Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 274 Gengar: Do you want to dance too? (4400 words, monthly votes requested!)

"The player Jinghe sent out is Gengar, who is making his debut!!"

The commentator saw Gengar and introduced him loudly.


In the guest seats.

Liu Bo raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Gengar.

"This Gengar"

It made him feel like he saw the Gengar of Kikuko.

Or it seemed more special.

"Genger." Professor Oak's smile was mixed with something else, "Keep it up."

The battle officially began!

"Crow, Tailwind!"

Whether in the 6V6 or 3V3 rotation mode, or in the doubles mode, or even in the full-team battle, the speed of Pokémon can often play a key role.

Having speed is equivalent to having the first move or even the initiative.

And the Tailwind move will undoubtedly give Crow and the subsequent Pokémon a certain speed advantage.

[Tailwind: Make your own field enter the Tailwind state. For a certain period of time, the speed of all Pokémon on your own field will double. 】

It can be said that this is a group-enhancing move with quite a bug.


Jinghe, who was once keen on Pokémon battle games, should not be too familiar with this move.

There is no problem with a tailwind at the beginning, and such tactics are also normal.

But the problem lies in

Raisi, the Pokémon that opens the tailwind, is Crowhead, not Murkrow!

To be more precise, Crowhead's characteristic is "overconfidence", not the characteristic "mischievous heart" during the Murkrow period.

[Mischievous heart: Pokémon with this characteristic have a priority of +1 when using a transformation move, including the Z-moves of the transformation move. 】

Murkrow's hidden characteristic "mischievous heart" will become "overconfidence" after evolution.

And the tailwind move is a transformation move.

Crowhead without the Mischievous Heart characteristic leads to.

The speed of opening the tailwind is slow!

So the audience saw it.

When the crow leader flapped his wings to call for airflow, a black and fat figure rushed towards the crow leader at a very fast speed.

The point is.

That figure was accompanied by a blue-purple arc of light, like an arc flashing in the venue.

When it approached the crow leader, the faces of the audience were all confused.

What is Gengar going to do?

Doesn't Gengar use the substitute defense poison tactic?

Lei Si's expression was also a little surprised. This scene seemed familiar.

Yesterday, Jinghe's Ice Nine-Tail used a close-range Iron Tail to kill Melanie's Sun Rock.

But that was the Nine-Tail. Although most Nine-Tails use the special attack flow, it is reasonable to insist on using dual swords based on the distribution of the Nine-Tail's racial value.

What about Gengar?

Can Gengar also use the physical and special dual sword flow?

Just Gengar's physical attack ability?

It's not that Lei Si didn't consider that Jing He might choose close combat, but he really couldn't think of it.

No, any normal person would not think of letting Gengar use dual swords, right?

But the facts prove that


The blue-purple electric light flashed and suddenly bloomed like fireworks when it touched the crow head. Countless blue-purple arcs spread out like irregular spider webs.

There was even a faint sound of countless birds singing.

Bang! !

The crow head flew backwards instantly, and the residual electric arcs were still jumping on its body.

Finally, it fell heavily to the ground.


Hand-grip thunder, plus thunder and lightning fist!

This was the move that almost destroyed the weather room of Kanaz Pokémon Academy.

In the silent arena, the audience couldn't react at once.

"Geng Ga! ψ (`Д) ψ"

Seven more miles!

The commentary voice also sounded after a long pause.

"Jinghe, read the tactics of Raiji first, and launched a decisive and strong attack!"

"Jing, Jinghe teacher, are you serious?" Yasha stuttered.

Daigo nodded in agreement, "The Thunder Fist has been added with a super powerful move from the teacher."

"So cool!" Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

Electric moves are really cool.

Only then did the audience slowly come back to their senses.

"Fuck! Physical attack Gengar? Am I dazzled?"

"Is this Gengar? Why is it a little different from the Gengar I know?"

"Such a decisive attack, did Jinghe read Raiji's tactics first?"


Guest seats.

"Hold the Thunder in your hand, hahaha - it turns out that Thunder can be used like this!" Professor Oak laughed.

"Is Jinghe's Gengar so strong?"

Shiba looked regretful.

Last time, I was only concerned about the Takumi Blacksmith. At that time, I should have had a full-member battle with Jinghe.

"Although the Crow Head has lost its ability to fight, its tailwind has been opened. In theory, the tactic is still successful." Liu Bo said lightly.

Lei Si frowned and took the Crow Head back.

Was it read first?

After all, his Crow Head had shown extremely strong attack power and continuous combat ability when he appeared before.

He thought that changing the tactics this time and letting the Crow Head take the tailwind at the beginning would be unexpected.

Unexpectedly, it was still read first.

Jing He also shook his head secretly.

This is the difference between real battles and game battles.

If it were in the game, after reading it first, the crow leader would be instantly killed if he couldn't even drive downwind.

But in reality, the distance between the two Pokémon gave the crow leader enough time.

