"In the Netherworld River, there are ghosts and ghosts everywhere, and the Netherworld River cannot fly through. To pass the Netherworld River, you can only cross by boat, but the thousands of ghosts in the Netherworld River will think about it. Drag you into the Netherworld River."

"Once you are dragged into the Netherworld River, even if you have great divine ability, it is useless and can only be reduced to the rations of those ghosts."

The black scale python demon soul said.

"How strong are those ghosts and ghosts?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

The black scale python demon soul shook the head.

"I don't know, I just heard about it. In fact, I haven't even passed the big gap."


Ye Qianxing thinks about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

The big rift is definitely a big hurdle, the strong below Demi-God Level are all impossible to pass, and the black scale python was only an emperor before his death, and it is even more impossible to pass the big rift.

Naturally, I don't know the Netherworld River after the big gap.

"I have come here, impossible and give up halfway, lead the way."

Ye Qianxing immediately decided.

Blackscale python did not dissuade this time, after all, they have come here.

It is also clear that people like Ye Qianxing will certainly not give up easily.

Continue to sit on the back of the silly eagle, and under the guidance of the black scale python demon soul, moved towards one direction.

There were no more accidents along the way. The journey went smoothly. After almost two days of flying, a large black river appeared in front of everyone.

"Is that the Netherworld River? Maad, where is the river? It is clearly the sea, boundless..."

Looking at the Netherworld River, which is out of sight, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but complain.

Black scale python showed an awkward look.

"I don't understand it. That's what people call it."

"By the way, I heard that flying over the Netherworld River is also forbidden. It's almost time to land. In the Netherworld River, we have to suffer from the bite of a thousand ghosts."

The black scale python demon soul persuaded, obviously, this sentence was said to the fool.

When there was a big gap before, this guy didn't believe in evil and had to fly directly, but was suppressed and fell down, awakening the sleeping Lich family.

"I got it."

The silly eagle said grimly. Although he was unwilling, he didn't dare to be willful anymore.

It's just a pain to fall through the big gap. If you fall into the Netherworld River, you will die.

Soon, they landed on the ground.

Less than a hundred meters in front of you is the Netherworld River.

"But we don't have a boat."

"I heard that there will be ships appearing in the Netherworld River from time to time. In fact, they are empty ships. It should be someone who tried to cross by boat before. Netherworld River, and then accidentally dragged into the Netherworld River by the ghost, there is only one empty ship left, wandering in the Netherworld River."

"There are a lot of these ships, and they follow the currents of the Netherworld River. Keep moving, and every time we can see it on the shore of the Netherworld River."

Blackscale python explained.

Listening to it, Ye Qianxing and the others can be considered sighed in relief.

If there is no ship, they can only enter the Saint Realm of Xiaokun’s hometown and watch some trees to build ships.

However, I don't know if Xiao Kun can open Saint Realm in Guixu now.



Next, Ye Qianxing entire group waited on the bank of the Netherworld River for almost five days. Everyone Already a little impatient.

Even Ye Qianxing can't help browsing frowned at this time.

"How long will I have to wait?"

"This...I'm not sure, everything is just heard, wait a minute, maybe it will be soon."

Blackscale python is also a bit awkward.

He just heard of these, and he doesn't know the truthfulness.

Just when Ye Qianxing was about to call out Xiao Kun to ask if he could enter the Saint Realm of Guixu, Lin Ruoxi suddenly pointed and shouted not far away.

"Look, there seems to be a boat there!"

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