"Lin Yu!! Give me up! Immediately the college entrance examination, you actually dare to sleep in class!! "

A chalk flew precisely towards a boy in the back row of the classroom!


Lin Yu raised his head in confusion and looked at the angry teacher on the podium, and his mind was in chaos.

"Which is this?? Didn't I get hit by a car?"

Lin Yu shook his somewhat drowsy brain, looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, Lin Yu's brain fell into a downturn.

Lin Yu is an orphan, I don't know who his biological parents are, and he grew up eating a hundred meals in a welfare home.

Although there is no brocade and jade food, but also three meals are not worried, and there is no bloody encounter with child abuse, except for not having parents to accompany, Lin Yu's childhood is quite good.


The dean of the orphanage is an old good man, all day long is not the beginning of human nature is good, or do not talk about being good and small, over time, under the influence of the old dean, a great ideal slowly arose in Lin Yu's heart, young Lin Yu set a grand wish, he wants to do good every day! He wants to be a good person who helps society.

After graduating from college, although Lin Yu is not an elite class with an annual salary of tens of millions, he still has 10,000 pieces a month.

Lin Yu pays half of his salary to the old dean every month to do his part for the younger siblings of the orphanage, and at the same time, he has always put his childhood ambition at ease and implemented it to the end.

I thought that if I found a like-minded mother-in-law in the future, my whole life would pass like that, but until one day, after he helped a fallen old man up, Lin Yu's life went in another direction from then on.

The matter is so bloody, the old man's family sued him, the reason is ridiculous, Lin Yu knocked the old man, just like that, Lin Yu changed from a good person and a good thing to a creator, and the rapid change of identity caught Lin Yu so caught off guard!

On the day of the trial, the old dean went to the jury, he believed that the child he raised was not that kind of person, and the judge also saw that the matter should be as Lin Yu said, but the road section where the incident occurred was a monitoring blind area, Lin Yu had no evidence to prove that he was innocent, and the old man's family did not adhere to it, there was no way, the judge could only sentence Lin Yu to lose the case, and compensate the elderly for medical expenses and so on.

Lin Yu's originally bright eyes in the court darkened, he didn't know what was wrong with this world, obviously it was a good person and a good thing, but in the end, he was riddled with lawsuits, and all his savings for several years were lost.


The confused Lin Yu walked out of the courthouse accompanied by the old dean.

"Dean, am I wrong?" Lin Yu looked at the old dean and asked.

"Xiao Yu, you're not wrong!! It's just that your kindness is wrongly paid!! The dean has no ability, let you be wronged! Cough! The

elderly dean looked at Lin Yu's young face and said distressedly, Lin Yu, who was originally full of spirit, became silent, and his eyes were dull.

"Let's go, kid, let's go home first!"

The old dean, who has been kind to people all his life, does not know how to comfort at this moment, he is full of suffering and self-blame, he knows Lin Yu's ambition, because it is his influence that Lin Yu has that ideal, and Lin Yu has always been his pride.

However, Lin Yu's kindness was used by some people with ulterior motives and hurt himself.

"Dean, you go back first, I want to go alone..."

Lin Yu's voice was lifeless and filled with silence.

"Xiao Yu, don't do anything stupid, you and me, and a group of younger brothers and sisters from the orphanage, we are waiting for you to come back, I will go back and make you your favorite braised pork!"

The old dean said worriedly.

"Don't worry, old dean, I'll just take a walk, just figure it out, you go back first, pay attention to safety on the road!!"

"Then I'll go back first, I must come back for dinner, my younger brothers and sisters are waiting for you to come back!!"


The old dean looked at Lin Yu's back as he left with a worried look and sighed.

Lin Yu walked to the crossroads like a walking dead, the sun above his head was very vicious, but his heart was cold, was it wrong to adhere to the ideal for more than ten years, Lin Yu felt confused, as if life suddenly had no direction.

As the green light came on, Lin Yu raised his legs and walked to the opposite side, and suddenly a deafening roar sounded in his ears, and then Lin Yu felt a whirlwind.

"('dish ́)?? Lao Tzu, this was hit by a car??"

Lin Yu, who was flying in mid-air, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw a red Ferrari parked on the sidewalk, and on the car sat a young woman with heavy makeup, who was looking at her with a look of horror at the moment.

"Bang..." With a dull landing sound, Lin Yu fell heavily to the middle of the road and rolled several times....

"Nima!! (; 'O ́)o, is this God sent to punish me??? I'm sorry Dean, it seems that I can't eat this braised pork!! Thief God, if there is an afterlife, Lao Tzu must not be a good person!

As he died, the last thought flashed in Lin Yu's mind, and then he fell into boundless darkness.

Back to the present, Lin Yu shook his slightly swollen head, looked around, in front of him was a classroom, there were about 40 slightly immature students wearing school uniforms sitting in the classroom, and a middle-aged man in his 40s with a slightly protruding head on the podium at the front of the classroom was looking at him with an angry face.

Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar scene in front of him, Lin Yu's eyes, which were still a little confused, slowly widened, and his swollen brain gradually cleared.

"Nima, is this a joke with me?? Could it be that the female driver kicked the accelerator and hit Lao Tzu through the ?????"

Lin Yu pinched his thigh fiercely without believing in evil, and a piercing pain made Lin Yu know that he was not in a dream, and the scene in front of him was real.

"Hiss......... Lao Tzu really crossed the !!

Lin Yu muttered softly.

"Lin Yu, don't think that if you have a good score in the cultural class, you can not listen carefully, in two days there will be an awakening ceremony, if the awakening fails, no matter how high your cultural score is, you will not be able to enter Wuhan University!!"

"Students, you all give me a good listen, this awakening is your only chance to get ahead, you must take advantage of it, if something goes wrong in the awakening, it will be you who will regret it at that time!! Hear no!

Lin Yizhong looked at Lin Yu in the back row and said angrily.

"I know about the college entrance examination! But what the hell is this awakening?? What kind of school is Wuhan University?? What the hell am I wearing?????"

Lin Yu listened to the teacher's words with a confused face, you said the college entrance examination, Lin Yu in the previous life did not have experienced, it was a big deal to experience it again, but the teacher's words later directly gave Lin Yu a whole circle, and it was awakening and martial arts, I am afraid that this is not a serious world, right??

Lin Yu, who was still in a daze, suddenly had another tingling pain in his mind, and then a strange memory appeared in his mind.

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