杩欎竴鍒 纴 纴 € € € € € € € 変 変 煶鑻嶈 煶鑻嶈 煶鑻嶈 煶鑻嶈 煶鑻嶈 镄刟 镄刟

杩欎竴鍒伙纴first generation die景die 锛

杩欎竴鍒 纴鏁 纴鏁 澶 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵 姝籵

涓嶆槸璇村垏纾嫔悧锛熸€庝箞锛孋hu Yan 灏嗘煶鑻嶈景鏉€浜嗭纻浠栧彲鏄ぉ杈板涓€瀹箣涓诲晩锛孋hu Yan Chain 潵镄勫渤鐖跺晩锛乼his child 镐庝箞浼hydrogen 笅姝ゆ潃 gallium 嬶纻

Yan Chongzhen

浼椾汉蹇冧腑姝ゆ椂钖屾椂鏆楁兂锛孋hu Yan 涓崭粎 撹 撹 浜嗕竴涓﹄簲娆 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷嗭纴杩欎竴鍒囧凡缁忓畲鍏ㄥ嚭涔庝简浼椾汉镄勬剰鏂欙紒


娌уぉ浜戝ぇ绗戏纴镫炲0阆掳细鈥滀綘浠湅濂斤纴Chu Yan 鍙槸灏嗕綘浠琍alace Host 閮芥潃浜嗭纴姝や潃浜嗭纴姝や镫镫瓙Performance

娌т簯娴疯鍐碉纴绔嫔埢璧 board埌浜哃iu Yueying 韬竟阆掳细鈥沧湀褰憋纴姝や汉铔铔潕蹇冭偁鈥[€[€

Key 屾镞禠iu Yueying 镙规湰娌°C湁钖埌娌т簯娴风殑璇濓纴鍏秝hole human 鍑犱箮锻嗘粸锛岀洰鍏変箣涓Arc鏄笉鍙淇’箣鑹诧纴澹伴煶棰ゆ姈涔嬫瀬阆掳细鈥淐hu Yan 锛屼綘鏉€浜嗘垜镄勨€[€[€

Liu Yueying 铏 劧涓庣埗浜 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞 锛屾镞锛孡iu Yueying whole human 褰诲簳鍌讳 锛

鈥淟iu Yueying 锛屾垜璇翠笉鏄垜锅氱殑锛屼綘淇“悧锛熲€

Chu Yan 鑻》瑧锛岃阆撱€

鈥淐hu Yan 锛岃伞鍒板簳鏄€庝箞锲炰簨锛屼粬鏄垜镄勭埗浜诧纴浣犳€庝箞鑳斤纴镐庝箞鑳借晩鈥[€[€

Liu Yueying 涓嶆暍鐩镐俊锛岃嚜宸 渶鐖 渶鐖 殑鐢 殑鐢 殑鐢 殑鐢 浜呜嚜宸 浜呜嚜宸 浜呜嚜宸 浜呜嚜宸 浜呜嚜宸 殑鐖 殑鐖 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃

浼椾汉涔熷悓镞剁湅钖愠hu Yan 锛屽笇 涗粬缁椤ぇ瀹 涗粬缁椤ぇ瀹 竴涓︼娉曪纴杩栾埇琛屽 竴涓︼娉曪纴杩栾埇琛屽 竴涓︼娉曪纴杩栾埇琛屽 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 锛岄毦阆撶湡镄勬槸镫 庡 庡锛

Chu Yan 姝ゆ椂鍑屼 镞犳瘮锛岀敋镊 镞犳瘮锛岀敋镊 笉鐭ヨ濡 綍 i i i i i i i i i 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽Chinese key pets

鈥滃 涓ご锛屼笉瑕佹 ︻ ︻ ︻ ︻ 妤歭 妤歭 ttle ttle 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 浜嗭纴杩欐槸 Host ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle

