Breaking Wukai has absolute confidence, although he can see that the cultivation base of the Hanjiang River is still higher than himself, but then how is his own spiritual mutation in hand, and now the strongest spirit technique is also exerted, and the other Now, just a moment ago become visible External Body Incarnation, so, how can you be your opponent?

“This is my true strength!”

瀵掓睙cold voice 涓€璇纴鍏璇纴鍏璇纴鍏°C牱ordinary 涔嬮珮镄凟剧背涔嬮珮镄凟xternal Body Incarnation 鍗存槸楠ょ劧涓€囷紒

钖屾椂锛屼竴涓︻伆鑹茬汗璺嚜闾xternal Body Incarnation 镄劫orehead 娴幇key屽嚭锛

鎺ョ潃锛屾棤杈圭伆鑹瞓aleful aura 宕╂影镊叾涓懠鍟歌屽嚭锛屾瀬阃焥pread 鍒 韬韬殑鍏ㄨ 韬韬殑鍏ㄨ 韬韬殑鍏ㄨ 韬韬殑鍏ㄨ

鍏禘xternal Body Incarnation 褰揿嵆鎶笂浜嗕竴韬敱baleful aura 鍑濊仛镄勬垬 狅纴杩 偅External Body Incarnation 瑁 瑁 瑁紒


瀵掓睙鍙d腑low roaring sound 锛

Lazy Han Han Han 涓 鎷 鎷 鎷 寷鍦 寷鍦 寷鍦 寷鍦 寷鍦 寷鍦

杩欎竴鎷充箣涓嬶纴闾f棤杈圭伆鑹瞓aleful aura 镊叾鎷冲ご涔嫔鍑濊仛锛屽 enough鍖栨垚浜嗕竴棰楃澶х殑铏庡ご锛


姝よ 澶 澶 inch 洿鎺ヤ笌闾 h system 闱 (four) 屾潵镄勯偅鐩 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 old old old old old olden 鍏夌洏杞 鍦ㄤ 鍦ㄤ old 澶勶紒 澶勶紒 澶勶紒


Golden 鍏夌洏涔嬩笂锛岃绾箂pread 寮€鏉ワ纴涓嬩竴鍒鏉ワ纴涓嬩竴鍒纴纴

钖屾椂锛宐aleful aura 铏庡ご涔熸槸娑堟映寮€鏉ワ紒

庝箞鍙兘锛屾垜镄勬渶寮簊€庝箞鍙兘锛屾垜镄勬渶寮簊pirit technique 锛岀珶鐒跺姝よ镰达纻鈥



鈥沨his child 绔熺劧鑳 悓镞 悓镞 鍒堕 氲 氲 氲 氲 澶 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 ful ful ful ful ful ful ful ful ful ful 寰楁潵镄刡 ful 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡 寰楁潵镄刡b mutual baleful aura 寮曞叆 External Body Incarnation child 褰卞搷锛宼 褰卞搷锛宼 his child 锛岀粷闱炲 father 紒 monkey 紒 Chu Yan 锛屼綘杩欎寰掑纻锛屽綋鐪熷帀瀹 寰掑纻锛屽綋鐪熷帀瀹 寰掑纻锛屽綋鐪熷帀瀹

Key 佺槠蹇冧腑璧炲徆璇撮 佺槠蹇冧腑璧炲徆璇撮 銆倈 |

鈥滀笉浠呬粎濡傛锛屼粬 chain 钖庨偅baleful aura 铏庡ご锛岀珶鏄 铏庨瓟 Tiger White Tiger 嬬殑 嬬殑 嬫鏂 嬫鏂 睍鍑 in in in in in in in in in锛屽綋鐪熷凡缁忎笉寮 簬 free and unfettered 浜嗭紒鈥

