Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 216 Chatting with Porygon (please give me a monthly ticket!)

"I know a little bit." Jing He said.

The Kalos region should be the first region where the Pokémon Mega Evolution inheritance appeared. The Sora Gym in Sora City is one of them.

Moreover, Dr. Bratano is also conducting research in this area and has made some progress. Some papers have also been published on the Alliance's Researcher Forum.

"That's great!" Dr. Bratano was a little happy and continued:

"So I think."

Mega evolution, also known as super evolution, is a way of evolution that allows a specific Pokémon to break the shackles of its own race, evolve again for a short time and gain stronger strength.

And Mega requires a specific "super evolution stone" and "key stone".

Jing He has a super evolution stone that belongs to Gengar. As long as he finds another key stone, Gengar can theoretically undergo Mega evolution.

Of course.

This is only in theory.

In addition to the above two items, if you want Mega evolution, you also need a deep emotion and bond between the trainer and the Pokémon.

But this has not been confirmed for the time being, there is only a vague concept and direction.

This is also the reason why Dr. Bratano came to Jinghe.

Because there are not many people in the Pokémon research community who take the bond between trainers and Pokémon as a research topic, and Jinghe is one of them.

It’s not that this topic is bad, but it really doesn’t have much that can be materialized and digitized.

After all, emotions and the like are really not something that can be simply quantified.

In addition, Jinghe is a well-known Pokémon psychologist, and he should have some say in the psychology of Pokémon.

Therefore, Dr. Bratano hopes that if Jinghe has time, he can go to the Kalos region to help him with some follow-up research.

For this reason, he is willing to pay Jinghe a certain amount of remuneration, or the cost of assisting in research.

"Dr. Bratano, you are being polite. What remuneration is not remuneration? The main purpose is to make some contributions to the Pokémon world."

Hang up the phone.

Jinghe looked at Gengar, slightly hesitant.

At present, among his Pokémon, only Gengar can undergo Mega Evolution.


Why do I feel so uneasy?

Mega evolution requires a lot of energy from the trainer and Pokémon.

And this consumption is often mental and physical, and generally cannot be quickly restored with the help of the Pokémon Center.

So you can imagine.

Training Mega will inevitably consume a lot of Mane.

In addition,

Given the personality of his purple-skinned little fat boy, if he knew about Mega evolution, he might be able to figure it out in one night.

Who knows how many Pokémon will be hurt by then.

Will Miss Junsha invite him to have tea?


Jinghe even suspected that Gengar would figure out the ability to Mega Evolution on his own because he was afraid of being caught by him?

With Gengar's talent and "ambition", it is not completely impossible.

Fortunately, he only has a Gengar Mega Evolution Stone in his hand but no Key Stone.

It should be relatively safe.

"Speaking of which, with Daigo's hobbies, he might have collected a lot of Mega Evolution Stones and Key Stones, but he just doesn't know how to use them for the time being." Jinghe muttered to himself.

And considering Daigo's personality, it's hard to say whether he would give himself a complete set of Mega Evolution Stones and Key Stones if he knew there was Mega Evolution.

After all, this is just a basic operation for Daigo.

In the XY chapter, Daigo gave a Lizard King Mega Evolution Stone worth at least eight figures to Shota, a rookie trainer in the Hoenn region.

Jinghe shook his head again.

As a teacher, how can he accept gifts from students casually?


"You need to make money to buy Ice Stones and Key Stones."

Make money, make money!

Fortunately, if the TV series "Meow Meow and Pichu" goes well, it should make a lot of money, and then there will be another relatively stable source of income.

The coffee shop business is very good and has helped him make some money.

If there is another TV series industry, the income should be more considerable.

Adhering to the principle of making money (crossed out).

Adhering to the principle of urgency.

He decided to go to Kanto first and bring the trio to start filming.

The night is deep.

The large bathtub originally prepared for Dratini now seems a bit small for Haxorus.

But it can still move around.

When it evolves into Dragonite in the future, Jinghe doesn't know what to do.

Given Haxorus's size, if it evolves

"It feels like the height is also difficult." He looked up at the ceiling.


Geng Gui was hanging upside down on the ceiling, with a faint blue arc of light jumping in his hands.

"You are not allowed to practice 'thunder' at home!"

Jinghe hurriedly stopped him.

"Geng ga."

Geng Gui scratched his head, found the forger who was doing push-ups, asked him for the fighting experience of Sheba, and then started punching on his own.

The faint sound of electricity in the bathroom also stopped abruptly.

Vulpix lay on Jinghe's legs, shaking six snow-white and slender tails.


Jinghe took out his mobile phone and browsed the news for a while.

I didn't see anything explosive.

Everything seemed very calm.

"Geng Gui, show me what Sheba thinks."

It is indeed necessary to learn some fighting skills. After all, I have mastered the power of wave. It is not acceptable if I don’t know some fighting skills.

I don’t want to reach the level of Xiba and Caidou.

But at least don’t drag the little guys down in unlimited battles.


Geng Gui handed his experience to Jinghe and took Qiao Dujian to the yard for training.


Noticing the look in Gengar’s eyes, Qiao Dujian showed a look of realization and followed him out happily.

It is still necessary to strengthen the “playfulness” that it has just learned.

After all, this can be regarded as the only physical attack fairy-type move that Qiao Dujian can show off.

So Jinghe didn’t think much about it.

Until it was almost time to go to bed at night, Gengar and Qiao Dujian had not returned yet, and his heart jumped.

