually reach the high-level emperor level, but it will take a long time to settle.

Of course, there are shortcuts, but the price is to freeze the cultivation base.

The equivalent to bury the path of cultivation in the future, forcibly accelerate the cultivation speed, and breakthrough to the emperor level.

The Flame Emperor used this method.

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