Chu Yan 澹 煶涔嬩腑锛屼篃鏄甫镌€鍑犲垎璧炲徆阆撱€

瀵掓睙镄勮〃鐜 纴鍑 纴鍑 箮浜嗘墍 箮浜嗘墍 変 変 変 镄勬剰鏂欙紒

璇 鍐 鍐 湀瀛 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 櫌镄勫 橀兘鏄劅 橀兘鏄劅 淇 淇 淇 淇 淇 淇 淇 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞ぇ瀹剁煡阆掳纴浣嗕紬浜哄潎鏄涓ぇ瀹剁煡阆掳纴浣嗕紬浜哄潎鏄涓 monkey纴娈礷ree and unfettered gallium chain 寮 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 鏀 鏀 鏀Umbrella

Reading omplexion 宸茬粡闅 drama

镰村啖涓嶆暍鐩镐俊锛岃嚜宸Debate 殑鍎垮瓙锛岀珶鐒 墦涓嶈 CChu Yan 宁〉嚭镄勫鐢燂紒

鈥沧 浜 浜 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙 纴鍙

杩欎竴鍒 纴镰 纴镰 寮 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屼竴澹 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屼竴澹 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屼竴澹 掑惣锛岃 掑惣锛岃 掑惣锛岃 掑惣锛岃 掑惣锛岃 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒 囷纴椤跺紑浜呜鍒锛岄殢鍗 锲炲埌浜嗙牬姝 锲炲埌浜嗙牬姝 紑镄勮 紑镄勮 杈癸紒 杈癸紒

杩欎竴鐬棿锛岃寮傜殑涓 骞曞嚭鐜 骞曞嚭鐜 骞曞嚭鐜 骞曞嚭鐜 骞曞嚭鐜 骞曞嚭鐜 锛屽彧 锛屽彧 侀偅 侀偅 侀偅 侀偅 侀偅 侀偅 钖庣珶鏄寲涓 钖庣珶鏄寲涓简涓€鍓痓one armor 鎶湪浜嗙牬姝〉紑镄勮韩涓婏纴宸ㄥぇ镄勯緳灏绰ecome visible Key 屽嚭锛岄偅澶 inch洈閮芥槸浠ラ緳澶村褰纴鍏 妭涔嫔锛宐one spike 鏀嚭锛岀嫲镫炰箣鏋侊紒

鎶笂姝ゆ垬 threshold狅纴镰寮寮鑻ユ槸宸茬粡鍖栬鑻ユ槸宸茬粡鍖栬浜哄浜哄浜哄濡栭緳din锛锛


杩欎竴鍒 纴鍏ㄥ満鎯婂懠锛

鍙ゆ垬 threshold 狅纴浼犺嚜immemorial acne 涓 浠堕兘鏄瀬涓篓reasure 锛屼篃鍙湁鍙ゆ垬 threshold 狅纴鍙 钖屾椂鍙 钖屾椂鍙 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲 寲碉纴鍜屾垬 threshold 犱笁绉嶅 镐侊紒

鈥沧病鎯 埌锛孲pirit Transformation 娈 珶鐒跺皢鍙ゆ垬 珶鐒跺皢鍙ゆ垬 threshold forging tree 鐢紒姝ゅ彝鎴橀摖铏 鐢紒姝ゅ彝鎴橀摖铏 € low€low grade 镄勶纴浣嗗叾涓暣钖殑濞佽兘涔熸槸terrifying 涔嬫瀬锛佲€

Key 佺槠澹 煶涔嬩腑锛屽甫镌 鍑犲垎 鍑犲垎 鍑犲垎 鍑犲垎 鍑犲垎

杩欎竴鍒 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 骞垮満涔嬩笂 € € € € € € € € € € € 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴 囨侪浜嗭纴

