
Lin Yu and the four had just left, because there were a few people with the highest status missing in the conference room, and the rest of the people started talking about it!

"Murong, do you know anything about Lin Yu's little brother?"

Fang Tianhai had already eased from the hatred just now, and he asked the old principal next to him in a low voice!

"I know a ghost!! This kid's ability is strange, and I only know a little! The

old principal couldn't help but roll his eyes, this question, you don't know if I can know?

"Well, that's what I said, I hope Little Brother Lin Yu really has a way!"

Fang Tianhai saw that the old principal's reaction was no longer gossipy, and he could only wait curiously for Lin Yu and the others to return!


On the other side, Cao Yixi took Lin Yu to an unoccupied conference room, and as soon as the conference room door was closed, Cao Yixi couldn't wait to ask!

"Xiao Yu, how do you want us to cooperate?"

"Uncle Cao, you will remember to control your spiritual power later, don't resist, your strength is too high, if you resist casually, my ability will be invalid!"

Lin Yu, who was ready to use Shenwei, instructed uneasily, no way, the three people in front of him were higher than one level, if it weren't for Lin Yu's fourth order, the spiritual power was much larger than before, Lin Yu really didn't dare to try it casually!

"Good! You let it go! We will control the spiritual power! Elder

Li nodded and signaled Lin Yu to use it with confidence!

Lin Yu saw that the three were ready, and did not talk nonsense, and directly activated the divine power of his right eye.

I saw a huge vortex appear in front of Lin Yu, and then a strong suction force acted on Li Lao and the three.

"This is?"

The three of them felt this suction force at the same time, but the three remembered Lin Yu's instructions, and at the same time controlled the spiritual power in their bodies, allowing this suction force to suck themselves in!

After all three of them were sucked into the Shenwei space, Lin Yu also directly entered the Shenwei space with a Shenwei!

As soon as Lin Yu entered the Shenwei space, he saw the three people looking around curiously, but without seeing Lin Yu, the three of them did not act rashly.

"Xiao Yu, where is this?"

Seeing Lin Yu come in, Li Lao, as Lin Yu's teacher, couldn't wait to ask.

"Teacher, this is the ability of my eyes, this space we are in now is exclusive to me, and can only be entered through my eyes!"

"You... You... You say this whole space is yours?"

Looking at the space of about tens of thousands of square meters in front of him, Cao Yixi was frightened again, from knowing Lin Yu to now, Cao Yiyu himself did not know how many times he had been scared by Lin Yu!

In fact, what Cao Yiyu didn't know was that the space he thought was tens of thousands of square meters at the moment was just Lin Yu spending 100 million energy values to isolate specifically for fighting, in fact, the real divine power space was far larger than this, I don't know how shocked Cao Yiyu would be if he knew the truth!

"Little brother, you actually carry a space with you, your ability is really powerful!"

Huang Han was also one of the abilities to see Lin Yu for the first time at this time, and he had only listened to Cao Yixi say how to be a demon before, but today he can be regarded as seeing it with his own eyes!

"It's not as exaggerated as you say, just now you should be able to feel that if you really use spiritual power, you should be able to break free just now!" If it weren't for this reason, I would have directly sucked Sikong Luohe in, and I wouldn't have to find any eighth-order enchanter!"

Lin Yu shrugged, indicating that it was not as exaggerated as they thought!

"You're only in the fourth order now......... If you are seventh-order, eighth-order, then you can suck it casually?"

Elder Li looked at Lin Yu in disbelief, what a demon this student he accepted was! Now that even the independent space has been worked out, what else can he not report for?

"I don't know about this, I haven't used this consumption before, and today I brought someone in for the first time!"

"Uncle Cao, how about it, this can solve your problem! Before the operation, Commander Huang and the teacher were hiding here, and when the operation begins, I will release the teacher and them, won't that be a perfect solution?"

Cao Yiyu had already understood Lin Yu's plan when Lin Yu said this, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his excitement overflowed, but the next words of Elder Li made him calm down instantly.

"But in that case, aren't you dangerous?" No way! For the sake of a small Eternal Night Church branch, I can't take this risk on you!

Elder Li said categorically, how much he wanted to destroy the Eternal Night Church before, how much he didn't want Lin Yu to take risks now, there was no way that Lin Yu's exposed talent was no longer comparable to a small Eternal Night Church branch.

Huang Han next to him didn't say anything at this time, but he also thought that Lin Yu didn't have to take this risk, as long as Lin Yu practiced step by step, it wouldn't be long before Lin Yu could really deter one side, and now it was completely unnecessary to take this risk, if there was something good, it would not help how many branches of the Eternal Night Church would be destroyed.

Lin Yu himself didn't expect to come to this step, Li Lao actually began to oppose again, what made him cry and laugh even more was that the reason why Li Lao opposed was that he was too good to take risks himself!

"Teacher, don't worry, if you don't believe it, you will ask Sister Xuejun later, see how I beat Sikong Luohe in the first place, my self-preservation ability is really strong!" And I can escape into this space at any time, they can't help me!! Seeing

that his task was getting farther and farther away from him, Lin Yu quickly explained, no way, it was almost impossible to complete the task by himself, and now that the ape demon was also sleeping, the eighth-order Sikong Luohe was not something he could deal with!

"I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case, I can't escape the blame for my death if something happens!"

Elder Li's tone was still so firm, anyway, he didn't agree with Lin Yu to take this risk!

Lin Yu looked at Li Lao with a embarrassed expression, this Nima! Do you want him to sneak in? The eighth-order enchantment should not be able to separate space, right? There is no way that Lin Yu is already ready to think about the next plan, and it is impossible to make him give up the task at hand!

"Elder Li, I think I can let Xiao Yu try it, didn't Xiao Jun also say it at the beginning, Sikong Luohe has no way to take Xiao Yu, as long as he lets Xiao Yu hide in the town guard, the situation is not right and immediately hides, it should be no problem!" And you guys hiding here are indeed the least likely to startle snakes, and it is easier to surprise them! Cao

Yi meditated and thought that what Lin Yu said was not impossible, he felt that Ji Xuejun would not be untargeted, Lin Yu's life-saving ability was definitely one by one, according to Ji Xuejun's description, Lin Yu's life-saving ability was definitely stronger than his own seventh-order one!


"Teacher, it's really going to be fine!" Besides, aren't you still there? If the time comes, I will hide behind you, how can Sikong Luohe alone beat you and Commander Huang to join forces!! "


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