"Not good!"

Murong Hongchen suddenly remembered something, his face was anxious, and he quickly ran towards the woods!

"This old man is crazy??"

Everyone next to them looked at the old dean in confusion for a while, and then rushed forward madly!

Suddenly, Murong Hongchen's forward body suddenly stopped, and he saw Lin Yu walking out of the forest slowly!

The old principal's eyes lit up, and he suddenly ran to Lin Yu!

"Classmate Lin Yu, are you okay!"


The old principal's wave of operation directly blinded everyone's eyes! Everyone had to sigh that this old man was a chicken thief! Immediately afterwards, everyone hurried around!

Now a fool can see it, all the big guys are very clear in their hearts! As long as Lin Yu grows up, he is definitely a figure above the emperor level, and if he doesn't sell it well when Lin Yu is still in his infancy, he may not accept it if he wants to sell it in the future!

Don't look at everyone's high position in Rongcheng, but here except for Ji Xuejun, everyone else is like that, now sell a good deal to the future powerhouse and make a good relationship! Isn't it better than Lin Yu growing up to stammer?

"It's okay!! I don't have anything to do, it's just a little too hard, and the spiritual power in my body is empty! I'm sorry principal, I didn't know that this power would be so great that it collapsed your office building! To

be honest, Lin Yu did not expect the effect of the arrival of the tree realm, and the image of the primeval forest in front of him frightened Lin Yu himself!

"It is worthy of being a Mu Dun of the Nuclear Leveling Ninja Realm, and with the full power of my third-order spiritual power, he actually created such a large-scale forest!"

Lin Yu secretly sighed in his heart!!

"It doesn't matter what the office building is, it's good if people are fine!!"

Murong Hongchen let out a long breath, now Lin Yu is a treasure in his eyes, he can't allow Lin Yu to lose half a point, not to mention the rest, just with this SSS-level wooden dun has already let him see the hope of mankind!

"Headmaster, what's going on?"

The person who spoke was Lu Ming, the head of the academy security who rushed over quickly when he heard the movement, he watched the place where the original principal's office building was replaced by a primeval forest, and the whole person was stunned, if it weren't for a bunch of bigwigs here, he wondered if it was a monster or a cultist attack!

"It's okay! Path! We're just experimenting, disarm! The

old principal waved his hand and said!

"Yes Headmaster!"

Although Lu Ming was curious to death in his heart, he still had self-awareness in front of a group of bigwigs, and this is not something he can join! Since the principal said it's okay, it's okay! He left here directly with the whispering team members!!

"Boss, what kind of ability do you say, this range is too big, directly created a primeval forest, big deal!"

When he walked away, Lu Ming's deputy couldn't wait to ask! There were so many big guys over there just now, they didn't dare to ask if they wanted to!

"Don't ask if you shouldn't! It's not something we can work with! We just need to keep the school safe!! If you have that leisure, go on patrol twice more!

Lu Ming glared at his deputy, that kind of powerful skill, at least the means of the sixth-order town guard, you a small security officer still dare to discuss this, the job is not wanted!

"Yes! Captain! The

deputy saw that Lu Ming had no desire to continue, quickly answered, and then led the patrol!


"Chief Cao, you can't stay here now! Let's go to the conference room! The

old principal on the other side saw that Lin Yu was okay, and turned around and said to Cao Yixi!


So the crowd left the place that had been destroyed within minutes.

After everyone came to the conference room of the academy, their moods had not completely awakened from the shock, and the trick of changing the terrain was released from the hands of a third-order person, and everyone still felt that it was so unreal! !

"Xiaojun, do you say that you have such power when you are in the third order

" "Old man, are you teasing me? When have you ever seen a third-order person unleash an attack that breaks the sixth-order protection??"

Ji Xuejun stared at Lin Yu like a monster, she was known as the proud daughter of the sky, she naturally had her own pride, but now she just wanted to sigh at Lin Yu's performance!

"I'm afraid it's not a monster! Terrifying!

"Yes, I still can't believe that the shield released by me and Lao Fang was like paper paste, and it was destroyed so neatly!!"

Cao Yiyu also looked at the monster with an expression, although the shield he hastily released did not reach the standard of the seventh order, there was still no problem blocking the sixth order, not to mention that there was a double enchantment!

