
Everyone has no opinion on this.

Ye Qianxing casually observed all around, then chose a direction to start.

In the Promise Abyss, Ye Qianxing did not dare to be too impudent, so instead of flying, they relied on walking.

But they are not ordinary persons, almost all of them have reached the emperor level, and their pace is also very fast.

I don't know whether it was because the Promise Abyss was originally barren, or the area they happened to be in was barren. After walking for a long time, Ye Qianxing and the others never encountered another undead creature.

There is no day and night in the Promise Abyss, so they can only rely on Xiao Tai Xu to know the ebbing of time.

So, two days have passed.

The Promise Abyss is too big. Although it was only a walk in two days, it was still at least a few thousand kilometers away.

But I still feel boundless, and I can't reach the end.

"Suck...Boss, I seem to smell the devil, right there!"

Suddenly, Erbaiwu pointed in one direction and said.

Ye Qianxing's face suddenly turned happy.

Erbaiwu is a dog, with a keen sense of smell, and he himself is a demon type, so he must be very sensitive to the breath of the devil.

Since he said that there is evil demonic energy not far away, it must be there.


Ye Qianxing waved his big hand, and the entire group moved towards the direction pointed by Erbaiwu.

However, after walking for a long time, Erbaiwu did not call to stop.

Xiao Taixu is a little impatient.

"Erbaiwu, what the hell is going on, can you smell it wrong?"

"No, I can smell it all the time, and it's getting closer and closer, it should It's near us, maybe it's hidden."

Erbaiwu brows tightly knit said, he could feel the evil demonic energy in the vicinity, but couldn't determine the location.

Ye Qianxing hearing this squinted his eyes.

"It seems that the guy is treating us as its prey, hiding and trying to sneak attack us."

As soon as Ye Qianxing said this, Erbaiwu and others suddenly realized it. Up.

Yes, the owner of the evil demonic energy that Erbaiwu felt should be hiding and preparing to sneak attack them.

But, where is this guy hiding?

"Erbaiwu, are you sure you can't feel its specific location?"

"Well, all directions have its breath, I can only make sure it is near us, specifically It’s not known where it is."

Erbaiwu also rarely said seriously.

"In this case, let's not move, and wait for that guy's active attack."

Ye Qianxing immediately made a decision.

The entire group stood still, and competed patiently with the guy hiding in the dark.

After half an hour, the guy finally couldn't help it.


Ye Qianxing's predictive skills were triggered, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

An extremely large black scale python suddenly jumped out from the ground, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards their entire group and swallowed it.

It turned out to be underground!

And it's still a huge monster.

"Everyone spread out!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted.

Others are always on the alert. As soon as Ye Qianxing's voice rang, they immediately followed suit, moving towards the surrounding area.

Next moment, a huge python head rushed out of the ground, which was the ground they had fought before.

"I rely on, so dangerous, this guy is hiding in the ground, no wonder I can't feel the dog!"

Erbaiwu yelled.

Vajra's violent temper is even more straightforward, and he roared towards the sky with a pounding chest.

"ao wu wu wu !"


An extremely violent and terrifying force gushes out of Vajra's body, and his size instantly grows larger , And grow golden hair.

Soon it turned into a prototype, the form of a godless ape!

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