Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 187 Jinghe VS Xiba! Qiao Blacksmith: They are all mine! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Fighting, and fighting with fists

The one who spoke was the famous Fighting Four Heavenly Kings.

"That. King Xiba, do you mean the Pokémon battle or the trainer battle?" Yasha asked quietly.

Xiba smiled and said, "It's OK."

Jinghe: "."

Stared at Yasha.

You girl, you just want to watch the fun, right?

Fighting between trainers.

Xiba is not just a simple fighting king, but a physical saint who can fight the giant Onix.

The only one who can resist it is probably Red.

At least he must have some superpowers, wave power, super power to compete with him.


The Pokémon world is really a world of high martial arts.

Of course.

Watching Xiba in a physical fight is just for fun.

If you really want to watch it, you have to watch the super rookie Xiaozhi in Pallet Town.

Jing He pursed his lips and said to Xiba:

"King Xiba, forget it."

After all, the gap between his strength and Xiba's was too big.

Who knew that Xiba slapped Jing He on the shoulder.

He smiled heartily and said:

"Brother Jing He, don't you want to see how your skillful blacksmith can practice the fine control of strength?"


Listening to the sound coming from his body and feeling the numb and hot shoulders, Jing He's face flushed slightly.

And power control.

Do you know how much power your slap has?

"Besides, Brother Jing He, your physical fitness is not bad, in fact, there is a lot of potential for development."

Develop yourself?

Jing He subconsciously chose to refuse.

He didn't like his body to become a lump.


Xiba's words woke him up.

The power of the skillful blacksmith is indeed very great, and he has also received guidance from Sirona Lucario on the use of weapons.

But its control and use of power, especially in the fine mastery, is indeed a bit lacking.

However, Jing He had no experience in this area.

Originally, he planned to wait until the celebration was over, go back and look up the information, think about it, and then ask others for advice.

For example, the old principal.

It can be seen that the old principal of Kanaz Pokémon Academy should have been an amazing fighter when he was young, and his Pokémon were all fighting-attribute Pokémon.

But if there is the guidance of the devil meat man Xiba, the effect should be better.

"Skillful Blacksmith." Jing He shouted.


The Skillful Blacksmith, who was looking at the bench, cast a puzzled look.

"Do you want to fight with this uncle?"

Jing He pointed at Xiba.


Xiba's expression froze, and he rubbed his chin subconsciously.

After a long period of travel and experience, he seemed to have not shaved for a while.


The Skillful Blacksmith tilted his head and blinked at Xiba.

Then he nodded heavily.


Fighting, Hammer loves it the most!

Among Jinghe's four little guys, Gengar and Artificer are the two most belligerent ones.

Whoosh whoosh——

Artificer swung the hammer with great vigor, and excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Very good fighting spirit!" Hiba couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Then I'll trouble King Hiba." Jinghe said sadly

After a short pause, Hiba also took out a Poké Ball.

"Then. It should be the most suitable for it to be your opponent."

To fight Jinghe, Hiba naturally couldn't send out the main Pokémon.

It can't be Shiny Mother Monster, right?

A strange look flashed in Jinghe's eyes.

When they heard that there was a battle, the people around immediately gathered around, and many of them recognized Hiba at a glance.

"It's actually King Shiba!"

"Who is this person? Can he fight King Shiba?"

"It seems to be Teacher Jinghe? It's really Teacher Jinghe!"

"Teacher Jinghe can actually fight against the Four Heavenly Kings?"


Jinghe is also a little famous on the Internet.

Of course, he is obviously incomparable to Shiba, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Go on, Gouri!"

Amidst the flashing red light, a Gouri with a human-like body of light green, a golden belt around his waist, and dark green underwear appeared in front of Shiba.

It's actually Shining Gouri!

For some reason, Jinghe felt a little disappointed.


Gouri called out softly, opened his arms, and made a starting posture, with sharp and determined eyes.


