

With two successive falling water sounds, Ye Qianxing and Xiao Kun went directly into the sea.

The sea monster in the sea seemed to know Ye Qianxing's arrival, shua~ shua~ shua~ After a few sounds, a few thick tentacles moved towards him and shot them.

"Thunder Fire double-edged, cut!"

The two daggers spun rapidly in the hands of Ye Qianxing.

Then quickly moved towards those few tentacles.

The Thunder Fire double-edged blades are already sharp, and even more so under the rapid rotation, only a few chi chi chi sounds, those few tentacles are all broken.

The thick liquid splashed out of dark green should be the blood of the sea monster.

"Boss, look there!"

Xiao Kun pointed to the deep sea about several kilometers below, and a huge black shadow was floating. Ye Qianxing squinted his eyes carefully. At first glance, I finally saw it clearly.

As he expected, this is a huge octopus.

The difference is that this octopus has more than eight tentacles, and it is hard to see how many Ye Qianxing there are. At least hundreds of them are anyway.

He originally thought that there was a group of octopus sea monsters in the sea, but now it seems that it is actually an octopus sea monster with hundreds of tentacles.

"Let's go and solve that stuff!"

Ye Qianxing soul sound transmission said, then moved towards the giant octopus sea monster and swam away.

Now the distance is too far, his system eye cannot be used, and he must be close to know what it is.

Ye Qianxing is a human being after all, and rarely enters the water, so he swims very slowly in the water.

Xiao Kun shouted.

"Boss, I will help you!"

After all, I saw him waving the Sea God Trident in his hand, stirring in the sea, and suddenly a water spout appeared.

Direct access to the deep sea.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly got into the waterspout with Xiao Kun, and didn't need to move at all. His body moved towards the giant octopus sea monster and rushed away uncontrollably.

The speed is a lot faster than Ye Qianxing's own swimming.

In less than half a minute, there are only dozens of meters away from the octopus sea monster.

For a huge sea monster, dozens of meters away, then equivalent to is close at hand.

Ye Qianxing also opened the eye of system at the right time.

Soon, the information of the octopus sea monster in front of me appeared in front of my eyes.

[Name]: Deep-sea Thousand-Handed Octopus

[attribute]: Water Element/Poison System

[Level]: SSR5/Emperor Level Five


[Evaluation]: Seven stars

[Ability]: 1. Serial tentacles (thousands of tentacles continuously attack the target)

2. Highly toxic inkjet ( It can spray ink to make the target lose sight, and the ink has a very strong lethal toxicity)

[Weakness]: God Water Element

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