"Brother Xing, where shall we go next?"

On the street, Zhou Lang asked.

"Wander around first, and then go to Xingyu Chamber of Commerce to have a look, auction, maybe there will be something good."

Ye Qianxing said.

Even if you don’t have any good things, it’s good to go shopping and join in the fun.

Other people naturally have no opinion.

So everyone wandered around in Wanyan City, and when the time was almost up, they went to Xingyu Chamber of Commerce.

When he was in the'youjia restaurant' before, he had already learned the location of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce from those diners.

At this point, many people have already rushed to Xingyu Chamber of Commerce. Ye Qianxing followed the crowd and quickly saw a very large building.

A plaque is placed in the most obvious place, with the four characters of "Xingyu Chamber of Commerce".

At this time, the Xingyu Chamber of Commerce was already full of people, Ye Qianxing and the others could only stay 100 meters away, and simply couldn't squeeze in.

Some of these people are locals in Wanyan City, and some are outsiders.

Most of them should come to join in the fun, and they don't even have the qualifications to enter the Xingyu Chamber of Commerce.

These talents are the most disgusting, they belong to the kind who occupy the pit and do not shit.

"Fuck, there are too many people."

Erbaiwu spit out.

tried to squeeze in, but was quickly squeezed out.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath and then opened his mouth loudly roared.

"Whose money fell on the ground!"


Erbaiwu's voice is indeed very loud, covering up the noisy voices, Let everyone hear it.

But they just glanced at Erbaiwu with idiot eyes, and then went on to do their own thing.

"Silly dog, you are so stupid to say that you are stupid, you think these all are auntie grocery shopping, and you all walked away after you shouted out the money?"

Little Too Xu gave Erbaiwu a glance.

"Little Mud Fish, if you have the ability, just use it, don't beep here."

Erbaiwu stared at Xiao Taixu and started arguing with him again.

"hmph, look at me."

Xiao Taixu snorted, and then also shouted.

"What a beautiful beauty, look at the beauty!"

This voice attracted the attention of many people.

Some men began to look around, Xiao Taixu took the opportunity to squeeze inside.

"Fuck, I was cheated by this kid, beat him!"

"Fuck him!"

puff puff puff ……

Soon, Xiao Taixu walked back with azure expression on his face.

"Hahaha, you are worse than me."

Erbaiwu suddenly showed a smile of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"Ai, you still have to look at me, I will send you into a different space later, don’t resist."

Xiao Kun sighed hate iron for not becoming steel. Then he cut a hole in the void in front of him, and walked in first.

Ye Qianxing and they quickly followed in.

Under the guidance of Xiao Kun, they passed directly through those people, but there was no obstacle at all.

This is the alien space.

This world is actually formed by the folding of countless pieces of space. The alien space seems to be still in this space, but in fact it is already not in a line.

Seeing Ye Qianxing and they walked directly over their bodies, they didn't feel the slightest bit of it, as if these people were illusory.

Those people all showed a strange look.

However, there are still some people with a broader vision. They turned their eyes a few times and guessed that Ye Qianxing and the others were using Power of Space.

Faced with the surprised eyes and comments of these people, Ye Qianxing and Xiao Kun's face remained unchanged.

Before the change, when their strength was low, they did not dare to expose so many hole cards, but now it is different. The strength of their small group is already very strong, so there is no need to worry about it anymore. .

Soon, they walked to the door of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce.

A line is pulled at the door of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce, and others are not allowed to enter.

Xiao Kun cut a hole in the void directly in front, and they walked out and appeared on the other side of the line.

"Hey, the auction hasn't started yet. It's not allowed to enter here."

The staff at the door of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce saw Ye Qianxing. They were within the red line and they wanted to Drive them away.

But maybe they have seen Ye Qianxing's abilities, so the attitude is not too much.

"You have to go there to test whether the assets are qualified, and then go to the queue, and wait until the auction starts before you come in."

Ye Qianxing follows the direction the staff points to Look.

There is indeed a place with a lot of people, there is to check whether the assets are qualified, but there are too many people there. When they are queued, it is estimated that it will be the year of the monkey.

"Can we not queue up?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

The staff's face was obviously impatient.

"Can you not queue up, you can ask them yourself, they are all with one head and two hands, why do you have such privileges?"

"Oh, if I What about this?"

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, and took out the Xing Yao order that Ye Qianxing gave him when the Emperor Tianyao went to the Chamber of Commerce.

"hmph, today even if you brought the King of Heaven, Lao Tzu,...this, this is Star Yaoling!"

The staff originally wanted to mock Ye Qianxing.

But then he saw the Xing Yaoling in Ye Qianxing's hand, his face suddenly changed.

Xing Yaoling represents the highest status of Xingyu Chamber of Commerce. Even if the president sees it, he must be treated with caution, let alone a small staff member.

[The author has something to say]

Regarding the relatively few recent updates, on the one hand, the final exam is coming, and the author has to review it; on the other hand, the author is planning I’m working on a new book, so time and energy may not be well allocated. I hope you can forgive me.

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