The clever blacksmith looked at Gouri with a serious face and shook the hammer in his hand.

This green guy is very powerful at first glance, and his fighting skills are probably even more outstanding.


If you want to beat me, you have to ask the hammer in my hand if it agrees or not!

A faint pink thread appeared on the hammer of the forger.

It took a deep breath.

The next moment.


The forger slowly threw the "power wristband" on his wrist aside.

Bang! !

The seemingly small wristband seemed to have thrown a heavy object of dozens of kilograms when it was thrown on the ground!


Seeing this scene, the crowd around gasped.

That cute pink little guy with small arms and legs actually wore such a heavy object?

"It seems that the teacher's forger is serious." Daigo sighed.

If Jing He is the person who knows Qiao Blacksmith the best, then Dawu should be the person who knows him second best.

no way.

Who makes him always seek help from the Skilled Blacksmith to repair the metal shells of his several steel-type Pokémon? He still has some understanding of the terrifying power of the Skilled Blacksmith.

Sheba's lips widened into a smile.

This is right.

His eyes narrowed, he clenched his fist and said:

"Bullet punch!"

White light burst out from Haoli's body, he took a step forward and approached the skillful blacksmith at an extremely fast speed.

He showed great aggression right from the start.

Jing He's eyes showed Hao Li's illustrations, and he understood the moves and characteristics he had mastered.


Flames erupted from Haoli's body while he was running fast.

He unexpectedly fell into a "burned" state on his own initiative!

But instead of weakening due to this state, Haoli's momentum became more fierce and powerful.

Just because of its characteristics, it is "perseverance".

[Perseverance: When a Pokémon with this characteristic falls into an abnormal state, its attack power is greatly increased, and it can ignore the effect of 'burn' that reduces the power of physical moves]

The hot burning pain will only make me stronger!

This is my martial arts!

The reason why Haoli fell into the "burning" state was because he carried a special prop - the flame orb.

[Fire Orb: Pokémon carrying this item will fall into the ‘burned’ state]

In such a battle, the skillful blacksmith's "Sword Dance" enhancement will definitely not be used.

Otherwise, even before the "Sword Dance" takes shape, the approaching Haoli will use an exaggerated combination of fighting techniques and fighting moves to take the craftsman away.


Only confrontation!

"Skilled blacksmith, ice hammer attacks!"


Facing the powerful fist, the skillful blacksmith's hammer was quickly covered with frost, and he swung the hammer into the fist.

But Shiba on the other side suddenly shouted:

"Split the tiles!"

The powerful force in his actions instantly turned into fists, and his body suddenly showed a very tricky angle, avoiding the skillful blacksmith's hammer and swinging away.

At the same time, Hiba on the sidelines also made almost the same action as Haoli.

"Qiao Blacksmith!" Jing He suddenly shouted.

I saw.

The swinging hammer suddenly retracted, and it was aimed at the powerful force after the change of moves!


"Teacher, have you seen the intentions of King Xiba and Haoli?" Du Juan said unexpectedly on the sidelines.

Those are the Four Heavenly Kings!

The teacher can actually read The Four Heavenly Kings first?


The blade-like palm collided with the huge metal hammer.

The two sides suddenly turned into a pure contest of strength.

No, there are tricks.

Xiba's eyes flashed, her body movements changed, and Haoli's movements were almost consistent with his.

After the palm came into contact with the hammer, it went down along the handle of the hammer and slapped the skillful blacksmith on the chest.


The skillful blacksmith who flew out showed a bit of surprise on his face.

That was just now

And Hao Li's eyes also showed surprise.

There's something wrong with that little man's strength!

Something is very wrong!

It actually felt a little sore in its wrist.

"good chance!"

But he heard Xiba shout excitedly.

Opponents flying in the air are the best targets for any top fighter.

Haoli could only suppress the surprise in his heart, kicked off his feet, and chased after him.

"Ice hammer, throw the hammer out!"


