"Can you overtake them?"

Ye Qianxing hearing this hurriedly asked.

Little Monk nodded, said.

"Little monk is willing to give it a try."

Ye Qianxing only then realized that Buddhism really has the ability to save the soul.

Perhaps, Little Monk can help these evil spirits in the Netherworld River to let go of their obsessions and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

"Okay, you can try it."

Ye Qianxing nodded, agreed to Little Monk's request.

His heart is not made of iron. The souls in the Netherworld River were all pitiful persons before they were alive. If they can be overwhelmed, it is naturally the best.


Little Monk recites a Buddha's name, puts his hands together, sits down cross-legged, looked towards the crowds in the Netherworld River, his eyes are full of look of pity .

Suddenly, a golden Buddha's radiance bloomed from Little Monk's body.

Ye Qianxing soon discovered that these Buddha's radiances consisted of golden Buddhism runes, spread out, and soon covered the surrounding area of ​​several hundred meters.

In the Netherworld River, all the souls who had been irradiated by Buddha's radiance were quiet in an instant.

The hostility and resentment on them were irradiated by Buddha's radiance and turned into black mist. The mist dissipated little by little. The souls who had lost their hostility and resentment moved towards Little Monk, bowed and thanked them, and then disappeared.

It is estimated that he went to Land of Reincarnation and was reincarnated.

Ye Qianxing and the others in Buddha's radiance, listening to Little Monk's chanting, the mood began to calm down.

Ye Qianxing once heard those fake monks chanting scriptures when he was in Earth Star, but he didn't feel anything, and sometimes he even felt very irritable.

But listening to Little Monk chanting at this time, there is no feeling of irritation at all.

On the contrary, there is a sense of comfort in which the soul is sublimated.

Immediately afterwards, everyone rowed a boat while chanting sutras from Little Monk to overwhelm the ghosts in the Netherworld River.

The journey has gone a lot smoother, and there is no longer a way to hinder the way.

However, they are also impossible to supersede all the evil spirits in the entire Netherworld River, not to mention how big the Netherworld River is, how many evil spirits are in it, and whether Little Monk has the ability to completely supersede them.

Even if they have this ability, Ye Qianxing has a mission on their trip, and it is impossible to waste all their time here.

"As a result, the Netherworld River level is the smallest threat for you."

The black scale python demon soul said.

The greatest danger in Netherworld River is these evil spirits, but Little Monk can overcome them, so that there is no danger.

Time passed a little bit, and there was no concept of time in Abyss Promise, but according to Xiao Taixu's calculation, it should have been three days.

For these three days, Little Monk has been chanting all the time, and a trace of sweat leaked from his forehead, which made Ye Qianxing a little distressed.

He also advised Little Monk to rest for a while and take his time.

But Little Monk refused. According to his words, one more second of chanting can save a ghost and accumulate a little more merit.

Little Monk is so persistent, Ye Qianxing can't say anything.

Can only support his decision.

A few days later, Ye Qianxing was resting with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, a huge energy poured into his body out of thin air, awakening Ye Qianxing.

"This energy comes from Little Monk?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards Little Monk, at this time Little Monk is still chanting sutras in the Netherworld River Injustice, Li Gui, the aura on his body was much stronger than before.

This is an upgrade!

Why did you upgrade suddenly?

Ye Qianxing is very puzzled, and sorry to bother Little Monk at this time.

So he immediately opened the eyes of the system and checked it.

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