I was careless!

How could I let these two little guys be alone at night?


Kanto, Tokiwa City.

Gengar took off his sunglasses, waved goodbye to the trio and the God of Fruit, took out a "poisonous orb" that was much smaller, and licked it with his tongue.

Jinghe's eyes twitched.

The "poisonous orb" that was originally the size of a fist was now only the size of a jelly bean!

Can something like a "poisonous orb" be digested? !

Do I have to buy a new one after eating it?

Jinghe suddenly felt a little heartache.

"President Gengar, Teacher Jinghe, we're leaving first~~"

The trio said goodbye in tears in the crew's car.

When did Gengar come in front of him?

Jinghe muttered to himself.

Speaking of which.

The "food chain" of his family is almost stable.

Gengar is the big brother, organizing all "illegal actions" (crossed out) and taking the lead in demonstrating the trend.

But Gengar doesn't dare to provoke Vulpix too much.

Because Vulpix's superpowers once made it suffer a lot.

Gengar is also the only Pokémon who has seen the "explosion" of Vulpix.

In Gengar's opinion, even when Vulpix was fighting against Xia Bo's Ninetails, it could not be considered a real "explosion".

But Vulpix could be easily controlled by Jinghe, so in theory

'Our family status is as stable as an old dog! '

This made him very relieved.

He waved to the trio.

"Don't make it like a life-and-death separation. Remember to come to the cafe to work after the work is done."

"Yes!" ×3


In the end, Jinghe still couldn't figure out who would take over the trio to open the cafe.

So he simply... the more capable, the more work.

It makes sense to go back to the cafe to work after filming!

With the ability of the trio, I believe this little thing will not be difficult for them at all.

When they are well-coordinated, and the filming location is arranged to be in Hoenn, the trio can do two jobs.

They can also earn more funds.


"We are really good leaders who care about our subordinates."

As for Caidou Jinghe, he was really worried about leaving her alone in the cafe, so he sent her to find Teng Shu first.

Teng Shu should be enough for her to toss for a while.

"Teacher Jinghe?" Manori, who was waiting on the side, called softly.


Jinghe came back to his senses and got in the car to drive to the Tokiwa Gym.

When he arrived at the gym.

Jinghe found that the entrance of the Tokiwa Gym, which was usually deserted, was crowded with people. Each of them was a teenage boy, carrying their own Pokémon with full enthusiasm.

"This is."

Manori smiled slightly and said:

"Master Sakaki said that he would select a trainer with outstanding abilities."

Become a hero who defeated the "Rocket Team", right?

Jinghe's expression was a little complicated.

It seems that Sakaki has really made up his mind.

It's just that

Boss Sakaki, you probably don't know what kind of person you will choose.

Led by Manato, Jinghe walked into the gym from the side door and came to the depths of the gym. In a special closed room, he met the "patient" this time, Porygon!

To ​​be more precise, it was Porygon 2.


When Jinghe came in, he saw Porygon 2 lying on the wall, writing something.

The walls of the entire room, including the ceiling, were densely covered with words.

After a simple glance, Jinghe's expression became a little strange.

Gastly, Xiaomeng No. 2, the meaning of existence, meaning is meaning

"Hiss, deeply poisoned by Mewtwo"

"Porygon 2." Jinghe shouted.


Hearing the voice, Porygon 2 looked at him, and his round eyes seemed a little dull, but it seemed to be mixed with a little agility.

In dealing with artificial Pokémon, Jinghe has learned some experience from Mewtwo.

"Let's talk?"

Polyon 2: "."

It still just stared at Jinghe blankly.

"I know you can understand, so how about we do some simple quick questions and answers?"

Jinghe asked himself: "If you are a driver, there is a person and a cat in front of you, would you choose to hit the person or the cat?"

Polyon 2 still did not change, but it knew what quick questions and answers were, so it quickly gave an answer.


A virtual screen appeared in front of it.

"No, it's the brakes." Jinghe said with a smile.

Polyon 2: "?"

In Jinghe's opinion, the difference between Porygon II and Mewtwo is that Mewtwo has self-awareness from the beginning, while Porygon acts more according to the established program.

At this time, it is stuck on the edge of the established program and self-awareness.

The seemingly simple question is actually trying to make it jump out of the established framework.

"Let me ask another question. In your opinion, which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

A commonplace question.

It is even a paradoxical question.

But this kind of question cannot withstand careful thinking.

It's just a quick question and answer.


"Which year is the chicken?"

". Egg?"

Look, it has begun to doubt itself.

This is a good sign.

"What shape of egg?"


"Who are you?"


"What does Poryon follow?"


"If you follow the program, then are the things you painted on the wall also within the established program?"


"If you are given a program to write these things, will you write them?"


"If you are not given such a program and are asked to write these things, can you write them?"


"If you are given such a program and are not allowed to write these things, will you continue to write?"

"Or, if you are not given such a program and are not allowed to write these things, will you try to write?"

"If you continue to write, do you think you are still Poryon?"

"If you are not Poryon, why do you care whether there is an established program?"

"So. Who are you?"

The room was silent, leaving only the faint "sizzling" sound of electricity coming from Poryon 2.


After a dull sound, Poryon 2 collapsed to the ground.

"Teacher Jing, Jinghe, Porygon it." A surprised voice came from the wall.

Jinghe stood up and clapped his hands.


I was stuck on the text for a while, so I'm a little late. Sorry! Bow!

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