Ye Qianxing didn't have any opinion on this, and after calculating it, it was indeed worth tens of billions of gold coins, and Ye Qianxing put it into Xiaokun's space.

The universe in Xiao Kun's belly is very big, even if it is tens of billions of gold spirit coins plus Heaven and Earth Treasure, it is already a hill when piled up, and it is still like a drop in the ocean when it is placed in Xiao Kun's space.

Speaking of the universe in Xiao Kun's belly, Ye Qianxing also suddenly thought of the treasure he had acquired at Monster Palace.

There seems to be a Small World in it.

Ye Qianxing was surprised at the beginning, what kind of treasure this is, it can actually hide a world, and it is a world with more complete rules.

You must know that it is very difficult to create a complete world. Even with the strength of Xiaokun, it is impossible to do it.

On the back of the silly eagle, Ye Qianxing, Zhou Lang, Sister Huang, and Ye Qianxing’s Spirit Pets are all on it.

After taking away the tens of billions of Heaven and Earth Treasure, Ye Qianxing left the Tianyao Empire as scheduled.

As for the next plan...

He originally wanted to find Ye Ting, and then asked about his own life experience, but Ye Ting has left the Tianyao Emperor's court, where has he gone? He didn't know, so he made another plan.

Leave Heavenly Jade continent, enter Eastern Sea, and look for Dragon Island.

He promised that the prisoner cattle senior would take Xiao Tai Xu back to Longdao to recognize ancestors and return to the fold.

And there is no need to stay on Heavenly Jade continent. Zhou Lang and Xiao Kun have both found it. Xia Xiaoyu must not be on Heavenly Jade continent, and Ye Qianxing always feels that Saintess and Xia Xiaoyu have something to do with the previous Holy Soul Palace. relation.

"By the way, Xiaokun, I have a question, can you create a world? That kind of world with complete rules."

Ye Qianxing asked suddenly.

Xiao Kun hearing this shook his head.

"How is it possible, even if it is as powerful as my Master, the Saint Realm he created is not a world with complete rules, and I can't do it."

"Oh, so..."

Ye Qianxing whispered, as if thinking about something.

"What's the matter, boss, why are you asking about this?"

"If, I can let you have a Small World like your Master's Saint Realm?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly laughed.

Xiao Kun immediately stared wide-eyed.

"How could it be possible, boss, my Master’s Saint Realm, but he has been in business for millions of years, and he has been searching for Heaven and Earth Treasure supplements from various places, and it barely took shape. I want to do it. At this level, I’m afraid I must at least become a god."

Xiao Kun shook his head again and again, even if he trusts Ye Qianxing again, he does not believe that he can have a world like Master.

Ye Qianxing mysterious smiled, his idea is naturally the Hetu Luo book.

That was the treasure of Temple Lord during his lifetime, and it was also the Innate Spirit Treasure rated by the system as ten and a half stars. This was the first time Ye Qianxing saw the system give such a high evaluation.

Xiao Kun looked towards Ye Qianxing with weird eyes. Could it be that the boss has other opportunities in those days when he was absent?

"I won't go into details with you, and follow me to create space."

Ye Qianxing said, as soon as his mind moved, Xiao Kun was taken into the creation space.

There are no outsiders here, so Ye Qianxing doesn't have to avoid it.

In the created space, Xiao Kun and Hetu Luoshu appeared.

As soon as Ye Qianxing's mind moved, the two began to blend.

"The hand of the system, the power of creation, moves the gears of destiny..."

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