"I don’t know. When I died, I only saw the Southern Guard Pass fall. I don’t know anything about what happened after that."

Murong Yan shook the head, his face also showing A worried look.

Her feelings for Tianchao are no more shallow than Ye Qianxing, or even worse. After all, her time in the Southern Guard Pass is longer than Ye Qianxing.

Moreover, her elder sister Murong Yu is also in the Southern Guard Pass, and Little Lass must be very worried about Murong Yu’s safety.

"Ai, I hope there is nothing wrong."

Ye Qianxing sighed, the scene became a bit heavy for a while.

The Southern Guard Pass is the most important southern pass of the Celestial Kingdom. Once it is lost, let alone the entire Celestial Kingdom, at least the cities in the southern part of the Celestial Kingdom will encounter crisis.

Hundreds of millions of people will be trapped in dire straits, home destruction and death.

However, Ye Qianxing can only pray silently for the celestial dynasty now, but there is no other way.

He wants to go back and save the Kingdom of Heaven now, but he doesn't have this ability.

It is difficult to cross the realm, not to mention that the space of Spirit World is stronger and more stable than the earth star.

They came to Spirit World from the earth star and they depended on the boundary passage left before, but now they don't know where it is.

Although Xiaokun’s cultivation base level has soared now, if he wants to break the barrier between Spirit World and Earthstar, I am afraid that this strength is not enough, at least he has to be upgraded to Divine Grade.

"Brother Xing, believe in the strength of the celestial dynasty. The evil spirits have been on the earth for hundreds of years, but the celestial dynasty can stand upright. It is always impossible that we have only been away for a few years, and the celestial dynasty will fall. Right."

Zhou Lang was comforted in Ye Qianxing's ears.

What he said is correct, even if it’s the Early-Stage where evil spirits descend on the Earth Star, the Heavenly Kingdom can be stabilized. Now that hundreds of years have passed, the Heavenly Kingdom’s strength has soared, and it is definitely the whole earth. One of the strongest star countries.

It shouldn't be something so easy.

It’s just that Ye Qianxing always has a bad premonition in his heart. After all, the Southern Guard Pass has fallen for the first time in history.

"It's fine, it's useless to think too much, but it's just annoying. Instead of worrying about this, we might as well find a way to help Xiaokun quickly increase his cultivation base to Divine Grade, so that he may be able to return to Earth Star. Now."

Ye Qianxing shook his head, temporarily discarding these thoughts.

He looked towards Murong Yan again and asked.

"Murong Yan, do you have any plans for the future?"

"Am I...?"

Murong Yan was taken aback, and then fell into contemplation. middle.

If she had no idea before she met Ye Qianxing, she just wanted to line up slowly, waiting for her reincarnation.

But at this time, when I saw Ye Qianxing, I don't know why, she was reluctant to reincarnate.

Because she knows that after reincarnation, she will forget all kinds of past lives.

Looking at the man in front of him, Murong Yan had the urge not to forget him.

Actually, Murong Yan didn't know what she thought of Ye Qianxing. After Ye Qianxing had a relationship with her, Murong Yan's first thought was to kill him.

Later, after learning that Ye Qianxing had no choice but to save her, she gave up the idea of ​​killing Ye Qianxing, but she would not forget everything that happened that day.

It is deeply imprinted in her memory.

And after Ye Qianxing leaves, Ye Qianxing's appearance will still appear in her mind.

Although Murong Yan has never been in love, she knows that she might have fallen in love with Ye Qianxing. After all, that was her first man.

And the last one!

[The author has something to say]

I rushed home yesterday. I was basically in the car from 8 am to 11 pm. I didn’t have time to update or ask for leave. Please forgive me. Ha

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