"That's very good, Xiao Yan, I don't thank Mr. Cui Mansion."

Ye Qianxing quickly moved towards Murong Yan winking.

There was a tangled color flashing in Murong Yan's eyes, as if he was a little unwilling.

In fact, she wanted to stay with Ye Qianxing more, but seeing Ye Qianxing's excitement, she had no choice but to bow to Mr. Cui Mansion and said.

"Thank you Mr. Cui Mansion."

"Hahaha, don’t be so polite, I have to thank you for speaking of which, I cultivated this girl is actually an investment, in the future she The stronger I become, the more benefits I will naturally have."

Mr. Cui Mansion smiled and waved his hand.

Then he continued.

"In this case, the little girl will stay in my office first. I will tell you to go down later. You can call the bad guys to do whatever you want, and wait for me and them. After the end, I will come back to teach you well."


Now that it has been decided, Murong Yan can only accept the reality.

Ye Qianxing also noticed that Murong Yan was a little bit dissatisfied with him, so he was comfortable.

"You are here for Cui Mansion for a good cultivation. I will come to see you if I have time. When you become stronger, you may be able to leave the Promise Abyss."


Ye Qianxing's comfort is still useful, Murong Yan repeatedly nodded, at this time, she has an unprecedented desire for cultivation.

Ye Qianxing and Cui Mansion didn't waste time either. After Cui Mansion had arranged everything, the three of them left the Magicate Hall and moved towards the Soul Peak.

Immediately after reaching the Judgement Peak, Ye Qianxing saw Zhou Lang and the others, and they were surrounded by a large group of evil men.

The two sides went so far as to directly start a war.

"What's going on?"

Mr. Cui Mansion, frowned, has someone rushed to make trouble under Janghun Peak?

Isn't this pa pa pa slap him in the face?

He asked a bad servant who was guarding the stone ladder.

"What the hell is going on, where did these errands come from, why are you indifferent to the troubles under Juhunfeng Peak!"

"Mr Cui Mansion, it’s not that we don’t want to care. Don't dare to care about it, these errands are brought by Young Master, who is no official king. He directly threatened us and let us leave it alone."

The errand said with aggrieved expression.

Mr. Cui Mansion hearing this frowned.

"Young Master of no official king? Huh, I am used to being in the city of five sense organs regardless of the law and of natural morality, and now I dare to come to me to judge the soul peak trouble, really show his face?"

Mr. Cui Mansion is obviously angry, and his whole body exudes a frightening atmosphere.

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly.

"Mr. Cui Mansion, those who fight with the bad guys are all my friends. When we were in Wuguancheng before, we..."

Ye Qianxing will happen in Wuguancheng before. I said it again, and there is no concealment and no need to add any gusto.

Because of this kind of thing, they are justified. I believe that Mr. Cui Mansion, who has always been known as an independent and incorruptible, will be fair.

Sure enough, after listening to Ye Qianxing's words, Mr. Cui Mansion's complexion became worse.

"hmph, if it's someone else, I will turn a blind eye in the face of King Wuguan, but since Murong Yan that girl is following me now, I'm impossible."

"Let's go, let's go!"

Mr. Cui Mansion snorted, then moved towards the battle and passed.

Ye Qianxing actually didn't worry about Zhou Lang's safety. Although there were a lot of negative differences, their strength was generally weak.

Ghost King level Other Yin Shuais are very few, more of them are ghosts, big ghosts and ghosts, which are equivalent to S-Rank below.

On the other hand, Zhou Lang and the others, the worst is the Emperor.

The two sides are simply not at the same level. It is said that the dimensionality reduction blows are highly valued by them.

So Ye Qianxing doesn't need to worry at all.

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