
Looking at the Demi-God displayed in the rank column of Little Monk's information sheet at this time, Ye Qianxing was very excited.

He finally has another Spirit Pet who has reached Demi-God Level.

As for himself, after gaining the power of Little Monk, his cultivation base has also successfully reached Demi-God Level.

That strange feeling is exactly the Heaven and Earth Rule that I felt after reaching the Demi-God Realm world.

Because it was a gift from Little Monk, Ye Qianxing, like him, naturally obtained Dao of Karma.

For others, if you want to achieve Divine Grade, you need to understand the Heaven and Earth Rule.

But Ye Qianxing is different. It only needs his Spirit Pet to successfully comprehend the Heaven and Earth Rule, and Ye Qianxing can comprehend the Heaven and Earth Rule by getting his feedback.

"In other words, after Little Monk's Dao of Karma reaches 100%, it should be able to achieve the position of God, but I don't know what grade of Heaven and Earth Rule Dao of Karma belongs to."

"You can go out and ask Zi Mo, that guy seems to have a special identity and knows a lot."

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing moved towards Little Monk said.

"Let’s get out now, brothers are all worried about you."


Little Monk nodded, Ye Qianxing thoughts move, two People left the creative space and returned to the temple.

As soon as the people who were defending the law saw Ye Qianxing and Little Monk appear, they immediately surrounded them.

When they saw what Little Monk looked like, they couldn't help but marvel.

"Fuck, Little Monk has grown into a Great Buddhist Monk, um...no, it’s not as cute as before."

Erbaiwu said with a mean face, and shook the head .

Zi Mo gave the silly dog ​​a blank glance.

"Nonsense, I think Little Monk is more handsome than you guys."

"I admit it is handsomer than that stupid dog, but it’s more handsome than this dragon It’s still a little bit different when you get up."

"Dead loach, what are you talking about, believing or not the dog bite you!"

"Oh, it’s crazy, not for three days Come on solo!"

Maybe it's because Little Monk is okay, everyone is sighed in relief.

Erbaiwu and Xiao Taixu started to quarrel again, which eased the tension a lot.

Ye Qianxing took the time to ask Zi Mo.

"Have you heard of Dao of Karma?"

"Dao of Karma?"

As soon as he heard Ye Qianxing's words, Zi Mo directly stared wide-eyed.

From her look, she seems to have heard of it, and it should be very simple.

Ye Qianxing didn't disturb Zi Mo, leaving her shocked.

After a while, Zi Mo recovered and explained.

"Dao of Karma is Ranked 5th in the 3000 Grand Dao Law, and generally speaking, as long as you can comprehend the top ten of the 3000 Grand Dao Law, as long as you don't fall halfway, you will surely be a High God in the future. Only."

"You shouldn't be..."

Zi Mo stared at Ye Qianxing with wide eyes, as if he had guessed something.

Ye Qianxing thought for a while, but said nodded.

"After Little Monk merged with the Karma Fire Red Lotus, he realized Dao of Karma, but did not fully understand it, so it only reached Demi-God Realm."

"Hey...you It’s really good luck for my friend. The top ten rules of Three Thousand Great Daos. If this makes him fully comprehend, he can definitely become a High God."

"But that’s right, it’s rumored that the first one was successful. Those who comprehend Dao of Karma are also Buddhism people. Relying on Dao of Karma, they achieved the body of the ancient glass Buddha, and finally became the Buddha of the Xitian Bliss world."

Zi Mo nodded said, just Envy can't be concealed in his eyes.

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