鎹(一)仛浠讳綍涓€涓闄纴璋佽兘鎷垮嚭鍙ゆ垬涓闄纴璋佽兘鎷垮嚭鍙ゆ垬 犵粰瀛〉憳鐢纻

鍙ゆ垬 threshold 狅纴閮 嚭浜嗭纴杩栾缮镐庝箞 掳纻 掳纻

韬姭鍙ゆ垬 狅纴杩欎竴鍒 狅纴杩欎竴鍒 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 镄勬皵锷垮 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 缁忔攒鍗囧埌浜哠 pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir槸Spirit Transformation 涔嬩笅绗竴浜 monkey 纴娌 ‘Han 鏁 (1) 惁瀹 紒

鈥滃瘨姹燂纴浣犳 瀹 瀹 瀹 掑湪 掑湪 掑湪 掑湪 皧鑴 皧鑴 皧鑴 皧鑴

镰 寮 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屾 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屾 褰诲簳镫傛毚锛屾 涓揣鎻 涓揣鎻 彝鎴橀摖骞诲寲鍑 彝鎴橀摖骞诲寲鍑 彝鎴橀摖骞诲寲鍑 镙箇 镙箇 ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite 锛岀洿鎺 锛岀洿鎺 锛岀洿鎺 锛岀洿鎺 锛岀洿鎺幓锛

鈥沧姳姝夛纴浣犺澶 湜浜嗭紒鈥

杩欎竴鍒 纴瀵掓睙涓 澹 澹 喎璇纴 喎璇纴 whole human 涔熺洿鎺oved towards 鍖栬 Korean 浜哄 濡栭緳 ordinary 镄勭牬姝 〉 紑鍐 紑鍐 幓锛

浼椾 鎯婃 鎯婃 鎯婃 锛岃 锛岃 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 镐佺殑镰 佹钖楋纻 佹钖楋纻 佹钖楋纻 佹钖楋纻 佹钖楋纻

鐒 岋纴涓嬩竴鍒 岋纴涓嬩竴鍒 岋纴涓嬩竴鍒 纴浼椾 纴浼椾 纴浼椾 镄勭洰鍏夊哜锲 镄勭洰鍏夊哜锲 紒 紒

鍙︼瀵掓睙behind 镄勯偅宸ㄥぇExternal Body Incarnation 鐬棿娑堟影鍖栦负鍖栦€鐗噐ays of light Baleful aura 鍒欐槸涓嶆柇moved towards 瀵掓睙韬綋涔嬩笂姹 仛 仛 key

Energy 涓鍒 涔嬩笂锛屾棤杈 涔嬩笂锛屾棤杈 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑


鈥渂aleful aura 锛宐lood energy 瀹岀编铻嶅悎锛佺浜嗭纴銮潪锛屼粬鏄紶璇翠腑镄勮镦炰箣浣掳纻蹇呯劧鏄纴浠栫珶鏄镦炰箣浣掳紒鈥


Chu Yan 涔熸槸 囨侪镞犳瘮锛岃兘濡傛瀹岀 镄勮繍鐢╞ 镄勮繍鐢╞ 镄勮繍鐢╞ lood energy 鍜宐 aleful aura 锛屼篃鍙湁鍏 箖鏄镦炰箣浣掳纴 箖鏄镦炰箣浣掳纴 gallium嶅彲浠ヨ 娄 娄 娄 锛


Read omplexion

镰村啖旋存槸涓嶆暍鐩镐俊锛岃嚜宸卞 瀛愯槠鐒籼nnate skill 涓崭 锛屼絾鍗 锛屼絾鍗 锛屼絾鍗 病 変紶 変紶 胯嚜宸 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑€澶х殑阆楁唤锛岀幇鍦–hu Yan 镄勫鐢燂纴绔熸槸濡傛阃嗗ぉSpiritual Body 锛

杩欎竴骞曪纴瓒呬箮浜嗘墍 chain変汉镄勬兂璞★纴Spiritual Body 锛岀珶鐒跺张鏄疭piritual Body 锛岃€屼笖鏄崄澶piritual Body 涔嬩腑镄勮镦炰箣浣掳纴鍐版湀瀛”櫌锛屽綋鐪熻阃嗗ぉ钖楋纻

As we all know, among the top ten Spiritual Body, the top five are respectively, Five Elements Spiritual Body, the body of the Tao, the body of blood, the body of the spirit, the body of the Lei Yuan!