Great Elder key 佹 绾 pad í锛屽0 wide full of 箣涓纴宁》潃镞犳瘮鑻嶅噳涔嬭壊阆撱€

鈥渊oung Lady 锛孭alace Host 澶т 汉鏄鏄浜嗘暣涓ぉ杈板锛佲€

鈥渊oung Lady 锛屾偍鑺效捶钖э紒鈥

鈥滃搸锛孭alace Host 澶т汉鈥[€[€


Great Great Great Great Elder 镄勫叾浠栧嚑钖嶆牳蹇偻 镄勫叾浠栧嚑钖嶆牳蹇偻 涔熸槸绾 涔熸槸绾 涔熸槸绾 悍鍙 悍鍙 涔熸槸绾


Liu Yueying 鐪间腑婊°C槸鐒“€ヤ箣鑹诧纴瀵笹reat Elder 阆撱€

Great Elder 姝f槸Liu Yueying 绁栫埗镄勪翰寮熷纻锛屽湪鍏剁鐖朵篃灏 槸镆 槸镆 槸镆 愧杈 愧杈 殑鐖 翰 翰 丳 丳 丳 丳 丳 丳 丳 丳 丳鎺ユ浛浜哖alace Host 孏€reat Elder recognizes Great Elder 锛

浼椾汉姝ゆ椂涔熸槸涓€鑴哥桠鎯戜箣鑹插湴looks at Great Elder 锛

Great Elder 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 皵璇撮 皵璇撮 皵璇撮 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 滀簨鎯呭 缁忓埌浜呜 缁忓埌浜呜 缁忓埌浜呜 缁忓埌浜呜 缁忓埌浜呜熷 涓嶅缑涓嶈浜嗭纴褰揿 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂 锛岃槠鐒秂嗕簲娆$锷纴浣嗗嵈鐣欎笅浜嗘殚浼わ紒鈥

Liu Yueying 涓€鎯婏纴褰揿嵆镐掑0阆掳细鈥沧殚浼わ纴鏄綍浜哄伔琚垜鐖朵锛熲€

Great Elder 缁 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 璇撮 滆 滆 滆 佸か涓岖煡锛屽彧鐭ラ 佸か涓岖煡锛屽彧鐭ラ 佸か涓岖煡锛屽彧鐭ラ 佸か涓岖煡锛屽彧鐭ラ 佸か涓岖煡锛屽彧鐭ラ 姝ゆ殚浼わ纴鏄竴绉嶈寮傜殑姣掞纴杩欎箞澶 姝ゆ殚浼わ纴鏄竴绉嶈寮傜殑姣掞纴杩欎箞澶 姝ゆ殚浼わ纴鏄竴绉嶈寮傜殑姣掞纴杩欎箞澶 姝ゆ殚浼わ纴鏄竴绉嶈寮傜殑姣掞纴杩欎箞澶纴Palace Host 澶т 鐢ㄥ敖浜嗗 鐢ㄥ敖浜嗗 鐢ㄥ敖浜嗗 娉曚篃闅 灏嗗叾铡 灏嗗叾铡 灏嗗叾铡 灏嗗叾铡 灏嗗叾铡 櫎锛屽彧鑳 櫎锛屽彧鑳 櫎锛屽彧鑳 櫎锛屽彧鑳 櫎锛屽彧鑳 櫎锛屽彧鑳 皢鍏跺帇鍒讹纴Ntering bone marrow 叆€叆叆 Soul 锛屾牴 chain 毦浠ユ嫈鍑 纴 纴 Palace Host 澶 鍏跺疄姝ゆ椂濡傛灉鐪熷 鍏跺疄姝ゆ椂濡傛灉鐪熷 cult cultivation base 锛屽彲浠ュ仛涓€涓镐宁镐汉锛屼絾浠栨病変粬鎷呭変粬鎷呭変粬鎷呭鏁翠澶╄澶╄澶╄瀹纴瀹纴浠ヤ粛镞浠ヤ粛镞皢瀹炲姏皢瀹炲姏皢瀹炲姏皢瀹炲姏濇寔鍦ㄥ穮宄濇寔鍦ㄥ穮宄纴浣呜秺鏄纴浣呜秺鏄纴鍏跺墿涓嬬殑 纴鍏跺墿涓嬬殑 life essence 渚挎槸瓒婂皯锛屽埌鐜板湪锛孭alace Host 澶т汉life essence 宸茬粡浠呬粎鍓╀笅浜嗕竴涓湀锛佲€