The clever blacksmith didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately knocked out the hammer in his hand.

"Grab the hammer and use your strength to throw it!"

The approaching Haoli avoided the hammer head and accurately grasped the handle of the hammer. Dark red fighting energy suddenly emerged from his body, and then...


Haoli couldn't stand still and was taken away by the hammer!

Xiba \u0026 Haoli: "?"

What kind of hammer is this? Is it so heavy? !

Is that an exaggeration?

Jing He smiled slightly.

Now it's our turn to attack.


The skilled blacksmith who landed on the ground kicked off his legs, his speed was much faster than before. He rushed in front of Haoli in almost a flash and grabbed the handle of the hammer.

The frost condensed instantly.


The seemingly small arm burst out with terrifying power.

Swing out the circle!

"Well done!"

Shiba also put aside the issue of the ridiculous weight of the hammer for the time being, and said enthusiastically:

"Haoli, close combat!"

Bang, bang bang——

The two sides of the fighting group exchanged fists and hammers, and then gave up.

Haoli and Qiao Blacksmith were both out of breath.

But there is no doubt that in the fight just now, Qiao Blacksmith was at a disadvantage.

However, because of Haoli's "burned" state, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

And this is indeed what Jing He wants to see.


"Characteristic exchange!" Jing He commanded.

There was a glimmer of something in the skillful blacksmith.

With the blessing of special power, it gained the characteristic of great strength - perseverance.

The onlookers looked puzzled.

The characteristics of Haoli require special props. You can make it skillfully.


Haoli seemed to react. He touched his belt and found that the thing was missing!


Are you looking for this?

The clever blacksmith raised his hand with a smile.

A fiery red orb lay quietly in its palm.

Um? !

Take advantage of it!

"Good fellow." Yasha exclaimed, "Your trait is mine, your props are mine, yours is mine, everything is mine, right?"

The forger bared his teeth, and a burning flame rose from his body.

The "Perseverance" trait was triggered!

'If the forger mastered "Playfulness", this battle would actually be easy. '

Jinghe thought to himself, and continued to command.

"Go on, use the ice hammer again!"

The momentum of Xiba and Haoli did not weaken.

"Haoli, let's do it again, close combat!"


The terrifying collision of power almost shook the ground, and cracks were accompanied by waves of air that spread out in all directions, one after another.

The audience around had to cover their arms to continue to see the situation in the field.

For a long time.

Everything was silent.

Only the dilapidated streets were left.

On the field, a scarred forger was barely standing against the hammer, and Haoli's eyes flashed beside it, which had turned into a spiral.

Although "Close Combat" is powerful, it will also reduce the user's physical defense and special defense, which is one of the important reasons for Gouri's defeat.


The Artful Forge dragged his tired body and found his "Power Wristband" from the messy ruins, and put it on his hand silently.

"Chiu! (▼⊿▼)"

In an instant.

The crowd was boiling.

The sharp-eyed Jinghe noticed that the little guy hid the "Flame Orb" under the wristband!

"Teacher Jinghe actually defeated the Four Heavenly Kings?!"

"Although that is definitely not the main Pokémon of King Xiba, who cares! Pass it on, Teacher Jinghe defeated the Four Heavenly Kings who didn't use the main force!"

"Pass it on, Teacher Jinghe defeated the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"Pass it on, Teacher Jinghe beat the Four Heavenly Kings!"


Listening to the increasingly outrageous rumors, Jinghe's eyes twitched slightly.

He quickly stepped forward and hugged the staggering Artful Forge.

Xiba also came over.

Looking at Jinghe and Artful Forge.

"I see the will to never give up in you, the will of a brave man!" Xiba said in a deep voice.

Brave man?

That's not a good thing to say!

But Jinghe was indeed very pleased with the will of the skilled blacksmith.

After being hugged by him, the skilled blacksmith fell into a coma.


PS: This chapter is also 3.6k words, and it has 1.1w words today. Please vote for me!

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