
Everyone shouted in unison, and at the same time moved towards Lich King launched an attack.

Erbaiwu moved towards Lich King Nether Flame, Vajra picked up the Hunyuan stick and jumped to Lich King, Xiao Lei launched Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, Xiao Kun gathered the power of space slash...

"Angel Judgment!"

Lin Ruoxi condensed the power of sacred power, turned into a huge lightsaber, and decapitated it at Lich King.

"hmph! A group of weak chickens."

Lich King is coldly snorted, very disdainful.

I saw it a finger pointed, and suddenly burst out a strong purple demonic energy, blocking all the attacks.

"Let you weak chickens see what true power is!"

"Frostmourne, Fire's Wrath."

Lich King Two One hand opened to the Six Pointed Star Array under his feet, and two giant swords flashing with red flames and blue frost rose out of the Six Pointed Star Array.


Two giant sword moved towards Ye Qianxing and the others.

The huge coercion produced by the combination of the high temperature of the flame and the low temperature of the frost directly crushed Ye Qianxing and the others.

"Really strong!"

Ye Qianxing's complexion changed suddenly, and he moved towards Xiaoyan shouted.



Awakening state, open.

Ye Qianxing's breath soared, and he didn't dare to waste time, so he directly launched his big move.

"Nine suns, burn the world!"

bang!! !

Nine fireballs, like the scorching sun, rose up and moved towards that Frostmourne and Fire's Wrath under the control of Ye Qianxing.

bang! bang! bang!

bang! bang! bang!

bang! bang! bang!

Nine fireballs like the scorching sun struck one after another on the two giant swords, but they only hindered the attacks of Frostmourne and Fire's Wrath, unable to offset them.

Ye Qianxing's face suddenly became pale. Jiuyang Burning the World was his strongest skill now, but he couldn't stop Lich King's attack.

It seems that even if it is in a sealed state at this time, its strength is only Demi-God level, and it is not something they can contend.

"Demi-God...... Xiaokun, I am afraid that only you can deal with it at the moment."

Ye Qianxing looked towards Xiaokun.

Although Xiaokun’s cultivation realm does not reach Half God Realm, he can mobilize the World Strength in Saint Realm of Guixu, so he can completely contend with the Demi-God strong.

Xiao Kun hearing this, his face solemn, but still nodded.

"Everyone retreats. Later, I will do my best to suppress Lich King back to the Eighteen Hells. It won't be too long. Everyone will take the opportunity to leave."


Xiaokun knows that no matter how much he is, he is impossible to be Lich King's opponent.

For the present plan, we can only rely on the power of the Seal of Six Pointed Star Array.

"Okay, you be careful."

Ye Qianxing nodded, and no nonsense, ordered everyone to step back.

Only Xiao Kun faces Lich King alone.

"Hehe, kid, are you planning to stay as cannon fodder?"

Lich King looked towards Xiao Kun with a look of disdain.

Xiao Kun didn't have the thoughts of interacting with it, and directly urged the Saint Realm of Guixu with all his strength.

Suddenly, an illusory world image was formed behind Xiao Kun, and one after another strange energy gushed out of Saint Realm's self-returning ruins, and crossed into Xiao Kun's body.

Seeing this, Lich King's disdain finally changed.

"This is...World Strength, this kid is clearly the Emperor Realm, how can he mobilize World Strength, and it is still such a surging World Strength."

"This is not in line with common sense. Ah!"

Lich King couldn't help cry out in surprise, obviously he also felt the threat that Xiao Kun brought to him at this time.

"Power of Space, suppress!"

Xiao Kun fuse all World Strength into Power of Space, and suddenly, his Power of Space has undergone a qualitative change.

Lich King suddenly felt a strong pressure coming. At the same time, the Seal of Six Pointed Star Array under his feet was also activated. A strong suction came out, and countless chains extended from it. , Directly entangled Lich King.

Then pull it into the Six Pointed Star Array.

"no! !!!"

Lich King suddenly let out an unwilling roar.

"It's now, retreat!"

Xiao Kun is also loudly roared, Ye Qianxing immediately led everyone around Lich King, moved towards the big rift and ran away.

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