"Boss, it's a bit troublesome. These inks melt into the sea water, and it's difficult for me to get them out for a while."

Little Kun's voice came from around.

Ye Qianxing nodded, and then a reminder.

"Little Kun, be careful, this ink is poisonous."

This is what he saw through the eyes of system.

There is very poisonous ink in the ink. As a sea monster of the fifth stage of the emperor class, this deep-sea thousand-handed octopus, the toxins it releases are absolutely not simple.

Even though Ye Qianxing's Immortal Body can be immune to most toxins, the body can't help but become paralyzed at this time.

"Boss, I really think I have been tricked, and I feel weak."

Little Kun's voice began to weaken.

He is not immune to toxins. If it were not for the power of the ocean, Xiao Kun would have been poisoned.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

At this moment, Ye Qianxing had an ominous premonition in his heart, and several scenes of tentacles lasing in his mind.

The predictive skill has been triggered!

"Little Kun, be careful, the big guy wants a sneak attack!"

Ye Qianxing yelled, then danced Thunder Fire double-edged blades to chop the shot tentacles into A few paragraphs.

Even if he loses his vision and has predictive skills, he is not afraid of sneak attacks.


However, Xiao Kun's exclamation sounded beside him.

"Little Kun, what's the matter!"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly.

"Boss, I'm entangled, damn, this guy wants to divide me."

Xiao Kun gritted his teeth and said, he should be trying to break free from the deep sea. The octopus was bound, but he was poisoned and weak.

"Damn it, I'm really bullied, space slash!"

Xiao Kun was also angry, Power of Space broke out, and the space was cut directly.

"Xiao Kun, hide yourself first, I will burn all his ink!" Ye Qianxing soul sound transmission said.

"Okay, alien space."

Xiao Kun immediately replied, and his body escaped into alien space.

Although it still seems to be in place, he cannot be touched by any attack, unless he also has Power of Space.

Or strong enough to break space.

Although the deep-sea thousand-handed octopus is very strong, it is obviously not enough to shatter space with strength.

As soon as Xiao Kun escaped into the alien space, Ye Qianxing burst out into the golden flames of the sun.

The turbulent golden flames spread out from his center. At this time, Ye Qianxing is like a sun, all around the sea water, including the poisonous ink that melted into the sea water, has been exploded. The flame instantly burned into water vapor.

"The golden flames of the big sun, burn the world!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, the raging golden flames of the big sun spread suddenly.

In just a few moments, the seawater contaminated with poisonous ink was completely covered. Under the burning of Daichi Jinyan, the seawater, including the poisonous ink, was not held for a moment and turned into steam. dissipate.


Soon, there was a tragic cry.

It was sent by the deep-sea thousand-handed octopus. Under the golden flames of the sun, it was not spared and was eroded by the fire waves.

This time, its entire body was contaminated with the Great Sun’s Golden Flame.

You can't do it if you want to break your arm, you can only roll around in place.

"Xiao Kun, take this Detoxification Pill."

Ye Qianxing threw a Grade 8 Immortal Pill to Xiao Kun.

He really has no shortage of Immortal Pill now, and I don't know how much he has already stored.

Even when sprinkled with jelly beans, you can spill a lot.

Xiaokun took the Immortal Pill to detoxify, and the skin on his body gradually faded because of the poisoning.

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