"Hey! What a good thing!

Ji Xuejun instantly showed a smile like a little daughter.

"......" Lin

Yu looked at Ji Xuejun speechlessly, hey, you are the domineering Ji Xuejun, what is the matter with this little daughter's look, it is not suitable! Didn't you just shout Senior Sister, do you want this!

Ji Xuejun saw Lin Yu staring at herself with a strange look, her face quickly straightened, if it weren't for that reddish face, Lin Yu would have wondered if he was hallucinating just now!

"Xiao Yu, the situation is urgent, let's leave for the secret realm now!"



After the two left the town guard mansion, Ji Xuejun directly turned around and drove outside the city!

"Let's go to the Flame Secret Realm to investigate first, and then you will follow me, don't run around casually, although the third-order secret realm is not strong, but now the situation is more special, no one can say for sure what problems will occur inside!"

"I see."

Lin Yu nodded, he is not stupid, there is a big guy present, he is not fragrant when he touches fish in the back, besides, who stipulates that he must personally take action.

Two hours later, Ji Xuejun took Lin Yu to a secret realm, and there were already several people waiting at the entrance of the secret realm!


Ji Xuejun took Lin Yu out of the car, and several people guarding the secret realm walked over, and one of them shouted.

"Hmm! Are you all ready! Ji Xuejun spoke, at this time, Ji Xuejun did not look like her little daughter before, and her words and deeds revealed a domineering aura.

"The boss is ready, these are the brothers who met the Flame Wolf King before, and they will take us to that place first."

"Okay, let's go!"

After Ji Xuejun finished speaking, he walked towards the secret realm as a pawn, and Lin Yu and several others quickly followed.

After entering the secret realm, Lin Yu felt that the temperature around him had obviously risen a notch, the Flame Secret Realm, just by listening to the name, you can know the general environment inside, only to see the vast land, showing a scorched black after the fire, countless cracks crisscrossed, from time to time there were flames gushing out from the ground, a situation of doomsday scorched earth.

"Boss's side!"

One of the middle-aged men said, and after speaking, he took the lead and went in one direction, and everyone followed.

"The boss is here, and it was here that we met that fourth-order peak Flame Wolf King!"

The middle-aged man said as he pointed to a small basin with strange rocks in front of him.

"Be careful, everyone check around for anything special, and come back here in an hour."

"Yes," the crowd replied, and then dispersed.

"Xiao Yu, you come with me."

After Ji Xuejun finished speaking, he was ready to walk in one direction.

"Sister Xuejun wait!"

"Huh? What's wrong? Ji Xuejun looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, and the steps he was about to take stopped too.

"It's too slow, you wait for me."

Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and slapped his hands "Mu Dun: The Art of Wood Doppelganger." I

saw several wood-carved Lin Yu quickly appear behind Lin Yu, and then quickly landed into a doppelganger exactly like several Lin Yu.

"A few of you also look in a direction separately, and tell me as soon as you find anything."

Lin Yu directly ordered to several doppelgangers, and Mu Dun nodded, and then shot out in all directions, and disappeared in an instant.

"Let's go, Sister Xuejun!"

After several doppelgangers disappeared completely, Lin Yu said to Ji Xuejun, who was already dumbfounded.

"What was that just now?"

Ji Xuejun, who witnessed the whole process, was completely messy at the moment, just like that, how could so many Lin Yu appear, turning into magic?

"Doppelganger, didn't you see the doppelganger I made with Mu Duan?"

"I saw it, but... But why can you act on your own and still be conscious?

"Isn't this normal, otherwise can it be called a doppelganger, isn't it supposed to have a little strength and a little awareness?" If you don't have it, what is it called a doppelganger?! "

Ji Xuejun listened to Lin Yu's explanation and didn't know what to say, not only consciousness but also strength, can he still fight?

"Strength, it's almost half of my heyday, not much stronger, but I should be able to get a few hands with third-order Warcraft!"

Lin Yu saw Ji Xuejun's look of wanting to say and stopping, Lin Yu guessed what she wanted to say, he didn't sell it, besides, it's not a secret, the wood doppelganger such a useful skill Lin Yu will definitely be commonly used in the future, if you use more, it will definitely be studied and understood, and there is no need to hide it.

"You said that those doppelgangers you just separated have third-order strength?"

Ji Xuejun's expression at the moment was a little distorted, originally thought that the doppelganger was conscious enough to be perverted, now you tell me that the strength is also so strong, what kind of perverted talent is this, how can such a bug skill exist.

Thinking that if he fights with Lin Yu in the future, Lin Yu will have to fight with several doppelgangers who are only a little weaker than his body at the same time, Ji Xuejun feels terrible, this is very desperate, right?

"Well, it's a pity that it's not 100% inherited from my strength!"

Lin Yu said with a slight regret, but Lin Yu didn't care too much, he still had a more perverted doppelganger that was not exposed, that is, the wheel tomb side hell of the eye of reincarnation.

The shadow summoned by the wheel tomb is not only the same strength as the body, but also shadowless and invisible, that is the real offensive and defensible divine skill, and it should be said that the shadow of the wheel tomb must return to the body after using a period of time, which is equivalent to being in a cooling period.


Ji Xuejun directly to Lin Yu's Versailles language is a meal hehe, and want 100% strength, why don't you go to the sky, if you dislike it, give it to me, I want it.

Ji Xuejun didn't say anything more, and took Lin Yu to start checking nearby.

After a while, Ji Xuejun's subordinates all returned here one after another, and several people searched this place for a long time but did not find anything strange.

Ji Xuejun lowered her head and pondered, she and Lin Yu also carefully probed nearby, and the two of them found nothing.

"It seems that the wolf king came here after an abnormality, let's go to the residence of the flame wolf to take a look."

Ji Xuejun finally decided that since nothing was found here, he could only continue to see if anything had been discovered.

"Wait a minute, there's a situation."

At this time, Lin Yu's voice sounded, and Ji Xuejun was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was estimated that Lin Yu's doppelganger had used some unknown means to deliver news to Lin Yu.

I saw Lin Yu with his eyes closed and felt the news from the Xiamu's doppelganger, and then he opened his eyes and pointed in a direction and said

, "Over here, almost five kilometers from here, there is a demon beast with a similar situation to the King of Slime I met before."

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