Under Elder Li's dull gaze, Lin Yu's existence was like a black hole, and the aura from the outside world frantically poured into Lin Yu's body.

"This is my anti-heavenly break? Am I so strong? "

Li Lao is a little skeptical of life, against the sky as his proudest masterpiece, how strong the effect is he knows very well, Li Lao is actually not strong, it is a B-level talent, but under the strong effect of the anti-sky break, he broke through to the eighth-order king-level strong, but he also felt that his potential was all exhausted, at least by relying on the anti-sky break, there is no way to go further.

However, Li Lao is a little confused now, seeing the amazing scene caused by Lin Yu, a third-order guard, Li Lao is messy, how evil this talent is, this speed of absorbing spiritual energy is faster than when he was in the fifth order.

However, Elder Li immediately looked at Lin Yu worriedly, at this speed, can Lin Yu's meridians stand it? You must know that Lin Yu is only practicing for the first time.

Lin Yu, who was concentrating on the operation against the sky, did not see Elder Li's worries, the only feeling he felt now was that his body and mind were comfortable, and his whole body was warm.

Spiritual energy quickly poured into Lin Yu's body, constantly washing Lin Yu's body, and then turned into spiritual energy under the action of breaking the sky, joining Lin Yu's original spiritual power army, and constantly strengthening Lin Yu's own spiritual power.

After a while, Lin Yu felt that the spiritual energy had reached the limit of the current level, and he blessed his soul, and the speed of breaking against the sky was moving faster and faster, and the spiritual power rushed like a torrent in the meridians.


With a roar, Lin Yu felt as if the spiritual power in his body had broken through some shackles, and the meridians that had been saturated seemed to be washed by the torrent of spiritual power to become larger and wider, and the spiritual energy from the outside world entered Lin Yu's body at a rapid speed and transformed into spiritual qi.

"Broke through?"

Feeling the change in the strength of the spiritual energy in Lin Yu's body, Li Lao's eyes were round, and his face was unbelievable, he could break through the first time he cultivated, and breaking against the sky was simply as if it was tailor-made for Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who was still exercising on the other side, looked at the spiritual energy saturated in his body again, and he wanted to make a breakthrough again, and suddenly a sense of weakness welled up from his mind, and the originally rapid operation of the anti-heaven break slowly stopped, and the rushing spiritual energy also slowed down, leaving only a slow speed flowing between the meridians.

Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes, his expression was slightly tired, he looked at the surprised Li Lao suspiciously, and opened his mouth in doubt.

"Teacher, I'm running well, why did the Skybreaker suddenly stop?"

Elder Li had already recovered from the shock at this time, and when he saw Lin Yu open his eyes and knew that Lin Yu had already cultivated, he was just about to speak when he was questioned by Lin Yu.

"Did you just feel tired? Then it automatically stops running!

Elder Li asked Lin Yu with an affirmative look.


Lin Yu nodded, he still felt a sense of burnout in his mind.

"That's right! When we run the suction technique, we use spiritual energy to control the operation, everyone's spiritual energy has a certain amount, when our spiritual energy is consumed to the red line, we will feel tired and have no energy, if the spiritual energy is overdrawn we will fall into a coma.

"You just consume a lot of mental energy, so you can do this, just rest for a while."

"By the way, Xiao Yu, how many times have you just run against the sky?"

Elder Li asked with a slight curiosity, being able to break through the first time he cultivated, it was definitely not enough to run one or two anti-heaven breaks, so Elder Li was also a little curious about how much Lin Yu's spiritual energy was.

"I haven't counted it carefully, but it should be no less than 10 times!"

Lin Yu thought about it carefully, but he didn't count the exact number of times, but there must be 10 times.


Li Lao looked at Lin Yu with a dull expression, as if he wanted Lin Yu to confirm it again.

"Huh? No less than 10 times, for sure! I don't know exactly how much.

Lin Yu repeated suspiciously, looking at Elder Li's appearance at the moment, is it a lot of 10 times? Lin Yu couldn't help but guess.

"10 times. 10 times!! Elder

Li's expression at this moment seemed to be crying and laughing, and his mouth kept muttering, Lin Yu was already 100% sure that he could run more than 10 times against the sky, which seemed to be a bit beyond ordinary people.

"Xiao Yu, do you know how many times I can run it now?"

Elder Li asked excitedly, and without waiting for Lin Yu to say anything, Elder Li continued,

"I can only run 11 times now!! Your senior sister 13 times, your senior brother can run more than 30 times, but our strength is much stronger than yours, and it will be terrifying when you reach our step. "

The more times it runs, the faster the natural cultivation will be faster than others, but due to the constraints of spiritual energy, it is impossible to continue cultivating all the time, and the cultivation speed of a gifted person like Lin Yu is definitely much faster than ordinary people.

"Uh。。。" Listening to Li Lao's words, Lin Yu felt that he seemed to be a little perverted, you know, even if you add the first-level Lin Yu who just broke through, he is only now in the fourth order, and several people in Li Lao's mouth are seventh-order town guards, so compared to this, it seems that he is a little bullish.

"I estimate that your current spiritual power is at least the level of a fifth-order guard, and a sixth-order is not impossible. Amazing!! Elder

Li sighed, looking at Lin Yu's eyes was like looking at some kind of treasure, Lin Yu smiled and did not speak, he almost understood why he was different from ordinary people.

Not to mention the eye of reincarnation, the blood chakra eye alone requires mental stimulation to open the eyes, and the kaleidoscope he robbed requires extremely strong mental stimulation to successfully open the eyes.

Lin Yu fused the kaleidoscope blood chakra eye, and the spiritual power will inevitably exceed that of ordinary people, and although the fire shadow does not explicitly say whether the reincarnation eye needs strong spiritual power, Lin Yu estimates that eight or nine are not far from ten, and the reincarnation eye will also increase the spiritual power.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Lin Yu, who has these two kinds of eyes at the same time, has a spiritual power far beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, there is another point, Lin Yu is crossing over, and the superposition of two souls may also greatly increase Lin Yu's spiritual power.

All this forged the total amount of superhuman spiritual power that Lin Yu is now.

"Xiao Yu, when your current mental power consumption is almost the same, you must remember not to forcibly overdraft your spiritual power, even if you want to break through, you must slow down, forcibly overdraft spiritual power is easy to hurt the soul, even if your talent is good, if it hurts the soul, it will become difficult for you to break through the emperor level in the future!!"

Li Lao looked at Lin Yu with a cautious face, Li Lao was afraid that Lin Yu would rush to achieve quick results in order to break through, resulting in injury to the root, then it would be worth the loss, with Lin Yu's talent, as long as he was not in a hurry, if he fought steadily, he would definitely be able to reach the emperor rank!

Therefore, Elder Li definitely did not allow Lin Yu to have this situation!


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