"Xiao Liuli, does the Old Ancestor in your mouth really have a way to save Xiao Ba?"

Zhou Lang's original sluggishness disappeared, and he asked excitedly.

Xiao Liuli said uncertainly.

"I don't know, but Old Ancestor possesses great magical power. I think there should be a way."

"If you have a chance, it's good. If you have a chance, it's good."

Zhou Lang muttered to himself.

Although not very hopeful, as long as there is hope.

Ye Qianxing was a little worried. After going from hope to despair to hope, if he still fails in the end, Zhou Lang will not be able to bear it.

"Xiao Liuli, how can I find the Old Ancestor in your mouth?"

Zhou Lang asked hurriedly.

Ye Qianxing didn't think too much, in fact, he was very curious about the mysterious existence that created this land of turtle ruins.

People who can have such divine ability are absolutely extraordinary.

"Uh...no one knows how to find Old Ancestor, unless Old Ancestor is willing to meet, but I can try to call him for you."

Xiao Liuli said , He closed his eyes and moved his mouth slightly.

A voice that Ye Qianxing could not understand came out, very melodious and loud.

This situation lasted for more than half an hour. Suddenly, Ye Qianxing felt a strange force suddenly enveloping him.

It seems that I intend to take myself somewhere.

This kind of manipulation is uncomfortable, Ye Qianxing doesn't like it.

Just when he was about to resist, Xiao Liuli's voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't resist, Old Ancestor agreed to meet us."

Listening to Xiao Liuli's words, Ye Qianxing discovered that it was not just him, Zhou Lang, Xiao Kun, Vajra and their faces are very unnatural at this time.

Obviously the situation is similar to my own.

"en. "

Zhou Lang pointed at Ye Qianxing and they were nodded, and chose to believe in Xiao Liuli.

Ye Qianxing hesitated for a moment, but also chose to believe it.

What can I do if I don’t believe it.

That strange force is too strong, it is not something he can resist if he wants to resist.

So Ye Qianxing simply relaxed.

Soon, Ye Qianxing felt that saw a flash, the next moment, appeared in another place.

This place does not seem to be very different from the places I have visited before. In fact, every part of the whole Guixu Land looks the same. If you are not careful, you may get lost.

At this moment, in front of Ye Qianxing and them is a giant tortoise illusory shadow.

It is not always true that it is a turtle, because on his turtle shell, there is still a python illusory shadow coiled around.

Ye Qianxing subconsciously opened the eyes of the system and checked it, which is similar to the situation of the previous investigation of Xiao Kun and his Old Ancestor.

[Name]: Black Tortoise

[Race]: A tribe of tortoises

[Level]:? ? ?

[attribute]:? ? ?

[evaluation]:? ? ?

"It turns out to be the legendary Black Tortoise. No wonder, no wonder he has such great divine ability, and no wonder he took such care of Turtle Clan. I heard that Black Tortoise is Turtle Clan's Old Ancestor. "

"That said, it's right for Xiao Liuli to call him Old Ancestor."

Ye Qianxing thought.


When Ye Qianxing was looking at the legendary Black Tortoise in front of him, the latter shook, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a human form.

is the image of a white haired old man.

He glanced at Xiao Liuli kindly, and then looked towards Ye Qianxing.

"Listening to Liuli, you have something to find me?"

Ye Qianxing did not speak, Zhou Lang said hurriedly.

"Yes, senior, I heard Xiao Liuli say that you possess great magical power, so I want to ask you for a favor."

"Help? Come and listen. Since you are Liuli's friends, as long as it is not very difficult, I will not refuse."

Black Tortoise said.

"That's it, senior, I have a very good brother, his name is Xiao Ba, a spirit tortoise, he was involved in Space Crack in the space channel almost a year ago, life and death I don’t know, since you are the creator of the tortoise ruins, and the tortoise ruins contain all the tortoise spirits in the world, so I want you to help find Xiao Ba’s Spirit Soul."

His own request was spoken, and it can be seen that he had repeated this matter countless times in his heart.

After Zhou Lang said this, Black Tortoise was nodded.

"Well, it's really not difficult, but I need something, such as that Xiaohachi's belongings you just mentioned, or other items that contain its breath."


Zhou Lang hurriedly took out a tortoise shell, and there were even blood stains clearly visible on the tortoise shell.

It should be Xiao Ba who left it. Zhou Lang has kept it well. This is the only thing Xiao Ba left him.

"Turtle shell? Hiss...The turtle shell is a very important part of Turtle Clan. In this way, the probability of finding him is even greater."

"Wait a moment."

After that, Black Tortoise One beckoned, and the tortoise shell in Zhou Lang's hand appeared out of thin air in his hand.


Black Tortoise shot a rays of light into the shell of the tortoise. Even though he didn't speak any more, he didn't move, as if he had entered a mysterious wandering.

Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang did not speak, but waited nervously.

A little bit of time passed...


After a long time, Black Tortoise suddenly screamed.

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