Six to ten, it is the body of the wind, the body of Xuanyang, the body of Xuanyin, the body of the moon, the body of the Tao!

Repair immortal realm, any of the ten Spiritual Body, once the cultivation to peak, there is a 滔might of Heaven!

Among them, the Five Elements Spiritual Body is the most difficult, because the Spiritual Body must be at least visible after the Nascent Soul period, and it is too difficult for the five spiritual root practitioners to successfully converge the Five Elements Nascent Soul, let alone the concentrating Five Elements Nascent Soul Even condensing Five Elements Golden Core is very difficult!

Chu Yan I don’t know, the choice of the prophecy is necessarily the Spiritual Body, and it is the strongest Spiritual Body. That is to say, if there is no Ciyan, the number one Spiritual Body among the top ten Spiritual Body, then it is estimated that the prophecy may be It is the body of the god of water Tianyu!

The bloody body is the third-ranked Spiritual Body, and its powerful place is evident!

Han Jiang does not know that he is a Spiritual Body. He can absorb blood energy and baleful aura from the killing from a very young age, and can be used separately or in combination!

Today, this is his strongest means!

At this moment, blood energy and baleful aura condense a pair of gray-red trenches on their bodies, helmets, two sharp horns, key points, hook-like spikes, and shapes are broken. Wu Kai’s keel battle is still awkward!


The words of the Hanjiang River fell, and the silhouette turned into an illusion!

next moment!


Everyone only heard the sound of a broken bone coming out!

Looking at the top of the ring, the cold fist of the Hanjiang has already broken through the belly of the open, and the keel above the body has spread a spider-like crack spread!

Broken Wu opened the eyes protruding, mouth corner hanging blood, he dreamed that the Hanjiang was so strong!

“You lost!”

Hanjiang pulled out his right fist and slammed his fist on his neck!


Immediately, if it is broken, it will be like a meteor to the ground, the earth and stone will splash, and the broken body will directly blast into the ring, and a piece of smoke will spread!

The smoke dissipated, and a giant pit with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared on the platform!

There was a silhouette lying in the pit, and his clothes broke open. It was already fainted, and it was broken!


The whole scene is dead, only in the sky, the cold river with a bit of heavy breathing!

A few breaths, quiet!

“Bingyue College, Hanjiang, win!”

Referee old man high channel.

Win, I actually won!

Han Jiang actually defeated Wu Wu, one of the two major Chosens of the Shinto Academy, with an ancient trench, and the strength of the half-step Spirit Transformation is broken!

“Cold River, Ice Moon!”

“Cold River, Ice Moon!”


The deafening cheers sounded from the square, and the performance of the Han River conquered everyone!

“Teacher, I won!”

The silhouette of the Han River flashed and appeared in front of Chu Yan. Immediately on both knees, in the sound, with a few choking.

He cried. Ten years ago, if the cold river was iced, no one had ever seen it, let alone crying!

At this moment, he cried!

Only Han Jiang himself understand, how much he suppressed in his heart, if there is no teacher, he knows that there will never be himself!

My previous innate skill performance is completely incomparable to the segment free and unfettered, but because of my own efforts, the teacher gave me the opportunity to treat the same free and unfettered, the same opportunity!

Han Jiang is alone, and he is used to the warmth of his childhood. So he has such a cold character, and no one has ever treated it like Chu Yan!

Squeezed for many years of emotion, this moment, this icy man, in front of his most respected person, is visible visible!

Hanjiang is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person with the same emotions as ordinary people!

All the people can see that Han Jiang’s respect from heart, Master and Disciple, only ten years, can have such feelings, they really do not understand, Chu Yan, what is special, can Do you do this?

“Being a teacher, take pride in you!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are also somewhat red, seeing the cold river, if he saw himself fighting for many years ago!

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