Similar to what the black scale python said, this group of bloodfiend mosquitoes rely on group blood-sucking.

But it's easy to deal with.

Ye Qianxing moved towards Xiaoyan shouted.


Initiating the awakening state, Xiao Yan directly merged into Ye Qianxing's body.

At this time, the group of bloodfiend mosquitoes have also approached, less than fifty meters away from Ye Qianxing and their ship.

"The golden flames of the big sun, the nine suns...burn the world!"

Ye Qianxing jumped up, and the scarlet gold rays of light spread out all over his body.

Suddenly, it seemed like a scorching sun, shining in human eyes.

Immediately, nine huge fireballs separated from Ye Qianxing's body and circled around Ye Qianxing's side as if protecting the law.


As Ye Qianxing yelled, he pointed to the bloodfiend mosquitoes in front of him.

Suddenly, nine scorching sun and fireballs swept towards the group of bloodfiend mosquitoes and rushed past them.

pēng pēng pēng ……!

Under the explosion, the entire sky was filled with the light of scarlet gold, like a sea of ​​fire.

The group of bloodfiend mosquitoes were burned under the golden flames of the day, and they couldn't last long before they were burned to the point that there was no ashes left.

The golden flames of the big day can burn a world, even more how trifling a group of bloodfiend mosquitoes.

But in a moment, the black cloud composed of millions of bloodfiend mosquitoes dissipated in the world under the burning of the golden flames of the sun.

"Heh, impossible to withstand a single blow."

Ye Qianxing curled his mouth, revealing a disdainful color.

But then, his face suddenly changed.

An ominous premonition strikes my heart.

Soon, an extremely terrifying breath enveloped the entire area.

This aura, with a strong smell of blood, but also contains an extremely strong killing intent.

Little Monk, who was chanting sutras to save his spirits and ghosts, was awakened.

At the same time, in the nearby Netherworld River, those ghosts and ghosts who had already calmed down under Little Monk's transcendence and were about to escape into reincarnation, under the infection of that aura, recovered in an instant. Violent.

It even became more serious, and began to howl loudly, moved towards Ye Qianxing and their ship launched an attack.

"Very evil aura, the little monk feels that this aura seems to be innately mutually exclusive with the little monk, suppressing the little monk's Buddha's radiance."

Little Monk said with a serious face.

"Everyone, be careful, I'm afraid there is a strong enemy."

Ye Qianxing also realized that the situation was not right, and hurriedly reminded him.

At the same time moved towards Blackscale python asked.

"What the hell didn't tell us!"

"There is indeed one thing, but I really didn't think you would even give that old taboo. I'm attracted."

Black scale python seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

Exposed extreme fear.

"If you really attracted the taboo, then we are really over..."

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about it!"

Ye Qianxing almost couldn't help but squeeze this guy. At this time, how about putting it aside?

Hei Lin python seemed to be really impatient when he saw Ye Qianxing, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, and hurriedly said what he knew.

"The taboo I mentioned is named Netherworld River Old Ancestor. He lived in the Netherworld River a long, long time ago. I don’t know how long, but I heard that Netherworld River The name comes from the name of Netherworld River Old Ancestor."

"Therefore, there are rumors that the history of Netherworld River Old Ancestor is longer than Netherworld River."

"But It has always been just a rumor, because no one has actually seen the Netherworld River Old Ancestor in the Netherworld River, so I did not tell you, because even I am not sure whether the Netherworld River Old Ancestor really exists."

"But now, it seems that there can be such a terrifying aura. I am afraid that there is only this Netherworld River Old Ancestor in the entire Netherworld River."

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