"One hundred and ten million."

Not long after Ye Qianxing shouted the price, someone followed him.

Obviously, there are still people who are thinking about taking a gamble.

"One hundred and twenty million."

"One hundred and thirty million."

"One hundred and forty million..."

The price is slowly rising, not as popular as the previous lots.

There are only a few people who bid.

"One hundred and fifty million."

Ye Qianxing didn't want to attract the attention of others, so he just increased it slowly.

Until the price mentioned 200 million, there were few biddings.

"200 million once, 200 million twice, 200 million three times. Congratulations to the VIPs in the Tianzi No. 1 box for taking this brush Immortal Artifact."

Auctioneer One Knock the hammer, this brush Immortal Artifact belongs to Ye Qianxing.

Others did not express surprise or say anything about something that Ye Qianxing had spent 200 million in to photograph something that was uncertain.

They have been with Ye Qianxing for a long time. It is clear that Ye Qianxing is not a targetless person. Since he is willing to spend so much money on one thing, it must be worth the money.

Even, great value for money.

But Ye Qianxing was a little surprised that Zi Mo didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

"I don’t know the origin and grade of something, but I was willing to spend 200 million to buy it. I really don’t know what these rich people think."

"Hehe, I guess it is. Which Young Master, it’s purely a playful mentality, hehe, I can’t let the few in my family follow him as wasrel."

There was a small discussion in the lobby. Although it is small, it can be heard in Ye Qianxing's ears.

Ye Qianxing is just slightly smiled for the mockery of these people.

Ignorance is not a sin.

"Everyone, by now, our auction has come to an end, and the next one is the last lot. I believe it is something that most of you have been thinking about."

"Well, looking at everyone's impatient appearance, I won't be nonsense, go baby!"

Auctioneer beckoned, and five more cheongsam women carried five jade plates and walked up. Auction table.

Ye Qianxing looked at the people sitting in the lobby and found that they were all inexplicably excited at this time, their faces flushed red.

One after another stretched their necks forward.

Do they already know what those lots are?

Moreover, it seems to be a good thing depending on the situation.

"Cough cough, avoid some customers not knowing what the last lot is, so please forgive me for taking some time to introduce this lot."

Auctioneer said, at the same time He waved his hands for those cheongsam beauties to lift the red cloth.

As soon as the red cloth is opened, each jade plate is a box.

A box with a very precious material.

"These five boxes are the last lot of our auction, Tao Yuanguo!"

As Auctioneer said here, those five cheongsams The beauties also opened the box on the jade plate one after another.

Suddenly, a strange smell came out.

This smell is very strange, neither fragrant nor smelly, but everyone will have a very special feeling after smelling it.

This feeling is very refreshing.

In the lobby that was originally very noisy, it fell silent for an instant.

Everyone is closing their eyes, breathing the smell in the air greedily.

It seems to be feeling something.

The box just opened within a second and then closed, and the strange smell disappeared, and everyone felt unfinished.

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