"If you want to approach and use the Karma Red Lotus, you must get its approval. This is the most difficult. If you approach rashly, you may endanger your life."

"Yours This friend must stay here and accept the radiance of the Buddha in order to save his life and cannot go with him. Therefore, you must find a way to bring the Karma Fire Red Lotus."

The old monk of Jizo slowly To say.

His tone is extremely serious, which shows that he does not have much hope that Ye Qianxing can complete this task.

Ye Qianxing has a firm face.

"As long as there is hope, Master, please take me to find the red lotus."

Ye Qianxing moved towards the old Tibetan monk and gave a big gift, begging .

"Well, since you insist, the old monk will accompany you on a trip. How about your friends, do you need the old monk to wake them up?"

"No, Just let them stay here."

Ye Qianxing shook the head.

The journey here is dangerous and unpredictable. The most important thing is that bringing them doesn't make much difference.

Netherworld River Old Ancestor has the old Tibetan monk to help stop, Ye Qianxing's task is only to bring back the karma red lotus, to do this kind of thing, it is not useful if there are too many people.

"Also, that's the case, it shouldn't be too late, let's go now."

Nodded, the old Tibetan monk suddenly grabbed Ye Qianxing's arm.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qianxing felt the scene change.

In the next second, it appeared above the Netherworld River.

The old Tibetan monk walked in the sky above the Netherworld River with Ye Qianxing with his feet on Golden Light Talisman.

This really surprised Ye Qianxing for a while.

He clearly knew that there was a restriction above the Netherworld River, and it was impossible to fly at all. Didn't expect that the old monk by his side was so powerful that he could be directly immune to the restriction of the Netherworld River!


Ye Qianxing suddenly reacted at this time, before the Netherworld River Old Ancestor called the old monk to call Ji Zang.

Ye Qianxing originally thought that the name was familiar, but he was worried about Little Monk so he didn't have the mind to think too much. At this time, he was idle, but he reacted.

Isn’t this old monk the famous Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva of Buddhism?

Ye Qianxing doesn't know much about Buddhism, but the name Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva is definitely heard. In Ye Qianxing's mind, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva is even more famous than the three Buddhas of Buddhism.

Because, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva once said a word.

The hell is not empty, and you will never become a Buddha!

The meaning is very simple, he will never become a Buddha unless he saves all the evil spirits and ghosts in hell.

This shows his selflessness.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but become curious, so he looked towards the old monk beside him and opened the eyes of the system to check.

Name: Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva

attribute:? ? ?

Evaluation:? ? ?

Level:? ? ?

Introduction: A person in Buddhism, selfless and fearless, is willing to fall into hell forever because of the phrase "There is no space in hell, but he will never become a Buddha." He has not yet achieved the Buddha status and entered the Western Bliss world.

As Ye Qianxing expected, the eyes of system still couldn't see through all the information of the old monk around him.

But at least it proves that he is indeed the legendary Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva.

When Ye Qianxing was looking at Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the latter seemed to have some sense, and suddenly turned his head and looked towards Ye Qianxing.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Donor, were you spying on the old monk just now?" Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva asked suddenly.

Ye Qianxing startled, this is the first time I have used the system eye to be discovered!

As usual, even if the eye of system cannot see through other people's information, it has never been discovered.

didn't expect this Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva has such a divine ability, even the prying eyes of the system can feel it!

It is indeed the genius of Buddhism.

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