
Along with this loud Buddha sound, a golden Buddha's radiance also shrouded in front of Lin Ruoxi, guarding Lin Ruoxi.

The great sword of Netherworld River Old Ancestor stabbed on this golden Buddha's radiance, and it was unable to defeat it.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing and the others also felt the imprisoned pressure all over their bodies disappeared without a trace.

At the moment when he regained his freedom, Ye Qianxing didn't even have time to think about where the sacred help was, so he jumped into the Netherworld River with a puff.

moved towards Little Monk, who has been dragged down by those ghosts and spirits, swims over.

"I died so miserably, come and accompany me..."

"wu wu wu...I want to go home, you take me home."


"So hungry, so hungry, I want to eat meat..."

As soon as Ye Qianxing dived into the Netherworld River, the evil spirits and ghosts immediately moved towards Ye Qianxing and tried Divided him up.

At this time, Ye Qianxing also didn't care about pitying these evil spirits, and directly exploded into the golden flames of the sun, burning the soul flew away and scattered from the evil spirits trying to get close to him.

Speed ​​up, and soon Ye Qianxing will be close to Little Monk.

There were dozens of hundreds of evil spirits around Little Monk clutching him, Ye Qianxing's eyes flashed cold glow, and a space teleportation appeared directly beside Little Monk.

I hugged him, and at the same time, the golden flames of the sun broke out again.

bang!! !

Under the burning of scarlet gold fire waves, the soul flew away and scattered instantly.

Ye Qianxing hugged Little Monk and quickly moved towards the top to swim.

At this time, Little Monk is full of black hostility, and his breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Qianxing touches Little Monk's body, and even feels cold for a while, like... holding a corpse.

Ye Qianxing is connected to the soul of Little Monk, so you can feel that although Little Monk's breath is getting weaker, he is still alive.

Soon, Ye Qianxing took Little Monk out of the Netherworld River, then jumped up suddenly and onto the boat.

And Netherworld River Old Ancestor just kept watching, unexpectedly did not stop it.

Ye Qianxing soon noticed that there was another person on the boat.

That was an old man, to be precise, an old monk, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, always accompanied by a soft golden Buddha's radiance.

It gives people a feeling of being bathed in sunlight in winter.

Just when Ye Qianxing was about to ask this old monk who is who, Netherworld River Old Ancestor suddenly spoke.

"Old bald donkey in Jizo, you really like to be nosy. Netherworld River is Lao Tzu's site. They broke into Lao Tzu's site and killed Lao Tzu's bloodfiend mosquitoes. Lao Tzu wants to kill Kill them, you should have no reason to stop them?"

Netherworld River Old Ancestor seemed very at odds with the old monk. When they met, they directly exploded and shouted.

The old monk, who was called the Ksitigarbha old bald donkey by Netherworld River Old Ancestor, listened to Netherworld River Old Ancestor's swear words, but his expression did not change at all, he was still smiling.

"Netherworld River, old monk, this is for your own good, I don’t want you to kill evil again."

"che, old bald donkey, don’t pretend to look like a good old man , In my opinion, then Little Monk should be yours, send him to Netherworld River, what's the conspiracy?"

Netherworld River said with a sneer.

"No, the donors are not sent by the old monk, but he does have some connections with the old monk, so the old monk will take him away."

The monk pointed to Little Monk and said.

Netherworld River glanced at Ye Qianxing and Little Monk, then looked towards the old monk again, coldly said.

"What if I say no?"

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