Chapter 337 Join Us!

Although Ye Dong wanted to see Yang Shuang’s healing ability.

However, the city is waiting for rescue in more than one place, it can only be the next time!

Under God’s mind, all things have nowhere to hide.

Following the convenience of divine mind, Ye Dong continued to find the human beings who were still surviving, and took them away from the danger zone one by one.

Fortunately, incidents similar to Wang Qiang did not continue to happen.

In a small alley.

A corpse monster looked up at Ye Dong who was flying above him, and then said to a young girl in the alley, “There is a flying supernatural being who is taking all the survivors away from this. Place, what do we need to do?”

The little girl ghoul was sitting on a small wooden box, her legs swayed gently and rhythmically, and a silver bell-like sound was heard, “Didn’t you say it? Kill everyone here, and then we will You can leave here!”

The middle-aged ghoul nodded, glanced at a Fatty on the side, and said, “Fatty, let’s deal with him.”

Fatty didn’t speak, but nodded silently.

The two quickly ran out of the alley.

At this moment, the little girl took out a small mirror from her arms, wiped the mirror with her hand, and suddenly a person appeared on the mirror.


“Master, Beichuan is about to be occupied by us, what else shall we do next?”

Zhugetian glanced at the little ghoul girl coldly and said, “Take the new ghouls and attack the next city, and then you can come back.”

“Okay, I know.”

The little ghoul girl carefully took the small mirror into her arms, humming a strange little tune, listening to the screams from around her ears, and closing her eyes with enjoyment.

Ye Dong placed an elderly man on the wall, and soon two members of the Wu’an Bureau carried the old man on his back, and quickly slid down the wall along the rope.

There are still many people sitting on the ground around, and they all seem to be slightly injured.

Ye Dong did not leave, but looked at Yang Shuang who was busy among the wounded.

I saw Yang Shuang walk up to a wounded person who broke his leg, put his hands together and rubbed it slightly, and then put it on the wounded place.

A creamy white light shone from Yang Shuang’s palm.

A magical scene happened!

The broken leg was actually recovering little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Dong suddenly felt amazed in his heart, what a terrifying ability, it was like making the opponent’s leg go backwards before it was injured, without leaving a trace of scar.

Yang Shuang wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tired face, and raised his head to look in Ye Dong’s direction.

Ye Dong had already jumped down at this time and continued to save people.

“It’s amazing. In less than half an hour, nearly a hundred people were saved, but I was exhausted! But… Come on! This is just the beginning!”

Yang Shuang encouraged herself in her heart, and then walked towards the next injured person.

Ye Dong kept jumping on various buildings, as if walking on the ground, saving the family in front of him, then there should be no other survivors of oxidation nearby. ”

At this time!

Ye Dong suddenly felt a person rushing up under him.

It was a fatty with fair skin and a large body.

Fatty figured it out, the jumping ability was not covered.

He jumped to a height of more than ten meters, raised his fist and slammed towards Ye Dong’s position without mercy.

Ye Dong’s expression changed slightly, and after avoiding Fatty’s punch, he slammed a punch on Fatty’s belly.

Fatty suddenly flew out like a leaking ball, and finally smashed into a building.

A sudden applause came out behind him.

Ye Dong looked back. It was a middle-aged man with long hair, looking at him with a smile, and clapping his hands.

“Awesome. Compared with the supernatural beings I have encountered before, it is not only a star and a half stronger. If you become a ghoul like me, you will be stronger!”

Ye Dong raised his brows slightly, and had to make fun of saving people first, looked at the long-haired ghoul, and said, “Are you inviting me to join you?”

The long-haired ghoul said solemnly, “Don’t you want to live forever and gain powerful power?

As long as you become a ghoul, you can easily get all of this. A fool knows how to choose, what do you think? ”

“A fool knows how to choose?”

Ye Dong said coldly, “Didn’t agree.”

The long-haired ghoul raised his brows slightly.


A noise came from behind, and the Fatty ghoul who had been punched by Ye Dong before had also jumped behind Ye Dong’s back.

The long-haired ghoul grinned and said, “We can’t kill, you really don’t want to join us?”

Ye Dong slowly raised his fingers, and an ice pulse pierced the chest of the long-haired ghoul.

There was a big hole in the chest of the long-haired ghoul, through which you could see the scenery behind.

The long-haired ghoul looked at the big hole in his chest and glared at Ye Dong, “Although I can’t feel the pain, but you made me like this, how can I see other companions in the future? I’m going to kill you!”



The white light beam directly erased the head of the long-haired ghoul, but his body still maintained a forward posture, rushing in the direction of Ye Dong!

Fatty ghoul’s eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

He died like that!

Ye Dong turned to look at the Fatty ghoul, and said, “The ghoul makes ordinary people become infinitely powerful, without pain, and becoming immortal, but the disparity in power can always be changed without becoming a ghoul. Yes, you are all ordinary people, right?”

Ye Dong sneered. Just about to lift his finger, Fatty Ghoul turned around and fled.

Damn it!

What is the origin of this superpower, so strong!

He can kill the ghoul in one move, and he seems to know that the weakness of the ghoul is in the head.

What is that strange beam, its power is so amazing!

Fatty suddenly felt that the back of his head was tight. Before he could turn his head back, he suddenly felt a terrible force coming from the back of his head. It was worth pressing his head directly to the ground.


After two sounds.

Fatty ghoul also lost consciousness at this moment.

He didn’t feel any when he was there.

Ye Dong snorted, without any extra stops, and flew directly in the direction of the other survivor.

The ghouls that ordinary people have turned into are simply vulnerable.

At this moment, Ye Dong realized a little bit.

Save people?

Why save those people?

Because these citizens are being attacked by ghouls.

But what if there are no ghouls in this city?

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