Lin Yu looked at the progress bar moving in his mind, and it could load about 1% every minute.

"Why is it so grinding, XP doesn't dare to be so slow!"

Lin Yu couldn't wait to run into his mind to help now, but unfortunately he had a weak heart, so Lin Yu could only be incompetent and furious, and his heart was full of torment and waiting.

The system loaded for almost 2 hours, and he stared for two hours, and finally the progress bar climbed to 99%, at this time, Lin Yu's eyes unconsciously released light, and his mouth muttered excitedly.

"Quick! Fast! Fast! "


"Ding!! The system is loaded, dear host, hello! 9527 is dedicated to you!

A voice sounded in Lin Yu's mind, and Lin Yu felt that this voice was the most pleasant sound he had heard in his two lifetimes combined.

"Beautiful! Come and come..... 527 Hurry up and tell Dad about your features!

Lin Yu rubbed his hands and said excitedly, when he read the online article in his previous life, he was very envious of those protagonists who got the system, and often fantasized about how he got the system, and then how to kill all sides, now it really came true, how can Lin Yu not be excited.

"Okay! Host dad, wait a minute! "


Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu heard a sound of turning a book in his head.

"Hey! 9527, you must not be flipping through the manual??"

Lin Yuhu asked suspiciously.

"How is that possible!! 9527 is the most professional, host dad don't talk nonsense!!

Lin Yu listened to 9527's slightly flustered voice, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, he was 100% sure that 9527 was turning the manual, how did he feel that his system was a little unreliable...

"Ahem!! Host dad, grandly introduce to you, I am the auxiliary elf 9527 of the strongest robbery system, please take care of it in the future!

"The function of the strongest robbery system is that it can rob everything in the heavens and realms, as long as the host father has enough robbery orders, everything in the world can be robbed!!"

The tone of 9527 is full of inexplicable pride.

"Robbery? Kind of interesting! Just said that if you don't be a good person, give me this, God's will must not be violated!

"By the way, 9527, what is a robbery warrant and how can I get it??"


Yu listened speechlessly, and there was a crackling sound of flipping books in his head!

"Or you gave me the instruction manual directly, and you would have to always flip through it?!"

"Well, it's my duty as a system wizard to serve the host, I'm a professional!!" Wrong! Wrong!! What is the manual, don't talk nonsense!! "

Listening to the righteous rhetoric of 9527, Lin Yu's brain door is full of black lines, when do you especially not turn the manual to Lao Tzu to talk about the profession, don't insult the word professional."

"Forget it, if you say no, there will be none! Did you turn it over?

Lin Yu asked weakly, what else can be done, his own system, no matter how pit he has to endure.

"It's turned over right away, please wait patiently for the host dad!"

Boy! This is directly not pretending, Lin Yu seems to see a little fart child pouting his butt, holding a manual and flipping through it furiously...

"Found it, the host father has been waiting for a long time, the system needs specific energy when carrying out the robbery behavior, and the robbery order is the embodiment of this energy!"

"There are 4 types of robbery orders: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and legendary, and the quality of the items robbed by different levels of robbery orders is different, and the higher the robbery order, the higher the probability of robbing high-level items."

"The primary robbery order can rob F-E level items, the intermediate level corresponds to D-B level, the advanced level is A-SS level, and the legendary level must rob SSS-level items."

"There are three ways to obtain a robbery order, the first is daily check-in, the host has a chance to sign in once a day, and the check-in will randomly give the host a robbery order."

"The second is to do tasks, the system will randomly trigger some tasks, complete the task will reward the robbery order, as for the trigger conditions of the task is determined by the system."

"The last one is to absorb natural energy, there are two ways of natural energy absorption, one is to absorb substances containing natural energy, such as various heavenly materials and earth treasures, like the pill that the host father just ate, the energy of the pill is not enough natural energy, the system can absorb and transform the efficiency is very low, the other is to collect the biological energy emitted after the death of the organism, but it needs to be killed by the host father to be effective!" When the energy value reaches a certain standard, the host father can choose to synthesize the robbery order by himself.