"Contestant Lei Si's second Pokémon is - Ninja in the Iron Mask!"

After Lei Si threw the Poké Ball, he summoned an insect-shaped Pokémon.

Its head is yellow, its belly is black, and it has two pairs of wings and a pair of gray powerful forelimbs.

Ninja, Ninja Pokémon, Bug-type and Flying-type Pokémon.

This is a very fast Pokémon, and some people even think that because it is so fast, it can avoid all kinds of moves.

As soon as the Iron Mask Ninja appeared, his two pairs of wings vibrated rapidly.

It was already very fast, but after receiving the blessing of a tailwind, its speed became even faster.

Flying up and down in the venue, it was like dancing in the air.

"I thought it was a ghost cicada," Jing He complained silently.

If you have the ability, can you ask Gui Chan to bring seventeen or eighteen aura belts to the stage?

Gengar's reaction was a little big.



It took out its sunglasses and put them on again, raised its hand and pointed at the flying iron-masked ninja.


Do you want to dance too?

Iron Mask Ninja:?

Buzz buzz——

Audiences who observe more carefully may be able to find that the speed of the already fast Iron Mask Ninja is still increasing.

Acceleration features?

[Acceleration: The speed of Pokémon with this characteristic will continue to increase. 】

With the tailwind and the acceleration characteristics, you can imagine how fast the Iron Mask Ninja is.

This is a very typical successor.

Jing He suddenly felt enlightened.

"Iron Masked Ninja, Sword Dance!" Lei Si commanded with a frown.

A dark red updraft appeared around the body of the fast-moving Iron Mask Ninja, and its momentum also rose rapidly.

However, Jing He did not hesitate to say:

"Gengar, trick."

Since we want to gain, let’s do it together!


A cunning look suddenly appeared in Geng Gui's eyes, and surging black mist emerged from its body, and its momentum soared.

"Increase together? This is not a good choice." Liu Bo said.

Dr. Omu looked calm and said with a smile: "Jing He must have his plan."

Seeing that Jing He actually chose to increase the level with him, a sneer appeared on Lei Si's face. In this case

"Iron Masked Ninja, another sword dance!"

But Gengar's actions changed.


A black ball headed towards the Iron Masked Ninja.

"Iron-faced Ninja, get out of the way!" Lei Sining shouted.


The black ball passed by the Iron Mask Ninja's body, and finally hit the ground with a "bang".

This made Lei Si and the Iron Masked Ninja secretly sigh in relief.



Geng Gui smiled ferociously.

It's not that simple.

"Gah! Chia! Chia!" (Euler! Euler! Euler!.)

"Hiss—those, so many shadow balls?! Are you cheating?"

"Really, really? Use the shadow ball as a seed machine gun?"

There were exclamations from the audience.

Lei Si's pupils also shrank suddenly.

This is unreasonable!

A large number of shadow balls were like dense cannonballs, covering the location of the Iron Mask Ninja.


Gengar said it didn't exist.

No matter how fast you go, you are still afraid of being covered by fire.

Boom! !

In an instant, the half of the field where the Iron Masked Ninja was was covered by roar and thick smoke!

Lei Si had a sullen face, but he still hurriedly gave instructions:

"Ninja in the Iron Mask, take over!"

I was secretly glad.


The Iron Mask Ninja carries the Momentum Sash, so he won't be killed.

With the help of tailwind, the acceleration characteristics of Iron Mask Ninja, and sword dance, Lei Si believes that his next Pokémon can complete the team push!


Before his words fell, Jing He's voice ended earlier than him.

In other words, Jing He had already spoken before he spoke.


I saw.

In the dispersed dust, a red ribbon flew out from the Iron Mask Ninja's body, as if driven by some special power.

In turn, he restrained the iron-faced ninja who was glowing with white light.



The Iron Mask Ninja fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight!

Gengar jumped on the ground with a smile.

Sorry, you can't dance as well as me!

"Player Jing He's first read again! The Iron-faced Ninja has lost his ability to fight! Player Lei Si has lost two Pokémon!" the commentator hurriedly shouted.

to be honest.

If it was a player like Xiao Zhi, Jing He really wouldn't be able to read it first, because Xiao Zhi's type is purely random punching.

But Lei Si's fighting method, which follows routines and established tactics, is too simple to read at first.

People in the Pokémon world are still too naive

"I'm going to use your props to kill you. This move is so cool! You are indeed a smart show."

"Obviously the tactic is about to succeed, but it's just a little bit short. This feeling is even worse than being defeated in the first place!"

"Killing people will bring punishment to one's heart. Teacher Jing He will kill people to bring punishment to one's heart!"


It's so scary to kill people and to kill your heart.

Lei Si's expression was extremely ugly at this moment.

Just a little bit short, but just a little bit short

But the battle has to continue.

Taifeng is still there, and it has not completely fallen into a disadvantage.

Lei Si took a deep breath.