Yue 纴 纴 Liu Yueying 蹇 borrowing 岃 岃 浣 浣 竴 竴 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜 埗浜€[€

鈥滀綘鐚滃浜嗭纴 Palace Host 澶 镊︻煡镊 镊︻煡镊 镊︻煡镊 姝 姝 姝 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷佸法澶翠箣浣嶏纴蹇呯劧阆箣浣嶏纴蹇呯劧阆 钖炲苟锛屾墍浠ワ纴鍏 墠濞侀 綘瀚佺粰娌 綘瀚佺粰娌 簯娴 簯娴 簯娴 簯娴 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 槸 槸 槸 槸 缏浠椤 缏浠椤簻璁╁ぉ杈板寤剁画涓嫔幓锛佲

Great Elder 鍐嶆鍙 伅锛岃阆撱


杩欎竴鍒伙纴Liu Yueying 鍙岃啙鐩存帴璺€掑湪浜嗘煶鑻嶈景corpse 镄勯镄勯鍓嶏纴娉板ㄤ笅澶у惣阆撱€

姝ゆ椂Liu Yueying 嶅畲鍏╱ 嶅畲鍏╱nderstand 锛岃嚜宸 殑鐖 殑鐖 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 鑻 鑻 敤蹇冿紒

屼粖镞ワ纴 屼粖镞ワ纴 屼粖镞ワ纴 屼粖镞ワ纴 屼粖镞ワ纴 屼粖镞ワ纴 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 佹 鎽哹reak free 灞€镄勮兘锷涳纴镄勮兘锷涳纴€浠ラ浠ラ夋嫨涓嶆儨夋嫨涓嶆儨楄楄链钖庤钖庤涓湀镄刲涓湀镄刲 essence 鍏ㄥ姏涓庡叾涓€鎴桡纴even if Palace Host 澶т浠婃棩涓嶆柦灞曞叏锷涳纴涔熺粷瀵浠婃棩涓嶆柦灞曞叏锷涳纴涔熺粷瀵浠婃棩涓嶆柦灞曞叏锷涳纴涔熺粷瀵椿涓嶈椿涓嶈杩欎竴涓湀浜嗭纴€浠ワ纴姝や簨涓庢little Friend 娌°C湁涓€镣镣叧绯叧绯

Great Elder 鍐嶆鍙 伅锛岃阆撱

杩欎竴鍒 纴澶 纴澶 涔嬩腑 涔嬩腑 € € € € € € € 夌殑浜 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘

杩欐槸涓 涓 涓 涓 庢牱镄勭 庢牱镄勭 浜 鐢熼兘涓 鐢熼兘涓 鐢熼兘涓 鐢熼兘涓 S S S S S ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect嚜宸 殑鑻 殑鑻 “” forging 婄煡镊 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪


Liu Yueying 鐪间腑娉 By Performance 鑻ュ垁缁烇紒

鈥滃 涓ご锛岃缮 涓ご锛岃缮 変竴涓︻瀵嗭纴浜岀埛鐖 変竴涓︻瀵嗭纴浜岀埛鐖 変竴涓︻瀵嗭纴浜岀埛鐖 竴鐩 竴鐩 竴鐩 竴鐩 竴鐩 竴鐩 竴鐩 苟闱炲洜涓 苟闱炲洜涓 苟闱炲洜涓朵翰链変简鍏朵粬鏂版镊敖镊敖

Great Elder 缁х画璇撮死銆

鈥淲hat 锛熼偅姣崭翰澶т鏄洜浣曡鏄洜浣曡€屾锛熲€

Liu Yueying 涓 鎯婏纴杩欐槸濂 鎯婏纴杩欐槸濂 鎯婏纴杩欐槸濂 澶 澶 澶 澶 Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue 镍 Yue Yue挎槸鐭ラ 镊 镊 镊 镄勫浜 镄勫浜 槸锲犱 槸锲犱 槸锲犱 槸锲犱 镊 镊 屾锛 屾锛 屾锛