"The system has been adjusted according to the world where the host dad is located, killing first-order creatures can get energy values ranging from 1-10 points, second-order creatures can get 10-100 energy points, and so on. At the same time, the energy value obtained by killing creatures will be increased accordingly, and the energy value gain will be increased by 50% with each step crossed, but correspondingly, if it is to kill low-level creatures, the income will also be reduced accordingly, and once you kill creatures lower than your own two ranks, you will not gain energy points! ! !

"The primary robbery order requires 1,000 energy points to synthesize, 1 million for the intermediate level, 100 million for the advanced level, and 10 billion for the legendary level."


"There are quite a few sources of robbery orders, but I estimate that it is difficult to get anything good in daily check-in, and the uncertainty of the task is a bit large, and it depends on the mood of the system, it seems that it mainly depends on the third way!"

Lin Yu thought thoughtfully after listening to 9527's words.

"The estimation of the heavenly material and earth treasure is not so good, it seems that I have to go to Huo Huo to see the Warcraft, and the income from this leapfrog kill is much higher than that of fried fish!" It seems that the system wants me to fight more than a step!

"Of course, as the host of Ben 9527, if you can't cross the steps to fight, what's the difference with salted fish!!"

9527 said very stinky.

"By the way, host dad, the system has materialized your character data, and you can silently recite the attributes at any time to retrieve and view."

According to the method of 9527, Lin Yu silently recited the attributes in his heart, and a list of attributes appeared in Lin Yu's mind.

"Host: Lin Yu Age: 17 years old

Level: Level 0 Talent

: No Skill: No Skill:

No Item

: No Task: No

Energy Value

: 0 Robbery Order: 0"

That string of 0

and none, Lin Yu

clearly realized that he was a pure little white, Lin Yu estimated that there was no more miserable traverser attribute than this!

"9527 Where do you come from the cottage interface, and even if you copycat, this painting style is too simple, there is not even a minimum 3D image, there is no pattern at all!"

Lin Yu looked at how this simple character interface looked unpleasant, the thick cottage style, Lin Yu was disgusted.

"Huh!! Isn't there one??? Maybe it's leaked, host dad wait a minute! I'll just scan it! As

soon as the words of 9527 fell, a lifelike mini Lin Yu appeared next to the attribute bar!

"That's pretty much it!!"

Lin Yu admired his 3D character and nodded with satisfaction.


"That's not right!! Did I forget something?"

Lin Yu looked at the attribute panel, frowned, and seriously thought about whether he had missed something, he always felt that something was wrong...

It wasn't until he saw the small gift box on the table that he reacted.

"By the way, 9527, doesn't the system even have a newbie benefit?"

“(°_°)... Well, don't worry, some of them are!! This will give you a starter pack!!

9527 was silent, and then quickly said to Lin Yu.

“Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!! Have you forgotten about this???"

From the performance of 9527 just now, Lin Yu already knew the confused character of his own system elf, but Lin Yu never thought that 9527 would forget such an important thing, and Lin Yu suddenly had an urge to unload this thing and then reinstall one.

“(°_°)... Host dad is a man who wants to stand above the heavens, don't care about these little things, the newbie package has been sent, the host dad can open it by himself... "

9527 fell silent immediately after speaking, and I guess I am even embarrassed!!

Lin Yu helplessly looked at the newbie gift bag in the inventory, and opened it silently in his heart...

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the robbery order blind box ✖️10, after opening it, you can randomly get different levels of robbery order!!"

A cold mechanical sound started, Lin Yu immediately heard it, this is not the sound of 9527...

"Yo ho!! This gadget still knows that it's embarrassing, and I don't dare to say anything, for your sake, Dad won't uninstall you!!

"9527 don't hide, hurry up and open a blind box for dad!!"

"Good host dad!"

As soon as Lin Yu's words fell, the next second the 9527 voice came over.

"9527, open all 10 blind boxes to Ye Ye!!"

With Lin Yu's consciousness order, the 10 blind boxes in the inventory shone with different colors, and one of them was particularly bright.

"Congratulations to the host dad for obtaining the Primary Robbery Order 5, Intermediate Robbery Order 3, Advanced Robbery Order ✖️1, and Legendary Robbery ✖️Order ✖️✖️1!! Lie down, dad, have you ever turned on this hand????"

The sound of 9527 has been completely distorted by the end.


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