The dust was flying, and the ferocious beast was covered with dark brown hair. The wanton roar rolled up the air wave, and the terrifying deterrent momentum swept away.

The audience in the front seats swallowed their saliva.


A hibernating Pokémon with general attributes!

It can be seen.

This is one of the ace Pokémon that Lei Si prepared specifically for Gengar, which Jinghe has never sent out.

If the previous Iron Ninja successfully completed the baton-taking tactic, then Kuma, which has received the Taifeng plus several acceleration blessings and the Sword Dance blessing, will undoubtedly become extremely terrifying.

But even if the baton-taking fails, as a general Pokémon, it will make Gengar appear extremely passive.

Because ghost-type moves cannot hit general Pokémon.

Most general-type Pokémon can learn a lot of non-type moves!


As soon as Kuzoku appeared, a flame rose from its body.

Flame Orb!

The item Kuzoku carried was actually a Flame Orb!

Causing Kuzoku to fall into a "burning" state.

The burning of the flames made the already ferocious Kuzoku's eyes glow scarlet, and it roared with full momentum.


Even without the help of the illustrated book, Kuzoku's characteristics are ready to come out.


[Perseverance: When a Pokémon with this characteristic is in an abnormal state other than dying, its attack is increased by 50%, and it ignores the effect of halving the power of non-fixed damage physical moves that ignore burns. ]

Jing He nodded thoughtfully.

Even he had to admit that Lei Si was indeed well prepared to fight him.

"Teacher Jinghe, won't you replace your Pokémon?!"

"Do you want Gengar to face this kind of Kujira?"

"Even if the baton fails, Kujira still has a big advantage!"

But Jinghe and Gengar still seem very calm.

Lei Si narrowed his eyes, feeling that he was still underestimated.

Even if his tactics were disrupted, he still had confidence in Kujira.

"Since you are so bold," Lei Si said coldly, "then I will satisfy you!"

"Kjira, earthquake!"


Kjira raised his feet high and dropped heavily.

Boom! !

The ground of the entire venue, with Kujira as the center, erupted with violent vibrations.

Dense cracks spread out, and countless rocks were shattered.


The purple-skinned fat man bent his knees, jumped hard, and jumped high.

"Hmph! It's useless!" Lei Si snorted coldly.

The ground shook, and under the control of the Circling Bear, the interlaced rocks and rock pillars suddenly jumped up at the position where Gengar jumped up.

Gengar, without the floating characteristic, could not avoid the attack of the Circling Bear.

But the next second.

Jinghe smiled.

He whispered: "Geng Gui, exchange characteristics."

Gengar laughed strangely, and a glimmer flashed in his eyes, and the invisible power connected between it and the Circling Bear.

In a moment.

Gengar's characteristic became the perseverance of the Circling Bear, and the characteristic of the Circling Bear became the cursed body!


The burning flames that rose again cut the physical attack ability of the Circling Bear in half.

Gengar lightly stepped on the raised rocks and rock pillars and flew to a higher altitude.

The earthquake with half the power was not enough to cause fatal injuries to Gengar.


The audience widened their eyes.

I didn't expect Jinghe and Gengar to have such a trick!

"Geng Ga!"

Geng Gui, flying high in the sky, posed a breaststroke posture, which was very cute.

It shouted to the Circular Bear on the ground.

It attracted the attention of the Circular Bear.

The next moment——


Circles of circles appeared in the eyes of the Circular Bear. After looking at Gengar, it fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Jing He smiled and continued: "Geng Gui, eat dreams."

"Awoo" a mouthful, Gengar absorbed the nightmare of the Circular Bear.

The physical strength consumed before was instantly restored to full.

Seeing this, Lei Si hurriedly took out the Poké Ball and took the Circular Bear back.

The sleeping Circular Bear can only become a gas station and a fixed blood bag for Gengar.

The audience thought that Gengar was difficult in the previous second, but the situation was completely reversed in the next second.

Who said that Gengar can only use ghost-type moves?

We are also good at psychic-type moves, okay?


Looking at Gengar, who looked relaxed and happy, the audience heard the sound of swallowing saliva again.

"Why do I feel that Mr. Jinghe is not, Gengar is starting to behave like a human being?"


PS: On Chinese Valentine's Day, the humble author is still typing for you. This chapter has 4,400 words. Is it worth a monthly ticket?

Traveling through the Pokémon world, Qingshui, who has no system, became the champion of Sinnoh and the strongest in the world by his own efforts.

At this time, a system popped up, saying that it could help him become a champion-level trainer, and issued the first task.

[Go to Yamanashi Research Institute to receive the initial Pokémon]

[Note: It is a small step for every trainer to embark on a journey after owning a Pokémon of your own, but it is a big step for you to become a champion]

Qingshui: "???"

No, I'm the strongest in the world, and you still let me start my journey with my initial Pokémon.

It's okay that I came late, but isn't your delay a bit too high?

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