"Ahem!! The old man's face is also crackling!! Where does this make sense!

Fang Tianhai also had a look of embarrassment! Today, the old face is lost, and I swear that there is no problem! Fang Tianhai blushed when he thought of what he just said!

"Eh!! It's not as exaggerated as you say, and I don't have any spare strength after releasing the Tree Realm!" The spiritual power of the whole body has been squeezed dry! "

Although I was praised a little comfortably, I couldn't help but praise it so much, Lin Yu was a little overwhelmed!!

"Little brother Lin Yu, you don't have to be presumptuous and cross the third-order attack! The proud son of heaven, the dragon and phoenix among the people are not excessive!

Cao Yiyu sighed!

Lin Yu saw that this group of bigwigs were still boasting about death, Lin Yu's whole person felt uncomfortable, and simply did not respond, otherwise he would not give birth to Lin Yu later, awakening eternally like a long night, then he could really die embarrassed on the spot!

"Classmate Lin Yu! There's something I'd like to ask you!

At this time, Ji Xuejun, who was standing on the side, suddenly said to Lin Yu!


Lin Yu looked at Ji Xuejun with a straight face in front of him a little puzzled! I have to say that the serious Ji Xuejun with that cute appearance is quite lethal for a two-life virgin like Lin Yu! ! !


"You were the one who shot in the arena two days ago!"

Ji Xuejun's tone was very affirmative! Although his teacher had just sworn that Lin Yu had never performed an awakening ceremony, the strength that Lin Yu exposed in the arena, as well as the ability to absorb the fireballs released by the Flame Wolf, were clearly innate abilities, and Ji Xuejun was sure that he was absolutely not mistaken!

"I'm grateful that you were able to help solve the siege and save a lot of people, but can you explain why you can use your abilities without awakening?"

Ji Xuejun stared at Lin Yu tightly, his eyes were sharp, as if he wanted to pierce the sunglasses that Lin Yu was wearing, and a fierce momentum came to life!

"Xiaojun, what are you doing! Lin Yu is only a third-order, how to resist your momentum! Collect your momentum!! The

old principal said to Ji Xuejun with a dissatisfied look!

"Old man! Don't talk yet! We have to understand this, you know! We can't afford to bet! "

Ji Xuejun didn't give up her ideas because of the old principal's protection, she has her own principles, although this may be unfair to Lin Yu, but there are some things she must ask clearly!


Yu frowned and looked at Ji Xuejun, asking him to explain, this was understandable, but Ji Xuejun's attitude made him a little unhappy!

Even if you are a big beauty, but this is not a reason to get used to you, let's not say anything else, since you all know that Lin Yu defused the crisis in the arena, you still have this tone! It's a temperamental person who will be upset!

"Little brother, don't be uncomfortable! Xiaojun has no malice! The impact of your awakening may be beyond your imagination, and we must ensure that your identity is foolproof! Blue Star not only has our Free Federation, but also Warcraft, and various cults!

"I'm sure you can understand! We can't afford to bet! Don't look at us always saying that we can compete with Warcraft, but this is just our rhetoric to deal with ordinary people, we have always been the weak party, and we have not changed from beginning to end!

"We can't foresee your future, but with SSS-level talent, it is enough for the Federation to do its best to cultivate you, so we must ensure your identity, and this will also determine the attitude of the Federation!!"

"In addition, Xiaojun has collected your momentum, don't let it go casually, little brother Lin Yu is not our enemy!"

Cao Yixi's words also made Lin Yu understand why Ji Xuejun had such an attitude!

In the 300 years since the establishment of the Free Federation, she has never heard of anyone who can use abilities before awakening, she is afraid that Lin Yu is a spy sent by Warcraft, after all, some powerful Warcraft can be transformed into human form, and Warcraft are not like humans, they do not need to awaken! Born with all kinds of abilities, similar things have happened in the Federation before, which greatly damaged the vitality of the entire Free Federation at that time!


Ji Xuejun lowered the corners of her mouth, but she still put away her momentum, and then quietly waited for Lin Yu's answer!

"Let me explain this to the leaders!"

At this time, Lin Yizhong, who had been on the side without having a chance to explain, finally found a chance to speak! Lin Yu saw that Lin Yizhong wanted to explain for himself, so he didn't speak, he believed that Lin Yizhong would explain well!

