Chapter 317

Ye Dong followed the words Fatty and found Dr. Qin.

When Dr. Qin saw Ye Dong, he hurriedly beckoned him, and said, “Ye Dong, look at it, is this the divine spear you found?”

Dr. Qin pointed to an old photo on the screen. The sharpness of the photo was not high, but it could be vaguely seen in the shape of a spear.

Ye Dong directly took out the Dingshui Divine Spear from the Interspatial Ring. The divine spear fluid radiated a faint light, “Dr. Qin, can’t you just compare it yourself?”

Ye Dong smiled slightly.

Dr. Qin looked at the divine water spear in Ye Dong’s hand, and carefully reached out to hold it, his eyes stared like car lights, almost shining.

“Really it! Where did you find it?”

Ye Dong wondered, “Dr. Qin, you have to tell me what this is before I can tell you where I found it.”

Dr. Qin took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know its specific name. With the changes of the times, its name is constantly changing, but its role has not changed.

This is a spear that can suck up water and spit it out. The people who have used it before are those who stand at the top of the world’s combat power.

Can you imagine what would happen if you throw it into the sea? ”

No name, but only know the effect!

Ye Dong raised his brows slightly and said, “Will it suck up the sea water?”

Dr. Qin nodded and said, “Yes, as long as you give it time, it can suck up the water. In this way, we can unlock the secrets of the sea and also make the sea beasts lose their habitat. We won’t have to be afraid of them then!

Ye Dong, you found an amazing baby! ”

Ye Dong hadn’t thought about this, but after hearing what Dr. Qin said, he also thought it was possible.

This spear of Dingshui was inserted in the location of the spring in the Underground Grand Canyon of the Death Forest. It turned out that it did not seal the spring, but directly absorbed the water from the spring?

At the same time, Dr. Qin showed a sense of fear in his eyes, and said, “This spear must never be obtained by the Sea Clan people, otherwise, we humans might perish!”

Ye Dong raised his brow slightly and said, “Dr. Qin, what do you mean is that if the Sea Clan people get this fixed water spear, our human race will perish?”

Dr. Qin nodded and said, “This spear of water can not only absorb water, but also spit water, but for the time being, we don’t know how to use it.

If the sea people are allowed to obtain this divine spear, then the land of human life will completely disappear, and 100% of the entire Blue Star will become a water world.

At that time, would you say that human beings can still survive? ”

Ye Dong realized the horror of this supernatural power. “Dr. Qin meant that this spear should be kept by you?”

Dr. Qin shook his head and said, “No! You should keep this spear by yourself. I am more at ease in your hands.”

Ye Dong then made a question about the patterns on the spear, “Dr. Qin, are you looking at the patterns on this spear?

A geologist felt that these patterns should be a road map to a tomb. ”

Dr. Qin raised his brows slightly and said, “If this is the case, then the generations of masters who have used him should also be able to discover this.

However, try to see if it is wrong, you put him in the instrument next to you, I will scan it. ”

Ye Dong did so.

Put the Dingshui God Spear into a square instrument.

Soon the pattern of the spear of Dingshui appeared on the computer screen, and the computer began to automatically decompose the structure and pattern of the spear.

The original round group was suddenly spread out into a face.

Dr. Qin then walked to the computer instrument and quickly flipped and knocked on it with both hands.

On the left side, the blue star’s global 3D modeling phantom suddenly appeared.

Dr. Qin explained at this time, “If the road map painted above is really a road map to a certain place, then I should be able to locate the road map through this computer.

Although hundreds or thousands of years have passed, the Blue Star has not changed much except for its mass increase. ”

The whole room seemed unusually quiet, and only the sound of the computer was constantly matching.

It took about ten minutes.

The computer stopped matching, stayed on a screen, and printed the pattern for the first time.

Dr. Qin took out the printed drawing and scanned it, looking at the marked points at the bottom, “Lahase tropical forest? Death forest? This is where you found Dingshui Divine Spear?”

Ye Dong was slightly shocked, and said in surprise, “What is really the road map? I did find the Dingshui God Spear in the Death Forest.”

Dr. Qin handed the printed group to Ye Dong, “The red line marked on this is the complete route map. You can look for it along the map. If you really find something, don’t act rashly and notify me first.”

Ye Dong nodded, and suddenly said, “Dr. Qin, I actually worshipped Lao Sun recently and became his apprentice. I was in the Death Forest just for cultivation, so you can get what I have been here. Keep it secret for me!”

Dr. Qin’s eyes changed slightly. No wonder Ye Dong was in the Death Forest. It turned out that Elder Sun took him there.

He smiled and nodded, and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t talk about it.”

“That’s good.” Ye Dong installed Dingshui and the map into the Interspatial Ring, and then said, “My goal has been achieved. It’s time to go back, Dr. Qin, goodbye!”

Dr. Qin smiled slightly, before saying goodbye, Ye Dong had disappeared instantly without a trace.

“This kid…”

Back in the Death Forest, Ye Dong took out the map and confirmed the direction. Then he jumped up and flew high into the sky. Although he had a map, he could not recognize the route map on the map by just using the naked eye to feel it. Where is the starting position.

He could only rely on his own feeling and a similar mountain peak that appeared on the pattern to move forward.

Flying in the air allows him to avoid friction with other beasts and speed up his journey at the same time.

At this time!

Ye Dong suddenly noticed a terrifying elemental force approaching behind him. He suddenly looked back, and a torn shoe flew onto his face.

Then there was a familiar voice.

“Smelly boy! Who do you think I am doing? I finally sealed your ability, but you don’t know how to unlock it for him. Let’s see how I can deal with you!”

It’s the Master!

“Master, listen to my explanation…”

“Stop talking nonsense, watch the fight!”

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