
Crazy and terrified roars rose and fell in midair, but that didn't change anything!

As long as it is adsorbed to the meteorite formed by the earth-bursting star, there is only one way to die waiting for these monsters!


As more and more rocks were sucked up, a huge meteorite ball with a diameter of more than 200 meters, far beyond the previous one, hung high in the air!


Lin Yu let out a sigh, then his eyes sharpened, his right hand swung down hard, and the huge meteorite fell with a bang, this time Lin Yu did not control its slow fall, but forcefully let it accelerate its fall! ! !

Lin Yu saw the right moment, and at the moment the meteorite landed, a Shinra Tianzheng quickly jumped into the air to avoid the upcoming shock wave!

"You still have to rob the ability to fly, it's not a matter of using Shinra Tianzheng all the time, and this is not flying!"

An idea flashed in Lin Yu's mind, which soared into the air at an extremely fast speed!

(The eye of reincarnation really can't fly!) Don't bar! Even Uchiha can't fly, and Payne in the anime opens his hands to the air is only an anime adaptation, and in the manga, Payne just jumps! If you don't believe it, you can read the manga!


The meteorite fell into the forest at great speed, and the extremely violent roar resounded through the secret realm, smoke and dust filled the sky, and at the same time, a shockwave visible to the naked eye suddenly spread outward from the impact!

The shock wave was like a typhoon passing through, and countless huge trees were cut off by the violent shock wave!

Lin Yu, who was in mid-air, looked at the land below as if it had been bombarded by a nuclear bomb, and the central area was a mess within a few kilometers.

"Gee! This is not a small Heavenly Hindrance Shocking Star!

Lin Yu sighed, looking at being pushed back several steps by the shock wave, the wooden man who almost fell to the ground knew how powerful it was, the light shock wave was so strong, you can imagine how miserable the end of the monsters sealed in the meteorite will be!

Lin Yu fluttered down on the top of the wooden man who had regained his footing, quietly looking at the dusty earth, judging from the energy value obtained by the system prompt, this wave of monsters should be killed and injured! Even if you don't die, there is almost nothing left!

After a few minutes, Lin Yu's exhausted spiritual power had been restored, and the smoke and dust in the center had almost dispersed, revealing the shocking scene inside!

Looking at the huge deep pit in the center of the earth smashed by the meteorite created by the earthburst star, it is full of stones and the corpses of monsters after the rock ball is shattered!

Lin Yu, as the initiator, couldn't help but show a shocked expression, even he himself did not expect to cause such a natural disaster-like scene!

"This is the eye that is called extinction!!

Even if Lin Yu only exerted part of the power of the eye of reincarnation, its power was earth-shattering.

"I don't know how big the meteorite summoned by the Celestial Barrier Shock Star is! And the meteorites that fell from outer space, the destructive power caused by kinetic energy alone is much stronger than their own! If you summon a meteorite of tens of kilometers, I am afraid that it can really destroy the world!!

Lin Yu thought longingly, but with his current strength, even if he added the immortal body, the immortal mode was estimated to not be able to summon much meteorite, after all, this was different from the nature of the ball of rock made with the earth explosion star!

"Mu Dun Wood Doppelganger"

Lin Yu summoned dozens of wood doppelgangers!

"I'll leave it to you to clean up!"

"You can be a person!! Every time we are summoned, we are either looking for something or cleaning up the battlefield! Wow! There are no human rights in doppelgangers???"

"Who made you doppelgängers!! Am I doing it myself! "

“。。。! Give you a look and experience it yourself!! The

doppelgangers glanced at Lin Yu with collective disdain, and then obediently jumped down to clean up the battlefield!

"......" Lin

Yu looked at the backs of the doppelgangers speechlessly, and had to say that the autonomy of this wooden doppelganger was strong, and he actually knew to despise the body!

Looking at the busy doppelgangers below, Lin Yu stretched out, and then lay on the huge head of the wooden man, with his hands behind his head, his left leg on his right leg, shaking and shaking!

"9527, how much energy value did we get in total during this trip to the secret realm?"

"Report Dad! Together with the last one, we have obtained a total of 295 million, and Dad now has a total energy value of 315 million!

9527's cheerful voice sounded in Lin Yu's mind, it seemed that 9527 was also very happy to obtain so many energy points.

"That's more than 300 million! The energy value is really fast to brush Warcraft, especially to brush Warcraft! This is a cool feeling! "

Lin Yu is quite satisfied with this harvest, I originally thought it would be good to have a high-level robbery order, but I didn't expect that there were actually 300 million!"

However, this is also because Lin Yu's combat power is too non-human, after all, who is a fourth-order town guard who can brush a fifth-order demon beast, he is not afraid of being sprayed to death!

"After a while, wait for the monsters in the secret realm to recover, and then brush again!"

There is a special place in the secret realm of Blue Star, that is, the monsters inside are almost endless! Even if you slaughter all the monsters in the secret realm, maybe because of the existence of the Heavenly Graben, after a while, there will be an endless stream of Warcraft appearing!

It is precisely because of this that those high-level town guards did not slaughter low-level demon beasts, in addition to suppressing high-level secret beasts, the biggest reason is because it is useless to slaughter!

"Okay, no!"

The bored Lin Yu roared at the doppelganger who was digging the demon crystal underneath on the wooden head, and in response to Lin Yu, the doppelganger saluted with the middle finger of the brush!

"MMP's !! Is this a self-scolding!!!

Lin Yu secretly sighed.


After a while, the doppelgangers sent the magic crystals back one after another, Lin Yu didn't bother to check, all the brains were stuffed into the Shenwei space, anyway, the space is large, no matter how much it is stuffed!

"Tired day! Go home! Lin

Yu jumped off the top of the wooden man's head, Lin Yu's mind moved, and the huge wooden man disappeared in a burst of blue smoke, and then Lin Yu stepped in front of the whirlpool with a flying thunder god technique!

As soon as the picture turned, Lin Yu had already left the secret realm, and at this time it was almost dark outside, and Lin Yu had been in the secret realm for a day unconsciously!

As soon as Lin Yu came out of the secret realm, he keenly felt a gaze staring at him, he turned his head and found that it was the guard who stopped him outside the secret before, so Lin Yu nodded at him and smiled at him in a friendly way, and then a flying thunder god technique disappeared!


The guard named Armin had been restless all day today, both curious about Lin Yu and worried about him.

Armin wanted to enter the secret realm several times to see, he knew that young geniuses were arrogant, Armin was worried that Lin Yu would not fall into the encirclement of monsters because he was too impulsive, after all, Lin Yu was only a fourth-order guard, and he entered the fifth-order secret realm alone, it would be a pity if there was a good villain!

It's just that where his duty is, Armin can only look at Lin Yu from time to time with a worried mood!

I finally saw Lin Yu come out, and seeing Lin Yu's spotless appearance, Armin's worried heart finally relaxed!

"Could it be that he just went in to see the fifth-order Warcraft and then came out?"

A thought crossed Amin's mind! Just as Armin stared at Lin Yu in amazement, he saw Lin Yu turn his head and smile at himself, and disappeared in an instant!

Armin's eyes widened involuntarily, staring closely at the location where Lin Yu disappeared!


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