Under the leadership of the Liuli Spirit Crystal turtle, Ye Qianxing learned that the turtle ruins were simply in the depths of the seabed in the Asura Sea Territory.

In this case, you have to dive into the seabed.

Ye Qianxing thought for a while and said.

"Well, I, Xiao Kun, Vajra, and Zhou Lang followed Xiao Liuli to the Guixu Land to look for Xiao Ba. The rest of the people will first enter Xiao Kun's Saint Realm, and wait until there is a need. It's time to release it again."

Action on the sea is different from diving into the seabed. Among the many Spirit Pets of Ye Qianxing, Xiao Kun and Vajra have strong combat abilities in the sea.

As for Zhou Lang, Ye Qianxing originally intended to let him also return to Saint Realm, but Xiao Liuli was afraid of everyone else, but believed Zhou Lang alone.

Helpless, I had to keep Zhou Lang.

"Let's go in."

Ye Qianxing said, everyone slammed into the blood.

As soon as he entered, Vajra used Wu Zhiqi's water control ability to create a Formation around the four to isolate the sea water.

Actually, there is also oxygen in sea water, but it is relatively thin.

The creatures in the sea are used to it and can breathe the oxygen, but normal terrestrial creatures cannot.

Vajra set Formation to isolate the immersion of sea water, but retain oxygen.

So Ye Qianxing they can breathe.

Under the leadership of Xiao Liuli, after they sneaked into the seabed, they moved towards one direction for a long time.

During the period, I didn't meet Asura Race again. I think the route chosen by Xiao Liuli was very safe. Few Asura Race passed by.

After a full day's journey, they finally reached their destination.

Ye Qianxing watched a blue light curtain appeared in front of him, like a door.

Xiao Liuli explained.

"The Turtle Ruins occupies a small area in the Asura Sea Territory, but in order to avoid Asura Race against us, Old Ancestor has set up a Formation to block Asura Race."

"As long as you pass through this light curtain, you will truly enter the turtle ruins."

After listening to Xiao Liuli's explanation, Ye Qianxing nodded, but asked in confusion.

"Since this Formation can resist Asura Race, it should be strong, can we break in?"

"Don't worry, this Formation is only used to resist Asura Race , Unless you have the breath of Asura Race, you will not be stopped."

Xiao Liuli immediately explained.

Ye Qianxing suddenly realized, that is to say, this formation is only for Asura Race, as for other people, it can be unimpeded.

No wonder those pirates can break into it and catch Xiao Liuli out.

The person who set up this Formation is very clever. Asura Sea Territory is considered a forbidden area in the Eastern Sea.

There is Asura Race as a line of defense, and other people cannot enter, so they only need to defend Asura Race.

"In that case, we should not be too late, let's go in."

Ye Qianxing said, he could see the anxiety in Zhou Lang's eyes at this time.

The current Zhou Lang's heart is very complicated, with excitement and excitement, but also worry and tension.

It's normal. The Guixu who has been looking for so long is right in front of him. Xiao Ba who has been missing for a long time is likely to be in the Guixu. Zhou Lang must be excited.

But he is also very nervous. If Xiao Ba can't be found in Guixu, does it mean that Xiao Ba is already not in?

Then, he was truly desperate.

This time, there are only two endings: hope and despair.

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