“In those days, the person who sneaked on the Palace Host was the Palace Host who first killed the Lady Port Host before going to the sneak attack. At that time, you just a moment ago, because of its strength, the Palace Host in the Tianchen Palace was retreating. The other people were not their opponents. Later, although the Palace Host was poisoned, it was still five years of smuggling and forced to go out. The man was fighting, and the man retreated…”

Great Elder 缁х画璇撮死銆

“I have misunderstood my father for so many years, for What, for What Father didn’t tell me the truth, for What?”

Liu Yueying was full of guilty feelings at the moment, crying.

Great Elder stared at Liu Yueying, with a sad color in his voice: “Because the man is too strong, the Palace Host would rather bear this nickname, and don’t want you to live in hatred forever. In this world, Palace. Host’s favorite person is you!”

Liu Yueying was directly laid in Liu Cangchen’s corpse mountain, crying wildly: “Father, the shadow is wrong, the shadow is sorry for you, father, you don’t die, don’t die…”

This scene, the extreme of sadness, in the entire hall, no one is not so sad!

And at this time, a word with incomparable confidence sounded in everyone’s ears:

“Reassured, Uncle Liu will not die!”

The crowd was shocked and looked at the words at the same time!

Chu Yan looks confident and looks back from Liu Cangchen’s corpse. This statement is from his mouth!

Liu Yueying grabbed Chu Yan’s clothes and shouted: “Chu Yan, are you telling the truth? Is it true? You can save my father, save him, save him…”

“Reassured, there is me!”

Chu Yan wiped the tears on Liu Yueying’s face with her hand and her eyes were firm.

Look at Chu Yan’s gaze, Liu Yueying’s unconscious choice in mind, nodded!

Can the dead still save? This……

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded at the same time. This Chu Yan tone is too big. Everyone is a good repairer, but they can’t feel the aura of Liu Cangchen. It is obviously dead and can be saved. live?

沧天云complexion changed, and the eyes flashed a stern color.

“Chu little friend, what do you say? You can really save the Palace Host?”

Great Elder was shocked and immediately stunned.

He knows that this poison is so powerful, although he does not believe that Chu Yan can do it, but at this time the dead horse is a live horse doctor, if it can really save…

“Reassure, it is not too late, I have already checked the poison of the uncle Liu’s body, and everyone back!”

Chu Yan faintly said that after discovering that Liu Cangchen was dead, he immediately began to explore the real cause of death. At this time, he has fully explored it!

The words of the spiritual furnace also reinforce Chu Yan’s determination that the current Green Flame has a chance to save the dead!

“All back!”

Great Elder yelled and everyone backed off!

“Live the green flame, come out!”

Chu Yan pointed a little, and a green flame flew out of Chu Yan’s hands and landed directly on Liu Cangchen’s corpse!

Everyone was shocked. Are you not planning to save people? How can this be directly cremation?

The next moment, the eyes of the people revealed an incredible color.

I saw that Liu Cangchen was floated directly under the green flame. There was no smoldering heat, and there was no burnt question. Instead, a thick herm was uploaded from it!

“Live the green flame, enter!”

Chu Yan shot a piece of law in his hand, pointing a little, these laws fell on the body of Liu Cangchen!

At this moment, the green flame wrapped around the body of Liu Cangchen was directly moved towards the body, but the moment it was completely penetrated into the body, but everyone was surprised to find that Liu Cangchen had played against Chu Yan before. Several wounds flowing down the fleshly body have disappeared at this time!


Chu Yan is pointing again, under the control of Divine Sense, entering the green flames within the body of Liu Cangchen. Respectively entering Liu Cangchen’s flesh, blood, bone marrow, and Soul to find those toxins!

Time is running out, Chu Yan’s complexion sweat is constantly falling down!

The people were surprised to find that Liu Cangchen’s icy corpse was really beginning to recover from the anger, and they couldn’t help but widen their eyes!

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