"Teacher Lin is Lin Yu's homeroom teacher, and at the same time, he has a good relationship with Lin Yu's family! He should know about Lin Yu's classmates! "

The old principal explained to everyone here!

"Teacher Lin, you can explain it to the leaders! Just pick what you can say! The

old principal was still a little dissatisfied in his heart, his own school finally produced an unprecedented genius, and he was actually doubted, although he could understand, it did not mean that he had to accept it!

"This old man..."

Cao Yi shook his head with a wry smile, he knew that Murong Hongchen was not happy in his heart, but some things must be clarified, that kind of thing is enough once!!

"Leaders! I'm on the same squad as his father! Lin Yu, this child, I saw it from a young age! So I can guarantee that Lin Yu's child's identity is absolutely no problem!! Lin

Yizhong's tone at this time was categorical, as the only elder of Lin Yu present, he was standing behind Lin Yu very decisively at this moment, as he said before, he could understand but could not accept it!

"And Lin Yu was just an ordinary high school junior with relatively good physical fitness and excellent academic performance a few days ago!!"

"This can't be !!"

Ji Xuejun directly interrupted Lin Yizhong's words! Is it true that her seventh-order strength is fake? With Lin Yu's strength, she would still be wrong? Besides, what is the second-order strength before the awakening? So many people watching!

"Minister Ji, don't worry! A few days ago, Lin Yu's is indeed an ordinary person, and I don't have the need to lie to you, and I think this kind of thing should not be difficult to investigate! As for the ability and strength that Lin Yu used before..." Lin

Yizhong paused, looked around at everyone present, and saw that everyone was sitting in front of each other, with a straight face, and pricked up their ears and listened carefully!

He proudly threw a bombshell thunder! Word by word!

"Two days ago, Lin Yu didn't go through the awakening ceremony, and with only one Enlightenment Pill, he naturally awakened!!"

"And the awakened is also an SSS-level talent!"

After Lin Yizhong finished saying it all in one breath, the audience became silent, and everyone stared at Lin Yu in unison, as if they wanted to confirm whether what Lin Yizhong said was true!

Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders and took off the sunglasses on his face in cooperation! Reveal those eyes with ripples and a mysterious atmosphere!

"SSS class! Reincarnation Eye!

Everyone stared blankly at Lin Yu's eyes, and at this time, there were no other thoughts in their minds, it was blank!


Lin Yizhong's coughing voice woke up the sluggish people, and everyone's dilated pupils slowly returned to normal!


A slap sound came, and I saw Fang Tianhai jumping up from his seat, covering his thigh and rubbing it desperately!

"Groove!! Old man Murong! What are you doing! "

Two SSS-level talents!! Is this true? I'm not dreaming! The

old principal looked at his flushed palm, and the tingling in his palm!

His face seemed to be engorged, becoming more and more red, and his breathing became more and more rapid, looking at the old principal like this, Lin Yu was really afraid that the old principal would turn his back like this!

Fortunately, as a sixth-order town guard, although the old principal was old and weak, the foundation was still there, and Lin Yu's worry did not happen!

"Chief Cao, do you say that this world can really awaken without going through the Awakening Stone Stele??"

Ji Xuejun stared at Lin Yu's eyes obsessively, and the circle of mysterious ripples seemed to suck all her thoughts into it.

"I don't know, I think even if the Sword Emperor and his old man are here, I guess I can't tell you this answer for sure!!"

Cao Yixi muttered back, if not seeing is believing, Cao Yiyu said that he would not believe that he could awaken with just a small enlightenment pill, which had broken his cognition.

In the past 300 years, in addition to the awakening stone stele, no human beings have successfully awakened through other means, and now a living example is in front of him, at this time, Cao Yixi's whole person is dumbfounded!

"Dear leaders, I believe that Lin Yu's strength should also be able to guess that when Lin Yu awakened Mu Dun just now, he also rose to the first order, and this is how Lin Yu's previous second-order peak strength came!"

"What a monster!"

Ji Xuejun muttered! She had raised level 5 when she first awakened, which was almost the peak of Blue Star Human Awakening, but compared with Lin Yu, Ji Xuejun instantly had the urge to compare goods.


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